

"So wait, you're telling me you met two lasses at the train station and they gave you a pasty?" Larry laughed, shaking his head as if I was joking.

"And they weren't eighty?" Bob added, adding on to the joke.

"You're right funny lads, but all I say is true. And I invited them to come tonight." I told them.

"Well I'll make sure not to turn the speakers up too loud in case they interfere with their hearing aids." Larry laughed, getting up. He patted me on the back. Just wait 'til he meets them. They're right up his alley, young, pretty and into guitars.

I looked out from the room we were in out into the lounge of the bar we were set to play in. No sign of the two of them. I decided to go out for a smoke and called Van to come with. He came running over.

We opened the door and the cold evening air hit us like a smack in the face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two figures leaned up against the wall a few feet up. One with wavy dark hair and a pair of platform shoes, the other was white blonde and shoving a bag of chips down her gob. The both of them holding skinny cigarettes in their left hand. From observing them on the train, I realised they were twins, they looked quite similar, other than the difference in hair colour. Kya was naturally blonde and so was Persia, but she dyed her hair dark so people could tell the difference between the two of them.

"Van, come on over here, these are the girls I was talking about." I beckoned him over to them.

"Great, can't wait to meet Margaret and Helen, hopefully they've a few humbugs and a handkerchief." He joked, clearly he had been talking to Larry.

"Lassies!" I called them and both their heads shot up. The two of them smiled at me.

"Alright Bondy? Told you we'd come." Persia said cheerfully.

Van did a double take beside me.

"These are the pasty girls? Christ, I didn't expect them to be under fifty!" Van laughed and the two girls laughed too, clearly getting the joke.

"So, why don't you introduce us all?" Van asked, eyeing the two of them up. He was clearly impressed by them. They were similar to girls he'd had a thing with in the past, with their long hair and porcelain skin, thin little frames and dark clothes. Very young looking, too young for me to find anything more than friendship in, and even that was a little strange.

"This is Van, lead singer of the band." I say, gesturing him. Then I looked to Persia.

"Van, this is Persia." I moved my gaze across. "And this is Kya." Kya smiled through a mouth full of chips and waved.

"Nice to meet you both, hope Bondy didn't bore you to death on the train today." He chuckled.

"Quite the opposite, actually." I piped up. "Both the girls love guitars, their dad was a guitar tech back in the day, they know all there is to know about them."

The girls shook me off, saying I was exaggerating, but I was genuinely taken aback by their knowledge.

"Wicked." Van said. Then we had to go, because we had to play.

"See you both after the gig then?" Can winked at them.

"Sure." Persia replied, stubbing out her fag. She was completely unswayed by him, and I knew that would drive Van up the wall. It was good for him though, kept him on his toes.

We went back inside then. Ready to set up and start playing.

"I like them, Bondy. 'Specially the one with the dark hair. Thanks for bringing them." Van smiles at me, a mischievous smile. He was a funny lad.


Kya and I came in out of the cold and sat at a table to wait for the boys to start playing.

"What you think of Van then?" Kya questioned. "Think he has a thing for ya?" She sniggers. I shake my head and laugh.

"He's like every lead singer in a band ever, charming as fuck and able to wink. I'm sure he does it to every girl he meets." I say. Because part of me knows it's true.

"Ah, you never know, sis. Don't be judging fella's by their winks, yeah?" She digs her bony elbow into my ribs jokingly.

"You know, if he thinks I'm hot then he thinks you are too." I laugh. Because we look pretty much exactly the same, even our height is practically the same, were both built the same way too, absolutely scrawny with massive tits. Our only decent attribute, without my two globes I could pass for a boy, I had no curves whatsoever. The only thing people use to tell us apart is our hair, because I think I make a much better brunette than a blonde.

"Well isn't it lucky that he saw you first, then?" My sister chuckles.

"I'm not sure you can call something like that lucky."

We were quite lucky as a pair, as a family. Christ, we won the fucking lottery! Not the jackpot, but still, we won a decent sum of money. And apparently you're more likely to be ht by lightening then win the lottery, so clearly we had something going for us.

"Maybe just pull down your top and give him a gawk of your tits, he's bound to like you then."

I slapped my sister. "Fucking hell, Kya. Your mind is rolling towards the gutter, I suggest you fish it out before you say something really dirty."
