Chapter 3. It's a great day for ramen

(Naruto's P.O.V) 6:00 A.M.
I woke up to running water in the sink. "Hey Sasuke, why are you up so early? Classes don't start until 8:30." My usual time to get up is at 7:00. "Well since you're asking dobe, I like to stretch in the morning." Sasuke stated with the same annoyed tone as always. "Why do you always call me that name? 'Dobe' or whatever." I said out of irritation and curiosity. "Because you are a dobe. No need for further explanation. And if you want me to stop calling you that than prove to me that you're not a dobe." Sasuke poked his head from the bathroom to emphasize his statement.

"Your so mean to me." I pouted as I stuck my head under my pillow. Sasuke then walked out of the bathroom in black joggers and a white t-shirt. "Thanks!" Sasuke giggled sarcastically.
"By the way you're not going to see me until 4 unless we have a class together or something. And we will be going to that ramen place at 7, got it?" Sasuke stared at me like I was the biggest baka in the world. I began to doze off while he was in his last word.

(Sasuke's P.O.V)

~Phone Call With Itachi~
Sasuke: Yea... so about Naruto, what's your thoughts about him?
Itachi: He seems chill. Something i've never seen before, especially those eyes.
Sasuke: Yea his eyes are amazing, but I don't know how to feel about him yet since we don't really know eachother.
Sasuke: Uh what?
Itachi: I can tell that you two will be come great friends someday. :>
Sasuke: I swear you scare me sometimes.
Itachi: Well that's what big brothers do. Oh and gotta go little brother, got a interview with Dr. Jiraiya.
Sasuke: Oh off set could you tell him I said hello. Wait you know what, do it on live TV cause I want people to hear my name.
Itachi: Ok bye little brother. *little annoyed*

~First Period~

(Naruto's P.O.V)
Oh no, first class of my college life. My teacher is Mr.Kakashi. He seems like a very straight to the point person. And the amount of enthusiasm he has is just 'perfect'. *sarcasm there if you didn't catch that* As I look around the room I don't see Sasuke anywhere and I sorta feel disappointed. "Obito U., Rin N.,
Neji H., Hinata H..." The teacher began calling out all of our names. "Naruto U." "Im here!"
"Sasu-" The teacher was cut off. "Im here sir, I just had to deal with fan girls." Sasuke said arrogantly. As the Uchiha scanned the room he found me around the middle of the rows where we weren't too close to the teacher, yet too far. He sat next to me quickly once he saw me.
"Won't see me till 4 huh?" I joked around with him. "Be quiet-" He stopped as I winced waiting for the painful word. "-Naruto." I blinked twice realizing what he just said. My heart skipped a beat. "Thanks." A blush appeared on my face as I stared at him.
"Ok class why don't we take a minute to introduce ourselves then we can get into our first lesson." Mr.Kakashi states as he leaned back in his chair.

~Lunch Time Naruto's P.O.V~

I gripped my container of ramen as I grew nervous of who to sit next to. There's no sign of Sasuke anywhere... oh no. My hands began to shake a little until I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Itachi. I could feel myself calming down. "Hey, you alright?" Itachi seemed so concerned."Y-yea... I just don't have anyone to sit-" A group of screaming girls and camera flashed cut me off. "It's Itachi Uchiha! He's so hot!" Itachi then grabbed my hand and directed me out the building. My face began to feel warm. Am I blushing?

Once we were outside the raven pushed me into his expensive car and drove off. "Itachi what are you doing?! I have to get back before lunch ends!" I didn't want to bang on the windows because I knew then Itachi would've  killed me. "Don't worry, I'm just keeping you out of harms way. You don't seem like you're ready for the paparazzi or crowd yet."
"What do you mean?" My voice had an offended tone to it. "Well... what I'm trying to say is... uh it's better if I don't say it." Now I really wanted to know. "No tell me!" He concentrated on the road. "What I'm trying to say is, you're young to the world of fame."
*ring... ring... ring... ri-*

~Phone Convo Between Sasuke and Itachi~

Sasuke: Hello big brother
Itachi: Hey... why aren't you at school right now?
Sasuke:Well I was thinking about going to that ramen place with Naruto for lunch, but I can't find him anywhere.
Naruto: Hey Sasuke! Thats so cool of you to do something like that.
Sasuke: Uh why are you in my brother's car?
Naruto: Well a group of girls were going to attack us if we didn't leave, so Itachi saved me by driving us away.
Itachi: Heh... sorry Sasuke... maybe next time? *sweatdrop*
Sasuke: No! I cleared my schedule for this and I am not going to regret it.
Naruto & Itachi: WHAT?!
Naruto: Thank you so much! I will be there very soon! Bye!

(Naruto's P.O.V)
As me and Itachi pull up to the front of the building we heard the bell ring. "Shit. Sasuke's going to get so angry with me!" I rushed into the school only to be encountered by Sasuke. He yanked me down the hallway to our next class. "But we don't have the same schedule, don't take me to your classes." I tried to tug away but he was too strong. "Yes we do, I saw your schedule earlier this morning. Now lets go to class... you dobe." My heart began to hurt. "Yes sir. By the way I am sorry too." I tried to make him not angry with me. "Yeah whatever."

~After School~

I twirled my fingers waiting for Sasuke to get out the bathroom. My outfit for the occasion is a orange shirt and dark grey joggers.
*sniff sniff* Oh I forgot to put on my 'smell goods'. I pressed my ear against Sasuke's bathroom door to see if he was still in there since I didn't hear anything. There was no response so I just walked in. "OH GOD SASUKE! SORRY!" I grabbed my cologne and left. Why did I have to leave my stuff in his bathroom? My face was tomato red. All I could see was his... his dick. It's... HUGE! I never knew anyone could be that perfect?! Woah what the hell did I just say? Whatever... I will talk to him about it later tonight I guess.

The Uchiha walked out of the bathroom arrogantly. He had a tight black sweater on and baggy joggers. Haha joggers are our go-to outifts. My lower region began to feel uncomfortable and stiff like. Fuck, that damn Uchiha and his good looks. He walked by me to get his keys. He smells so good.
I just stared at him as he walked towards the door. "You coming or no? I didn't get all dressed up for nothing." He slyly smirked.
"Uh.. yea im coming sir." When did I start calling him that? "And why you keep staring at me like that? Liked what you saw?" He winked as he began walking out the door. "I didn't like what I saw... I loved what I saw." I whispered to myself.

Sasuke strutted to his black Ferrari. I was scared to even be close to it. "Get in." He stated. I sat down and we both looked at eachother in silence for a couple of seconds.
I gave him the directions to Ichiraku's. "So, why do you keep calling me sir by the way?" He questioned while driving. "I dunno, I'm probably gonna call you that for now on." I just gazed at the cool night sky. I blew my breath into the night sky as 'smoke' followed. "I kinda like that name. Sir. Ha yea only you will call me that." I nodded to the statement. We arrived at Ichiraku's and immediately girls and cameras began to flood around us. "Did you make a reservation?" He smirked attempting to hold back his anger. His eyes turned blood red with black curved dots around his pupil. Its his Sharingan. My heart began to melt as I saw that. Girls began to squeal to the point only dogs could hear them.

Sasuke only awakens his Sharingan when he's really angry or annoyed. He grabbed my arm and rushed us into the restaurant.
