"You're here now. With me. Not Jacob. Not Liam. Me."

I had fallen asleep on the sofa again, while Harry and Avery did in the bedroom. I didn't mind Avery's attachment to Harry, as long as he was fine with it. After the previous fiasco, I was sure he was.

I was awoken from my sleep when I heard three taps on the door, and suddenly my heart sunk with fear. Was it Jacob? Again? Deciding against awaking Harry, I timidly advanced toward the door. I grabbed ahold of a pot on the kitchen counter, and held it in front of me for protection.

When I tentatively opened the door, the last thing I expected was Liam Payne embracing me in a huge hug.

"Liam! What the hell are you doing here? How did you-"

"Niall," he whispered. "Niall told me everything. God, Taylor, when I found out what happened with your husband... it was all my fault! My stupid revenge plan got you into this mess!"

"No, it's not your fault. It's better I found out sooner," I whispered back, softly. Liam still held me in his embrace, and while it was an awkward thought, the hug was comforting. Brotherly.

"Taylor," another voice, Harry's voice, called. He walked out of his bedroom, groggily rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. When he turned to look at us, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Hello Harry," Liam greeted tentatively. "It's been a while."

I could sense the bitterness in his voice. Harry disappeared after graduation. Liam was heartbroken, as I recalled. He had called, texted, and emailed. Harry's parents had no idea where he was, but set off for England themselves soon after Harry's departure.

"It sure has been," Harry replied. He watched us carefully, and it took seconds for me to realize that Liam and I were still wrapped up in each other's arms.

"I just came to check up on Ken... Taylor. I didn't realize the time. I'm still jet-lagged," he explained, more to me than Harry. The two boys- men- didn't make eye contact.

"Well... do you have any sleeping arrangements?" I asked, receiving a nod in response. "Then come by tomorrow, around lunchtime maybe? Avery misses you lot."

Liam nodded again, giving me a warm smile. He turned to Harry and gave a swift nod, before walking out the door once again, closing it behind him.

I locked the door as he left. I turned to face Harry, but his gaze was locked toward where Liam was standing. I decided to leave him to his thoughts, and started to exit the area.

"You know," Harry said suddenly, stopping me in my tracks. "The moments you pretended to be his wife were the worst for me."

"Harry, I-"

"To think, my best friend, whom I never paid any attention to before, snatched up the love of my life. It's not pleasant."

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't know how he convinced me to pretend. That night was probably the worst of my life," I looked at him intently. "Liam missed you, Harry. You leaving unexpectedly confirmed his fears that you never really cared for him. He's not that bad, honestly. And this is coming from me."

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, I never really did expect that."

I smiled back at him. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It doesn't matter anymore anyway. You're here now. With me. Not Jacob. Not Liam. Me."
