"I'm Harry."

"Avery, time for breakfast," I called my five-year old daughter from the kitchen. "Hurry, you don't want to be late!"

"Morning beautiful," my husband, Jacob, greeted. He pulled open his chair and sat down, grabbing a piece of the French toast I made off of the breakfast table. "I have to say, I've been blessed with the most wonderful wife to cook for me."

I smiled at him appreciatively, before my eyes wandered to the vacant seat at the table. "Avery!"

"Coming," she yelled back, skipping down the stairs. "Sorry, Mama," she apologized affectionately. I was so exhausted, I didn't even bother to scold her.

My eyes fluttered to large suitcase ready in front of the door. "Daddy's going away for a bit, don't you want to say goodbye?" I asked my daughter, who was slurping loudly on her orange juice. 

She shrugged and put down her glass, proceeding to pick at her pancake with a small fork. I shook my head, and snuck a glance at Jacob, who wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I best get going then," he announced. He picked up his briefcase which was lounging on the chair next to him and started walking towards his luggage.

I cleared my throat and he stopped in his tracks. He turned around and smiled sheepishly, before taking long strides over to me. He pressed a short kiss on my cheek, and proceeded to do the same with Avery. Soon, he checked the time, yelled goodbye for the last time, and sprinted outside.

"Mommy," Avery said, speaking up after several moments of uncomfortable silence.

I hummed in response, my mind drifting off to Jacob and his abrupt and detached goodbye. Avery took the opportunity to speak again. "I'm in love."

I choked on my hot coffee, and turned to face my five-year old daughter. "What?"

"It's true, Mom. There's a boy and he's in my class and he told me he loved me!"

I stared at her in disbelief, before regaining composure. "Sometimes they just say that. Believe me, I know."

"When did you start loving daddy?" I raised my eyebrows at her question. I wasn't prepared to talk about love with her at the tender age of five.

"When we were in college," I responded, not thinking much of it and hoping it would keep Avery quiet.

"Did you love anyone before him?" Of course she wouldn't stop there. Good thing lying (for the sake of their children) came naturally to a mother. 

But I couldn't, not about what she had asked me. My heart nearly skipped a beat. My eyes widened. My grip on my glass tightened. "Mom?" Avery's voice snapped me out of my trance. I cringed internally and looked at her carefully before answering her question.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, as nonchalant as possible.

"What was his name?"

"I-I don't remember," I whispered.

"C'mon please," she begged.

I stared into her eyes and groaned. "Fine! His name was Harry," I snapped. She raised her eyebrows expectantly, and I shook my head exasperatedly. "Harry Styles. There... happy?"

"Tell me about him," she said. I felt my heart sink into my stomach as she said those words, and I closed my eyes. Before I allowed my reluctance to overtake me, I took a deep breath and started to speak.

Harry Styles. The most popular guy in school. Everyone had their eye on him. Even I did. But with the hundreds of girls he could choose from, why me? As I sat in math class, tapping my pencil against my notebook, I thought about him and his green eyes. His curly hair, and his dimpled smile. God, he was so... yummy.

He walked in the room, heading towards his usual seat. I watched him carefully, as well as the reactions of the people around him. Suddenly, his head snapped up and we made eye contact. I blushed and looked at the floor, trying to memorize the pattern on my shoes. I sensed footsteps walking in my direction, and then my figure was covered, almost protectively, with a shadow. "May I sit here?" His raspy, British tone never failed to amaze me, and despite the snickers that could be heard from a mile away, I couldn't help but scoot over. He smirked, satisfied.

"Nice shoes," he commented, as heat rushed to my cheeks again. "I'm Harry."

"Taylor. Taylor Kennedy." I hated the fact that he didn't know who I was, but it's okay. He was talking to me right now, and that's all that matters.

"Nice to meet you, Taylor," Harry said, averting his attention to the front of the room. My heart was beating so rapidly that I was scared that he would be able to hear it. For the rest of the class period that day, I was sneaking glances at the British boy next to me who was passing notes, doodling, and maybe even sneaking glances at me.

"Wow, Mom. Where is he now?" Avery asked.

I smiled sadly. The curious glint in Avery's eyes changed my original response to her question. "We'll just have to see, won't we? When I finish the story," I said, teasingly.

Avery's eyes were as wide as saucers, causing me to giggle. She gulped down her orange juice, picked up her bag, and pulled me out of my chair. We walked together to the bus stop. I knelt down, and she kissed my cheek before skipping off, waving cheerfully to the driver. I watched as the bus drove off, as the conversation between my daughter and I replayed in my head. She asked me about my first love. The one no one could never forget.

I violently shook my head and went to pick up the mail. Opening the mailbox, I was greeted with magazines, bills, and coupons. But one thing caught my eye. A small envelope, with cursive handwriting on the front, addressed to me. I opened it gently and the contents surprised me. It was an invitation.

Taylor Kennedy, you are cordially invited to the Ridgeway High School Class of '05 reunion party. Meet your former classmates, and see what they've been up to in the last ten years!

I rolled my eyes at the cliché party invitation. My eyes travelled down to the bottom of the paper, which had the date, one week from now, and one special message.

Feel free to bring your families along as well! See you there!

~Principal Douglas Gregory

Jacob wouldn't be here for this. But I could take Avery? And I'm sure my best friend Olivia would love to come. I couldn't believe that I was actually thinking of going. It was my past.

I should still go. What are the chances that he was going to be there?

Very slim, so why not?


new story!

i wasn't planning on doing another one, but why not?

yes, ik harry wasn't 18 in 2005. but this is an au, and i didn't want it to take place in the future, so. harry and taylor were both born in 1987 btw

cast up, at least with the characters relevant now.

thanks for reading lovelies!

