the bet

a few days later I got 2 letters back from Brenna and Melanie. They were both glad to here from me and told me how everybody kept asking where I was (even though last year I literally told them I was moving) 

Nothing interesting happened for the next 4 months except for Ginny got with Dean and Ron got with Lavender and I figured out Hermione liked Ron. So uhm now I feel like a bad friend, but to be fair she didn't tell me until Ron and Lavender got together. Things got interesting when I got a random letter from Otis. It was from my mom which is weird because she just owled me yesterday. I opened up the letter that read "Melanie is came to our house to visit you, if you're free tomorrow let is know so you can meet her at Hogsmeade or something."

So today was that day. I threw on a teeshirt some jeans along with a big fluffy coat. Before I could head out Ginny grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Why are you leaving so early- I thought we were gonna go to hogsmeade together."

Ah crap I forgot, I feel like such a bad friend but I need to meet Melanie I haven't seen her in 4 months. "I'm sorry Ginny, my friend from America is in town and I really need to meet her. I'll be at hogsmeade but with her so I'll see you around okay?" I squeezed her hand and left before she could say another word.

I sat in the "three broomsticks" and waited for her to arrive. Finally she came and sat down, we ordered a butter beer and just talked. "So, tell me about these hot gingers."

"Oh yeah, right...." I grabbed a photo I took with Fred, George, Ginny, Ron,  Harry, and Hermione. "The ones with the ginger hair, those are the ones." 

"Holy shit- they are hot. I wanna snatch one up."

I rolled my eyes "You can't steal them you're gonna be here for 1 day"

"What if I'm staying here for longer?"

"Wait what?"

"My parents were thinking, what if they sent me to Hogwarts too! I mean my parents are looking for a thrill and I guess moving to a new country is something."

"But what about Brenna.."

"I talked to her dad and he said we could take her with us until he earns enough money to move. I know this is crazy, but just realize how fun this would be! Us ruling the school, just like at Illvermorny."

"When are you moving?"

"I'll be here for next semester, but I'm moving a few days before Christmas break."


Ginny walked in Dean and looked over at us. She waved and I waved back and smiled. "So, is that Ginny? She really is hot-"

"She has a boyfriend though...."

"You can change that"


"shhhhh, I have a fun idea for you"

I furrowed my brows, "What is it?" 

"So you know how you think they're all hot right?"


Why don't you try to get with them all?"


"You heard me, I dare you to get with them all, starting from the youngest"

"What! Are you insane?!"

"Depends if you're gonna do it"

Before I could respond Ron, Hermione, and Harry walked in and sat next to us. "So who is this?" Hermione asked.

"This is-"

"Melanie, Melanie Flores, I'm Hazel's American friend"

she smiled "Oh cool"

Ron turned to Mel, "So Melanie, how long are you going to be staying?" 

"I think I'm actually gonna be moving here-"

"Mel, shh"

"What? You don't wanna tell your precious little friends that I'm moving here? You worried I'm gonna ruin it or something?"

"Thats not what I meant-"

she scoffed, "Of course not." and just like that she walked out. "Well...that was interesting" Harry smirked. "I'm sorry she's just a drama queen." "Why didn't you want her to tell us?" Ron questioned. "I just didn't want you to feel like I was gonna replace you guys I guess, I don't know it's stupid, also she's just a lot I don't want her to scare you away.."

"If she's a lot why are you still friends?" Hermione asked. "I've known her since were babies, so I guess I'm used to it, but it usually scares others away...also she's considered a "slytherin" since her house at Illvermorny is basically Slytherin."

"Just because she's a Slytherin doesn't mean we'll hate her" Ron laughed. "I mean yeah they can be bloody annoying but that doesn't mean their all bad, just the ones here."

I laughed and Ron made a disgusted face. "what is it?" 

"Merlins beard,  I don't wanna see Dean snogging my sister...can we leave?"

I looked over at Ginny and Dean and my heart kinda shattered. Okay I have to admit- maybe I like Ginny but she likes Dean and I have to except that. "Ron don't be so dramatic, if you were snogging me do you really expect her to just get up and leave?"

I can tell Hermione regretted saying that because her face turned the color of Rons and hair and Ron looked in shock. Harry and I started to burst out laughing, "Your faces are priceless" Harry snorted.

Ron nudged harry but he wouldn't stop laughing which made the situation even funnier. After a while at the three broomsticks we headed out and I departed from them to find Melanie. Where I found her didn't shock me, she was flirting with Draco.

I stormed over to her and grabbed her arm. "Ugh omg Hazel let go of me"


"Look, it's clear she don't want me here, but I found somebody who does" she cooed playing with Dracos hair. "I didn't mean it like that Mel, please can we just go, I don't wanna hang out with him"

"But he's hot-"

"come on" I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. "So what about my bet?" she snarled. "Which bet?"

"Don't act the dumb, the bet with that family. Start with that Ginny girl you're so fond with and work up to those hunky twins"

"Ew please never say "hunky" again"

she nudged me, "You're boring" 

After we made up and she had to leave back for town I sat in my dorm and drowned in my thoughts. A bet is so bad, I shouldn't try to get with somebody for a bet. But I mean I can if I want I shouldn't do it it's so wrong!

Ginny walked in and sat next to me on my bed. "So how was you friend date?" "It was...interesting to say the least."

she chuckled, "Was it that bad"

"You could say that....anyways how was your real date with Dean?" Ginny sighed and looked down. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just I like him I really do but I feel like theres always something were keeping from each other you know?" she sniffled. "Yeah I get it..."

"I'm glad I have you here" she smiled. "I feel like I have somebody to talk to about Dean without giving me a lecture like Hermione, and Luna doesn't know much about relationships so...."

"Yeah I get it, I'm glad I can help"

Ginny laid her head on my lap and stared up at me. She is so pretty- and so is the rest of her family, I just I don't know...maybe I do wanna take the bet.
