Chapter TwentyOne

Quin P.O.V

Ive been here for three days So I guess JM believed the video.....

I'm not complaining though beacuse its not like the kidnapper treating me like a hostage I'm in a nice room, He gets me whatever I want, and he's gonna show me who he is Today So its not all bad.

I got hungry so I walked downstairs. Yall proably thinking if you can walk downstairs run out the fucking door. There wired I tried twice.

"Wheres my pizza?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"It should be here soon ma" he said laughing.

I just let his voice replay in my head over and over again but Its still not ringing a bell.

"Ma Ma I just called you like three times why the fuck you ignoring me?" He semi yells.

"Oh my bad I was thinking about something so when are you gonna show me who you are?" I ask

"Later Tonight But just know that I-"

He was cut off when the door bell was rung. He turned of the wired door so he could touch it then he got my pizza and paid the man.

"Here" he said handing me my pizza, Wings and cinomin sticks.

I smiled "Thanks"

"So about me killing Your dad-" I cut him off.

"I dont want to hear it" I said eating a wing and holding back tears.

"Yeah but you gone listen I'm the leader of HBG but theres someone over me she just doesnt show her face. Just like JM is the leader of HG when your dad isnt there anyways the boss told me I had to do it but it wasnt my intention to kill your dad." He said giving me a look of sympathy through the mask.

"Then why did you say you'll kill JM just like you killed my dad?" I asked confused.

"Bosses orders I have to act ruthless." He said taking a slice of my pizza.

"Take another pizza and ill slit your throat." I threatend I dont play about my food.

"You crazy but Let me order me some pizza then" he says laughing.

Dj P.O.V.

"Man where Quin at? I aint seen bestfriend in awhile" I say to JM while passing him a blunt.

"She got kidnapped by Thoes HBG Niggas like three days ago" he said hitting the blunt.

"The fuck you mean she got kidnapped why the fuck you just sitting around" I yell standing up.

"Because she planned the kidnapp to be with the nigga"

"The fuck? Nah that dont sound right something wrong and your stupid ass gone believe it I'm out" I said dapping him up before walking out his house. I'm finna hit up white boy and the gang we finna go get bestfriend.

Quin P.O.V.

This nigga so funny I dont know why I feel so comfrotable around him When he kidnapped me.

I got his beats pill and put on Back up off me By dej loaf. Thats my shit. I started singing along.

"Yah yah bitches back up off me

you dont know me I'm to clean I'm to holy Bitch I'm Godly.

I only go for real nigga who dont brag bout what they bought me.

Cause they know I got a bag gotta fuck me up some commas.

If I fuck and make you Cum You gotta promise not to stress me

dont be blowing up my phone and dont be leaving voice messages.

He said I can do you right I do you better than Your ex's

I told that nigga To stop it he was talking out his necklace."

"You all into the song" he said laughing.

"This my shit"

"I wanna show you who I am Now" he said smiling.

"Ok I'm waiting"

He took off his mask and I gasped.

"Marcus!" I screamed (A/N Remember marcus Quins ex from Chapter Ten)

"How could you?" I said crying "You killed my dad"

"I didnt want to it was either I take him out or I was gonna die" he said giving me a look of remorse.

"That doesnt make it any better why did you even join this gang?" I asked wiping my face.

"I found out your dad was the leader of HBG when I moved down here two years ago. I wanted to join the gang for the fast money but Your dad wouldnt let me, He said it was too dangerious and that I could get killed. Then one day I was walking on the corner and I met this lady she knew me but I didnt know her which was weird.. Now that I think about it You favor her Alot...Anyways she said she wanted me to be the leader of her gang called HBG. I took the offer because it was alot of fast money and I needed it.. I soon realized that she was after you and your dad I dont know why But she is, So I wanted out but she said she'd kill me if I left the gang. The time I saw you at Ihop wasnt an accident she was watching and had me go there Then she made me kill your dad.. I'm really sorry" he said with tears coming down his face.

I wiped his tears and we just stared at eachother Then we got closer and closer to eachother then.

Bang bang bang


"Dj?" I asked

"Hey bestfriend, Oh so this the fuck nigga that kidnapped you Dj said pointing his gun at marcus.

"Baby girl are you ok?" Some man said walking up to me.

WAIT, I rubbed my eyes then looked again.



▪bossman back yasss.
▪Dj Mvp.
▪who been stalking Quin and bossman?.
