Chapter ThirtyFour

Nadia P.O.V.

I Lost my virginity to Jacob and I'm so happy. Yes we used a condom.

Now we in the mall getting some matching jordans.

"Bae you like these?" He asks showing me some black and blue jordans.

"Yeah They cute" I say smiling. I'll agree with anything he says I love this boy.

"Wassup baby" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and see Barry with a smirk on his face that makes me uncomfrotable.

"Jacob" I semi yell.

"Whats wron- who is this?" Jacob asks looking Barry up and down.

Jacob P.O.V.

"My ex" Nadia says I can feel her tense up.

"Your ex? You werent saying that two days ago" The nigga says smirking

"Baby I-" I cut her off

"Its ok baby I know he lien cause you were laying in my bed two days ago...Try again homeboy" I say grabbing nadias hand so we can finsish shoe shopping.

Quin P.O.V.

I think john needs help so Today I'm taking him to see a psychiatrist. He thinks we going to a doctors appointment for the baby though.

"This hospitial looks diffrent." John says looking out the window.

"Um yeah" I say trying to avoid telling him until we get in. Dj waiting in the mental hospital to back me up because he agrees that john needs help.

We walk into the hospital and John spots dj "what you doing here? Dont tell me you got somebody pregnant" John says laughing.

"I wrap my shit up twice." Dj replies laughing "But nah I'm here for something else."

"John'Micheal Bryant" The psychiatrist dr.johnson says.

"Why they called my name when you the one preganat?" John asks looking confused.

"Umm I put you down this time I got um- bad credit" I say mumbling that last part.

"iight lets go then" John says getting up.

We all walk into the office and take seats. "Why doesnt this look like a regular Hospital?" John asks me.

"Its for you John this is a mental health expert You need help man" Dj says before I could answer.

John looks at the both of us and snaps.

"Yall got me so fucked up" John yells getting up but Dj is standing infront of the door.

"Get the fuck out my way" John yells at Dj.

"Nah I'm good doc yall got food here?" Dj asks

"No Sorry" the doctor says laughing she been giving Dj looks like she want him since we got here.

"Damn man" Dj says. I figured he would want food so I made him some sandwiches.

"Here dj" I say pulling the sandwich bag out my purse.

"When bestfriend come in Clutch" Dj says catching the sandwhiches.

"Dj I'm gone say this one more time Get the fuck out my way" John says clinching his jaw.

"And I'm gone say this one more time...Nah I'm good." Dj says eating the sandwich.

John punches Dj dead in the face causing dj to drop his sandwhich.

"Oh My God" The doctor screams pushing a button I'm guessing for sercurity.

"I know you didnt just make me drop my food" dj says feeling his busted lip.

"Get the fuck out my way" John says again this time more calmly... Hmm

"Ok" Dj says moving. John touches the door knob. "Sike" Dj yells tackling John, John punches dj again and they start Fighting.

"STOP" I yell trying not to get hit.

Sercurity walks in and breaks them up.

"Fuck you" John yells spitting on dj.

Dj tries to get to John again but the guards stop him.

"The fuck wrong with you nigga I was just trying to help your mentally insane ass and you do this shit Nigga fuck you too This the end of our fucking friendship too I'm done associating with your crazy ass on everything" Dj yells clinching his jaw.

"I dont need yo bitch ass I dont need Nobody" John yells back spitting on Dj again. Dj breaks from the guard and punches John right in his jaw before the guards grabbed them again.

"We been friends since birth and you do this?, I WAS THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOUR PARENTS DIED.. Damn that just shows you cant trust nobody" Dj says shaking his head. He picks up his sandwhich and walks out. I have never seen Dj so mad.

The other guard asscorts john out. Now its just me and the Doctor.

"I know this is not a good time and really inapropriate, But does um Dj have a girlfriend?" She asks shyly.

I smile and shake my head no "heres his number" I say getting a pen and peice paper to right it down.

"Thanks" she says smiling.

"No problem thanks for trying to help I just wish this had went better." I say hugging her before leaving.

I get to my car to see John waiting by it. I forgot I was his ride.

I unlock the doors and we both get in. Once I start the car up John burts Into laughter. I look at him crazy because he real deal laughing. Then the next second his face goes to a mad expression.

"If you ever pull some shit like this again I will kill you understood?" He asks clinching his jaw.

"Understood" I say scared as fuck He really needs help something aint right in his head.


▪barry thought Lmao
▪Dj Got pissed
▪whats wrong with John?
▪Boring I know but I promise the next chapter gone be good XOXO
