

We slipped into a four seat booth on the train. Kya and I sat on one side and Johnny sat facing us. It was a bit of an unspoken agreement we were now travelling together.

We chatted more then, and I found out a bit about him. The band he was in, the music he liked. He told me he was a guitarist, and I told him I loved guitars. We chatted about that for a bit. Kya piped up every now and again with details about stories, especially about our dad. He taught us both how to play guitar. He used to be a guitar tech, you see. So he knew lots about them, and obviously we did too because of him.

I honestly had never seen anyone's eyes light up the way Bondy's did when I told him about our dad. Told him about the guitars. Told him I loved to play.

"Wouldn't have expected that from two lasses like yous." He laughed, we were apparently full of surprises.

Old biddies shunned him as they walked past, thinking we were little girls and he was some sort of predator. In actual fact, he was only about four years older than us, but it was funny all the same.


I sat across from the two lasses on the train. I took a minute to really question my choices. I wasn't usually the kind to strike up conversations with strangers, let alone two young things. They were pretty interesting though, I liked them. So maybe I should consider doing it more often.

The more we talked, the more fond I became of the two of them. They told me about their old man, told me he was a guitar tech, and how they loved to play. They matched me on their knowledge of guitars, and Persia seemed perfectly happy to blabber on about her collection all day. She truly had a passion for them, that was rare to come by, especially for someone so young.

The train journey was a million times better than it would've been if I'd have been on my todd. I was more than alright to chat about guitars until the cows came home, so it was a nice treat to be able to chat to the two of them about it, because they knew what I was on about. Most of the time you get girls that couldn't even tell you the name of a guitarist in a band, let alone argue with you about which guitar is the best. But these girls gushed about music, like it was their sole passion in life.

"Do the two of you play for a living?" I ask, quite curious.

"Nah, we gave that up a while ago. We used to have a little band in secondary school, with a lead singer and a drummer." Persia said, reminiscing inside her head.

"See the thing is, neither of us can sing very well, so we can't do it on our own. But our lead singer is a model now an' our drummer's gone off to college." Kya added, clearly the two of them were bummed out about not being able to play anymore.

It was a pity. The two of them seemed like they'd love to do a few gigs. But you can't just play guitar for an hour without having a singer and a bit of drums, so I could see why they packed it in.

"We were rubbish anyway." Persia laughs. "Like proper tripe, we didn't even have a proper name."

"Maybe someday, we'll all meet up and have a reunion gig and you can come along, yeah?" Kya asks me.

"As long as I don't have to pay, wouldn't fancy splashing cash for a band without a name." I joke and the two of them laugh.

Not long later, it was almost time to get off. Persia and I exchanged numbers and I told her I'd text her the address of the gig.

"Don't worry mate, we'll be there." She pats me on the back as we get off at the station.

"Good, well it was lovely to meet youse." I nod to them as we depart and Kya waves back. I take off up the stairs and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Van was calling.

"Bondy! Where are you man?" He asks worried.

"Cardiff station. Weird kind of day, I'll be round soon, don't twist your knickers, yeah?"

"I don't care if you saw fucking Queen Elizabeth on a pony today, you're going to be late and it took me forever to get us booked here. So no, I'd like to keep my knickers twisted."

The two of us laughed. I decided to get a cab to get Van off my back. Persia reminded me a bit of Van, just with the way she said things, done things, went about things. I think the two of them would get on.

I hung up the phone and stuck my arm out for a taxi. I wasn't going to be late, because I wanted to see if the two lasses would show. I was hoping they would.
