girls night out

(Okay I feel like sometimes I write better and in more detail in third person so yeah if you're wondering this chapter is in third person)

(listen to the song above either now or whenever the scene pops up)

The next morning when Hazel got up she had a plan, a mission per say. She knew she had to get closer to Ginny, but how would she do that if Dean was in the way? Sabotage. This wasn't going to be simple and Hazel had no clue how she was going to do it but she was. That didn't matter Hazel just knew she had to start with step 1 aka get closer with Ginny.

Hazel tried thinking of ways to get closer with her as she put her uniform on, then she got an idea. What about a girls night out? I mean after all today was a Friday so it would work! Hazel scurried to find Ginny in excitement but bumped into her with Dean instead. Her excitement calmed down because seeing them together made her blood boil, I mean Dean is hot and she would date him but Ginny is also hot and she wants to date her. Ugh bi people problems.

"Hey uhm, Ginny" she coughed trying to get her attention. Ginny turned to Hazel and smiled, "yes?"

"So I was thinking what if you, me, Hermione, Luna and some other girls have a girl night out tonight, or tomorrow or something..."

Ginnys face lit up and a bit smile lit on her face. "Oh my god yes! I've never been invited to a girls night out!"

"Dean can I go?" she said with a pouty face. Dean chuckled and smiled, "you don't have to ask me Gin, go have fun with you friends."

Ginny smiled wide and turned back to Hazel.

"So tonight or tomorrow?" Hazel asked.

"Well tonight the teachers will be paying more attention then tomorrow night so."

"Okay then tomorrow night it is!"

"We can go out and buy dresses tonight and just tell Dumbledore were going to go to my brothers shop."

"Good idea" Hazel smiled. "Well we should head to class"

Dean and Ginny nodded and they all headed out.

That day after school was finished Hermione, Ginny, and Hazel went out to go dress shopping. Padma, Parvarti, Lavender, and Romilda went shopping together and a few more girls who were going went shopping together.

Before they headed to get dresses they stopped by the Weasley Twins shop to say hello. Hazel was kinda excited to see the twins since they were so hot but she knows that she has to focus on getting with Ginny before she tries anything with the twins. 

"Hey there Ginerva" Fred teases and rubs Ginnys head, messing up her hair. She swats his hand away and pouts, "You know I hate when you call me that!"

"Oh come on dear sis you know he was only joking!" George buts in. Ginny crosses her arms and walks away causing Fred and George to burst out laughing. Hazel tries to scurry past them but they notice her and give each other a look. "Hey there Hendricks" George snickers. 

Hazel stops in her tracks and mutters under her breathe "shit." 

She slowly turns around and they both had huge smirks on there face. "Why so shy, Hendricks" Fred snickers. Hazel didn't feel like dealing with them so she politely smiled and walked away. She acted all cold but in reality she wanted to talk to them she just didn't wanna get distracted with her main goal right now, getting close with Ginny.

After leaving the shop they headed to some pretty dress shops in down town Diagon alley. The lady who owns the shop was very sweet and showed the girls all the pretty dresses. The lady appointed Hazel to a beautiful black dress and Ginny got a red dress and Hermione got a green dress.

After purchasing the dresses the girls headed out and back to their dorms. The next day the girls waited all day and around 9:00 they all headed to the Gryffindor dorms to get ready. There were about 15 girls in total all in beautiful party dresses and all types of hairstyles. 

"So where are we going?" Ginny asks.

"To a muggle club"

"a club?!"

"yeah why?"

"But were underaged-"

"Well they don't know that, plus were witches, if we can make people fly across a room and kill somebody with one word I think we can make a fake ID" Hazel says.

Around 11:30 all the girls snuck out and some of the Gryffindor boys helped them sneak out. They all grabbed there brooms and flew off once they were out into the open. They made it to the city and hid the brooms behind the club. They all walked in with there fake ID cards and headed to the bar and dance floor.

Lights were flashing, the sent of alcohol filled the air, and people were dancing like worms on the dance floor. What a fun sight.

Hazel headed towards the bar where Ginny was sipping on a cocktail. 

"Oh my god Hazel, this is so cool I've never had this muggle drink- what is it again? Oh, a cocktail!" she giggled. Hazel just smiled and ordered some shots, and she handed some to Ginny.

Hazel wanted to make Ginny drunk, hoping she would spill something about Dean and then she could use that to her advantage. She knew she sounded crazy but she's dumb and did it anyway. After a few drinks and Ginny being super drunk, she decided to interogate her.

"So, how are you and Dean?" Hazel smiles innocently. 

"Ugh, not so good"

"Why not?"

"He gets mad for no reason! He'll let me do whatever like go to hogsmead with my friends but then when I do he gets mad at me! Like you said I could do it then why are you upset?" 

"Thats weird-"

"AND he is weirdly close with Seamus, like not just best friend close, like romantically close. But he always tells me he's straight and he won't admit it but I see the way they look at eachother! *hiccup*"

Bingo. She found her way to break them up! Either get him with Seamus or make it seem like there's something there when there's not. This may seem bad, which it is, but anything to win the bet right?

"Oh well I can help" Hazel smirks. "How?"

"I can watch him and Seamus and see if anything happens."

"Good idea! Go be my little stalker~" she giggled. 

"Alright I'm going to dance, wanna join?" Hazel says holding out her hand. Ginny takes it and they stumble on the dance floor. 

The song "don't call me up" pops up (lets just pretend they have modern music kk thanks also you can play the song now if you want)

Ginny turns to Hazel and grabs her by the shirt."Ayo shawty bae, you mad fine~" she giggles and does the f-boy lip bite. 

"What the hell are you saying-"

"I'm being Draco, duh" 

Hazel rolls her eyes and walks away from her, she was being a little too wild to say the least. She walked over to Hermione, Lavender, Padma, and Parvarti who were just chit chatting by the fancy couches.

"Pass me the bottle of champagne would ya sis?" Padma asks and Parvarti hands her the bottle. She poured herself a glass and put the bottle back into the bucket of ice. 

Hazel sat down and poured herself a glass as well and just leaned back in the chair and listened to their convo. She was already really drunk and she didn't really need it but whatever.

"Ron is soooo hot!" Hazel overhear Lavender say to Padma and she agrees. Hermione looked pissed, like really pissed. She clung onto her glass really tight and she furrowed her brows. She gulped down the champagne and poured herself another glass.

Lavender notices Hermione is upset and chuckles to herself. "Awh 'Mione, are you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to make you feel upset, I know how gross it is to hear us talk about Ron when he's practically like a brother to you"

Hermione face turned red in anger and she stormed away and Hazel went after her. She could hear the giggles of the girls from the backroud.

Hazel scoffs, "These bitches"
