
Penny was currently in the car with Embry and Quil as they were on their way towards Jake's house to meet Bella.

Penny was honestly nervous on how she was meeting someone who could be a new addition to the group of friends and if this stranger will even like her or not. The worst thing Penny feared more than anything would be rejection.

Which is why Penny has never had a boyfriend before also because of her shyness and her best friends. Since when they were younger those three would threaten any boy that thought she was cute. They are very overprotective of little Penny and still is.

Penny was 15 soon to be 16 in a couple of weeks and she'll most likely be the only 16 year old who never had her first kiss or first boyfriend.

"Neneh do you want to spend the night tonight?" Embry asked Penny as she was resting her head on Quil's shoudler.

"Yeah I'll just have to text my mom." Penny answered with a yawn.

"I thought I was spending the night!" Quil spoke very upset.

"You are dumbass but I was just asking Neneh if she wanted too as well." Embry rolled his eyes at Quil and his dumbness.

"Oh." Was basically the only thing Quil said the rest of the ride towards Jake's. Once they arrived Penny quickly crawled over Quil's lap and out the door. Wanting to see if this girl was actually real.

Penny ran all the way to Jacob's garage and quickly opened the door up a bit to see a so called girl there and she was real. Penny kept spying on the two for a while until Embry came up behind her and pushed her through the door with Quil following.

"Don't worry those are just my boys." Jacob spoke as he turned around to see his three best friends.

"Is she your boy?" Bella questioned as she pointed towards Penny. Penny's frown deepen thinking Bella didn't like her now.

Embry put an arm around Penny protectively and said, "She's one of us." As he send a wink towards Penny making her eyes roll.

"Quil, Penny, Embry - this is my friend Bella." Jacob gestured towards Bella as she gave a small wave.

Quil was the first one to actually walk up to Bella. "Charlie's kid, right?" Quil held out his hand for Bella to shake.

Taking her smaller hand into his she responded back, "That's right." Penny could see Quil trying to flex a little while they shook hands making the younger girl giggle.

"I'm Quil Ateara." Quil soon let go of Bella's hand.

"Don't be confused with the word quilt, totally not the same name." Penny muttered as she gave Quil a good fist to his shoulder. "I've done it before and he still never lets it go."

Bella laughed at this finding the girl's simple mistake amusing. She could tell how the boys act around her as if she was their younger sister. Bella heard Jake talk a lot about Penny and she knew she would find her a bit amusing.

"Hey, Bella. I'm Embry, Embry Call. You probably already figured that out, though." Embry gave Bella a small wave as he stuck his other hand in the pocket of his jeans.

"Nice to meet you, too." Bella nodded towards Embry and now turning her focus onto Penny.

Penny instantly got nervous so she started fumbling with the sleeves of her sweater as she spoke up quietly, "I'm Penny." Was all the blonde hair girl said making Bella smile at her.

Bella found Penny's nervousness adorable.

"Hello Penny, I've heard a lot of good things about you." Bella stuck her hand out for Penny to shake. Bella thought her hands were small but once they came into contact with Penny's she now thought of her own hands being big.

"So the bike building story is true?" Quil questioned as Penny looked between the two deadly machines on wheels. Penny wasn't one for risks or for the adrenaline. She liked to do it only if she knew it was safe and she would be with her best friends.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I taught him everything he knows." Bella said as she gestured towards to the pile of tools laying on the ground by the dirt bikes.

"What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" Quil questioned as he wiggled his eyebrows at Jacob making Jake blush a little. Penny hit Quil on the arm as she shook her head seeing how Jake was getting embarrassed.

"Uh.. We're friends, you know." Bella awkwardly said as she became a bit nervous in the new situation.

"Burn." Embry laughed as he elbow Penny making her erupt in giggles as well. Seeing how Jake was now getting nervous and afraid as he thought he was busted.

"Actually, remember I said she's a girl and a friend." Jacob quickly glared at Quil and giving a small smile to Bella.

