Spy Baby

It's been three days since Todoroki and Bakugo made their deal. Today was the day that Todoroki decided to take the initiative and approach Mina and Shit-I mean Kirishima. Baby Todoroki was walking down the long, never ending halls of the school's campus trying to follow Mina. He leaned against the wall for support. Damn these baby legs!!!! Todoroki cursed in his head. Mina was walking further and further away from him. He had no choice. He didn't want to resort to this, but he couldn't see another option. Todoroki sat on the cold floor and cried, "Miiiiinwa!! Minwa! Bwaaaaa!!" Mina stopped cold in her tracks and slowly turned in Todoroki's direction. When she saw Todoroki crying, she sprinted to him.

"Shoto baby! Are you all right? How long have you been following me?" She asked as she picked the toddler up from the floor and held him in her arms. "What's the matter?"

"Minwa! Minwa!" God this is disgraceful, but, I must endure! "Minwa hahah!" Todoroki played with Mina's hair.

"Aww. your so darn adorable. I could just eat you up!" Mina held Todoroki close to her face. Please stop Mina. "Do you want to come with me Shoto baby?" Todoroki made a giggling noise and hugged Mina. "Haha, I guess I'll take that as a yes then." Mina continued down the halls with Todoroki in her arms. "I have to go meet Kirishima, are you sure you still want to come with?" Todoroki stared at her blankly. "That's right, you're a baby. You have no idea what I'm even saying do you?"

Todoroki's only response was "Minwa!"

A couple minutes latter, Mina was standing in the hall with Kirishima. They were hidden behind a corner by the bathrooms. "Why is Todoroki with you?" Asked Kirishima.

"Oh, this guy? Shoto Baby wanted to come with. Don't worry, he doesn't understand a thing I'm saying. Isn't that right Shoto Baby?" She nuzzled her face in Todoroki's neck.

"Uwa?" Todoroki made a confused face.

"See, he doesn't know what's happening. Your safe." Mina assured Kirishima.

"Well, alright. If you say so." Here we go. . . "So you know what we talked about a couple days ago? Well, I'm not so sure about it anymore. He is always yelling and never listens to anything I have to say." He had to be talking about Bakugo, I mean, who else would act in such a disgraceful manner?

"Come on Kiri! It may be scary, with there being a real chance your face could be blown off and all-"

"Geeze, thanks Mina."

"But you have to do it! If you don't, then you will just end up regretting it for the rest of your life."

"Thanks Mina."

"No problem. So when are you going to do it?"

Kirishima rubbed his neck shyly. "That was sarcastic, never mind. I don't know. When the mood is right I guess? I'm thinking of inviting him over to my room in a couple days to hang out. Maybe then?"

"Good, good. God! I can't believe you're finally going to ask Bakugo out! Yes, finally!"

Todoroki's mouth fell open.

Edit: I forgot this earlier, but a big thanks to Banana_Boat_24601 for the idea of Mina carrying Shoto. I was stumped and when I read their comment it really helped out! Thanks!
