My Room

They say: Your room is a mess.
I say: You should look at my life.

My mom: You should clean your rooms. Guests are coming.
Me: Oh, I didn't realise we are having a meeting in my room. Okay!

My mom: Clean your room!
Me: It is clean!
My mom: Then why is everything on the floor?
Me: Gravity Mon, gravity!

My mom: Clean your room!
Me: It is clean!
My mom: But everything is on the floor!
Me: Oh this? Mom, this is an obstacle course designed to keep me fit.

My mom: Clean your room!
Me: It is clean!
My mom: But everything is on the floor!
Me: Oh this? Mom, this is just in case some intruder comes in my room. He'll probably trip over something and die. Look at those legos over their. The best protection ever.
