
Waking up to the smell of burnt food wasn't a pleasant way to wake up in the morning. Penny rushed out of her bed making her trip on her sheets in the process as she realized the small black fog starting to creep in.

Getting back up in action Penny ran down the steps only covering her mouth. As she was now a hostage to the fog and could not see clearly.

Fear struck Penny hard as she thought a fire was happening. Making her way into the kitchen while swatting the air Penny finds her mom trying to cook food still.

Penny threw the back door open along with the windows hoping to get the smell and smoke out of the house.

Seeing it was slowly clearing up Penny grabbed the hot pan from her mom and threw the food away.

Chrissy was high as a kite. Not realizing what damage she was actually causing in the real world. All Chrissy could see was funky looking troll characters dancing around and colorful swirls swarming her sight.

Snapping her fingers in front of her mom Penny realized her mom wasn't in the right mind. Quickly smelling her mother Penny smelled nothing but the perfume she always wore that smelt like cinnamon.

Chrissy started to fall one way as she thought she was dancing with the characters in her head. But it made her look like she was swatting at flies or bees in the air. Taking her mother by the elbow Penny led her to the couch and forced her to lie down.

She threw a blanket over Chrissy as she was smiling like a lunatic and trying to dance once again.

Penny turned the fans on in the kitchen and living room so it'll help the circulation of the air.

Looking at the stove Penny could see it was noon and wondered why Jake hasn't tried to call or text her at all about his "date".

Seeing her house a mess Penny decided to clean the whole house while her mom was finally passed out on the couch from whatever she was on.

Penny made sure to check if she was still breathing which she was, luckily. Penny cleaned the kitchen, both bathrooms, bedrooms, living room, garage, shed, and even the basement.

Checking the time once again Penny found it to be 5 a clock and was defiantly confused now.

Pulling out her phone Penny called Jake.

ring. ring. ring. ring.

"Hey it's Jake sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now. Penny is being annoying like always but leave a message after the beep"

"Jake you shit turd!"


Penny's eyes watered with tears as she was worried for her friend.

" Hey Jake it's Penny. I was wondering how last night went for you. Uh give me a call back as soon as you can thanks!" Hanging up the phone felt weird for Penny.

She didn't like how Jake wasn't answering his phone all of sudden. Surely he was up by now since it was 5 and he doesn't work on weekends. So what else could he be doing?

Rolling her eyes Penny sat her phone down as she could hear the birds chirping. Letting a small smile cross her face Penny stepped outside into the world she had grown to love. Her nature world.

Penny made sure to shut the door behind her quietly so she didn't wake her mother up and went exploring into the forest.

Penny walked over roots and climbed over fallen trees as she decided to adventure a new part in the woods. Not caring where it takes her Penny let the birds chirping ahead lead her way.

When Penny made it to a small clearing up ahead she made sure to tighten her jacket around her as she was getting closer to the edge of what looks to be a small valley in between the two lands. A small river flowed through the little split below her feet.

A small chirp was heard as a sparrow flew right by her face and out in front of her. The small brown bird had been following Penny once she entered the forest. She smiled at the bird and held out her two fingers letting the bird land on.

"Why hello little bird, were you following me?" Penny asked the bird as she pet it's head with her index finger.

"Why yes I was. I got lonely flying around until I saw you." The bird chirped back not expecting Penny to actually be able to hear it. Except the bird was wrong, Penny was able to stand every word it has said to her.

Penny's eyes flew open wide and her mouth flew open as she just heard the sparrow speak. Penny was frozen in her spot not wanting to believe that the small brid had actually spoke fluently to her.

"D-Did you just t-talk?" Penny asked the bird questionably. Penny's breathing started to pick up a bit as she feared the bird would talk again.

The sparrow looked at the blonde hair human girl as she had the look of terrified on her face.

"You can hear me?," The sparrow questioned the girl as she nodded her head slowly, "Well sista let me tell you about what your kind has done to my home."

Penny's scream was heard all over the forest as she bolted away from the bird. A nightmare. This has to be a nightmare. Penny spoke to herself as she was currently running away from when she saw the sparrow.

Slowly coming to a hill she could see a pack of wolves standing before her as she pressed her body towards the ground making her invisible with the tall grass surrounding her.

"Jake don't let your anger control you." Sam told his new packmember hoping to keep the boy under control .

"Jake just think about something peaceful! You don't want to hurt anyone." Embry's voice was heard as Penny watched the wolves look at a deep rusty brown wolf that look to be in pain.

"It hurts. My body hurts. Agh!" Jake groaned in pain as his bones were finally done cracking.

Penny's mind wasn't concentrating as it was going insane making her head hurt more. Standing straight up without realizing it, Penny took steps towards the small pack of wolves as they turned their head to the small noise of leaves and twigs snapping.

They were surprise to see Penny. They didn't know what to do as they all froze not wanting to scare her. Except Penny was walking forward as she felt like she was going crazy. Standing only a few feet away from the pack of wolves never really progressed through her head as she stared eye to eye with a black wolf.

"If we don't move maybe she'll think we're fake." Jared spoke as he stood still watching the blonde stare at his alpha.

"We are giant fluffly wolves. Of course she's gonna believe we're real." Paul harshly spoke back towards Jared. "She's not dumb like you Jared."

"Your-You're talking," Penny whispered as she turned her head to look at a dark silver wolf and a brown wolf which was a bit darker in the face,"I-I can understand you. Why can I understand you?"

The question blew Sam away as she was frightened. Sam didn't have any idea about how Penny could hear them. Sam was infact lost at words for once.

"Let's see if she can actually hear us," Jared smirked, "Say I-C-U-P." Jared and Embry started snickering at this even Jacob joined in with the snickers as he felt more relax once Penny showed up. Paul was now growling at Jared not liking how Jared was trying to make Penny look like a fool in front of them.

"I-C-U-P." Penny spoke making Jared and Embry burst into laughter. Except Penny's head was starting to go in overdrive as a big wave of voices were now in her head making her mind go nuts. "Ahhh!"

Penny had callopsed on her knees on the ground has she grabbed her head. She wanted the pain to go away. She wanted the voices to go away, they were the ones bringing her the most pain.

Paul, Embry, and Jacob raced towards the blonde. Paul growled at Jake to stay back but Embry and Jake only growled back at him.

"Make it go away," Penny shouted while holding her head,"Make the voices go away! Please! It hurts! Make them stop!"

Penny's head was about to burst from amount of pain. It only increased even more as the wolves started bickering back and forth making her scream in pain again.

Then it happened. Her body shut down. She went numb as she fell sideways unconscious. It was too much pain for her to handle letting her mind send an error to the body tellin it to shut down. Her eyes could only see black, since darkness had finally consumed her.
