"ally wake up! today is the day! you have to help me get ready!" jules barges into ally's room.

"god, if you walk into a funeral like that the person wouldn't be dead anymore."

"okay, i'll try that at the next one i go to." jules says to her as she pulls the covers off her best friends.

"i'm giving you the outfit so you can get out." ally gets up out of her bed.

"but i need help with my hair ally!" jules whines to her friend.

"ok fine, fine." ally sighs as she grabs the outfit out of her closet.

"i love you." jules says to her playfully.

"yeah, i don't love you." ally says.

"yeah, we know that's a lie. you couldn't live without me."

"ok, yeah, whatever, best friends and shit, go put the outfit on." ally pushes jules out of the room.

"gosh, pushy this morning aren't we?"

"ally you are a mother fucking goddess!" jules yells from her room after she puts on her outfit.

"i know! i told you it was adorable."

"okay do my hair then i have to leave cause i let you sleep longer than i should have."

"okay so what re we thinking?" ally asks while pushing jules into the chair.

"i was thinking just waves, like simple and trying but not really trying you know?"

"wait are you actually trying to get a guy out of this?" ally furrows her brow.

"I mean, i wouldn't be opposed to it. and not for nothing, its not called tinder for no reason." jules explains.

"ok yeah, but its probably all gonna be jokes and stuff."

"yeah, your right." she pauses, "but i still want waves."

"well obviously."

jules walks up to the building and sees all the girls waiting for their turn to swipe. she walks over to a girl who is sitting alone and she sits next to her and sticks her hand out. "hi i'm jules."

"hey i'm amore." she replies while sticking her hand out.

they shake hands and jules starts to speak again, "you are so pretty."

"thank you, so are you! i'm honestly so nervous."

"ya, me too, but they are probably harmless." jules smiles.

"ya, you're right. so where are you from?"

"oh, oxford! how about you?" the blond questions.

"east london."

"oh, its beautiful over there!"

"yeah, to people who don't live over there." amore smiles with a laugh.

"just like every place i suppose."

"ya for sure."

they get into different conversations before amore is called to go up and do the swiping.

"good luck girl, i'm praying for ya." jules makes a praying gesture with her hands.

"ya, okay, im the one who needs praying for." amore teases before going up the stairs.

after a couple minutes, jules is called to go up the stairs. as she does the boy quiet down from their chatter and look at her. she gets a bit nervous seeing all of them watching her. but she walks over and stands on the little feet that were on the floor.

"hi i'm jules, i'm 22, and im from oxford."

"oh oxford!" she hears a booming voice call out and she laughs quietly. she turns to the first boy in line and smiles.

"i'm tobi, i'm 27, and fun fact about me, i have 70 hobbies, 69 and fishing." jules' mouth drops and she laughs as she swipes him to the right. he starts cheering for himself and the others cheer him on aswell.

the next boy steps up and jules smiles at him aswell. "i'm ethan, i'm 25, and i'm no dentist, but i can give you a filling." he states and stares into her eyes. she tilts her head and swipes left.

"you're really cute though!" she calls to him as he walks away.

"then why'd you swipe left?" someone asks her.

"isn't it about the lines?" she asks back.

"it doesn't have to be," ethan says hopefully.

"ahh, go on then." she swipes him to the right. and everyone cheers again.

"hi i'm vikk, i'm 25, and girl you're a 10, on the PH scale, cause you look kind of basic." jules' mouth drops a little as she laughs.

"i wanted a boyfriend anyway, not a son." she says as she swipes left. "go" everyone oohs and ahhs at her, she just laughs as someone was trying to push vikk out of the camera shot.

"hi, my names chunkz, i'm 24 and can you read this." he points to his sweatshirt.

"um, essentials." jules reads out.

"that's what you are to me." he replies.

"aww" she shows him to the right, and everyone seems upset that he has gotten all of the women to swipe right so far.

the next person steps up and jules thinks he is super cute.

"hello, i'm harry, i'm 24 and are you a pickaxe? cause i wanna make you mine." she smiles at him.

"aww you're really cute." she points to the right. harry smiles and puts his fists in the air and walks to the 'yes' side.

the next boy walks up. "i'm KSI." she waits for him to say more and when he doesn't, she looks at him with a furrowed brow.

"um, im sorry, is that supposed to mean something to me?" she moves her hands around in a questioning gesture. the rest of the boys oooh at her but she still looks genuinely confused.

"you know what? nevermind." he walks to the 'no' side and she just shrugs as he walks away.

"my names harry pinero. 079-"

"im sorry, i dont have my phone on me." she says with a small smile.

"oh unlucky" she hears two or three people say.

"so where do we go from here?"

"im not gonna memorize your phone number. so."

"so is it a yes or no for me?"

"uh yes!" she swipes right.

"yes!" all the boys cheer. the next boy steps up.

"hi i'm simon, i'm 27 and are you a toaster? cause i'd love to take a bath with you."

"oh. are you okay?" she swipes to the left. next one comes up.

"hey, i'm filly, i'm 25 and why don't you sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?" jules swipes left and she shakes her head.

"that was so unorginal." she says while laughing.

"ahh i get it, i get it." the last boy steps up.

"hi, i'm josh and i'd let you sit on my face, while wearing this face mask." he holds up a mask.

jules swipes left and shakes her head.

"hey you guys she called all of us cute, she didn't say it to any of you!" ethan calls to them. jules laughs and shakes her head as the producer asked her why she said no to them.

she points to simon, "you said you wanted to take a bath with a toaster, and im kind of worried." she points to filly, "the line was just kind of basic." vikk," you were just rude." and he nods as he says fair. "you were just cocky." she points to JJ. she looks back at the producer and he nods.

she looks at all the boys again and smiles as she walks away.

"thank you!" they all say.

"she was pretty." she hears as she was walking away and she smiles to herself.