"Embry, Penny, do you remember him making that distinction?" Quil questioned his two other friends who were clearly liking the scene that was unfolding in front of them.

"Nope." Embry spoke a little too soon.

"I've never really recalled that actually." Penny giggled seeing Bella trying not to laugh at Jake's little white lie.

"So you guys have girlfriends and a boyfriend? That's awesome." Bella spoke up breaking the tension in the room. Penny came stiff at the mention of boyfriend. She didn't want to look like a loser in front of her new friend but she also didn't want to lie either.

"Yeah, right. Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom." Jake started laughing remembering the conversation at the table last week about Prom and how Quil couldn't ask a girl so he seeked for his cousin. Quil would've taken Penny but Embry had beaten him to it making the boy frown.

"Penny here actually never had a boyfriend and if she did he'll be too scared of us." Embry stated as he wrapped his arms around Penny giving her his award winning smile. She gave Embry a small smile back as Bella looked shocked to say the least.

"Yeah that's still a riot." Quil grumbled not liking how Jake would bring that up when it was suppose to be kept a secret. Jacob and Embry left laughter fill the air as they both gasped for breath. "You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny."

Next thing Penny knew Quil and Jake started wrestling trying to pin the other one first. They both wanted to look good in front of Bella so they were wrestling a little bit harder than they should of have been.

"Jeez." Bell muttered out along with Penny.

Penny turned her head at Bella and giggled saying, "Jinx!" As Bella let a good solid laugh out, a laugh she didn't know she had still in her.

"Hey, that hold's illegal!" Jake shouted pushing Quil back.

"I got five bucks on Quil." Embry shouted as he rooted for Quil to win.

"You're on." Bella said back having her full trust in Jake knowing he'll beat the younger boy up without a doubt.

"I bet Jake." Penny shouted as she fist pumped the air cheering on Jake. Jake was about to lose until he flipped Quil over onto his back making him become out of breath.


"Can I braid your hair?" Penny questioned Embry as she was sitting on his bed playing with his long black hair. Embry and Quil were playing video games at the time. Embry gave a short mumble of a response not really hearing or caring what she said at the moment.

Letting a smile cross her face Penny began working on Embry's hair. She was going to french braid it so she got on her knees and separated three parts in his hair. She could tell Embry was too focus on the game to really mind if she pull or tug if necessary.

Letting her fingers do the job Penny got half way down when Quil had beaten Embry at the game. Embry skyrocketed up from the ground and started cussing at Quil. Penny's braid had started to come undone but she was determine to finish it so she reached for it and accidentally tugged on his hair.

If Penny was actually listening to the argument that now unfolded in front of her she would've known to leave Embry alone. As Embry was angrier than Penny has ever seen in her whole life. That one accidental tug caused Embry to burst. He turned around faster than ever and growled at Penny. Literally growled at the poor girl. Letting go of his hair Penny was scared now.

"Don't touch me." Embry growled at Penny as his body started to shake very rapidly. Penny was confused because just last week Embry was very sick but even then he wasn't as mean as he was now.

Quil saw the fear in Penny's eyes as Embry looked like he was about to rip his best friend into shreds. "We're leaving," was the words Quil let out as he pushed past an angry Embry and quickly taking Penny by the wrist and dragging her out Embry's room.

"He was our ride." Penny whispered as Quil and her made it out of the Call's home and onto the street.

"Looks like we're walking then." Quil sighed not knowing what had gotten into Embry to yell and get so angry at Penny for something she has done a million of times. Quil was use to Embry getting angry at him or Jake but Penny was a whole different story. Embry never once got so hateful and mean towards the girl as he saw her as a little sister. "He'll be fine by tomorrow."

"I hope so," Penny told Quil as she was confused on what had Embry so angry about. It clearly wasn't the game since Embry had gotten beat tons of times by Jake and the boys. It couldn't be the tug on his hair since just last month she tugged a lot harder on the boy's hair when she fell out of her chair at school but even then he wasn't as mad as he was now.
It had to be something else but what though.
