Chapter One


Blood. There is a lot of blood on my hands here. I don't think the stains will ever wash off, either. I feel bad. I know it's kill or be killed in our world, but maybe if I could find a way. . . I could do better? I could start over! Be someone new! I want that... So desperately. If I could be given a second chance at this whole thing, I wouldn't mess it up. I wish... I could have that chance.




"Stop it!!! Stop it, stop it!!! Don't hurt them!!!"

He looks at me and laughs,

"You are pathetic!! A Daemos of your status should not be as weak as you are!! You cling to too many things, and it softens your will, and makes you an easy target!!!"

"Please!! Just take me!!! Let them go!!!" I cry.

"No--! Atarah...!!" Noi groans.

I look over at Noi and let the tears fall. He's on the ground, beaten and bruised and bloody. All because of me. He can't do anything either to fight back. Our tormentor is a great general in the kingdom of [forgotten]. If any harm comes to him, and we actually do manage to get out of this... An armada search-and-destroy party will be put out for our heads. I can only do one thing here... to save my love.

"Please... General ... Take me. Leave him to die..."

"A...tarah?" Noi slips.

I'm so sorry, Noi...

The general laughs and kneels down at my side. I'm currently laying in a very big pool of my own blood, but I'll heal. As long as he takes my offer and doesn't harm me anymore. Honestly, I wouldn't care if he were to kill me, as long as Noi would get out of this alive. I'd let the most painful death await me... for my love. I know it's cheesy, and we Daemos aren't supposed to care about love... But I can't ignore it.

"TAKE ME!!!" I scream.

The General kicks me in the ribs, and I cough out more blood. I'm growing lightheaded, the room is spinning. I can hear Noi, but he's looking blurry to me. Everything starts to go dark, and I hear ...


Noi screaming out my name... one last time.


Chapter One:

--The City, 'Three' Years Later. . .—


---???'s POV---


I walk down the right flow of people in the mall, on my way to the crafts-shop to buy some materials for my cosplay costume. I need to start the craft before it's too late! The convention is in a few months! Three to be exact!! I looove dressing up and do it every chance I get. Every Halloween, every convention, and every single closet fashion show. It's absolutely a part of me.

I walk into the kind of crowded craft shop and get to it. I need some fabric, thread, rubber, A hot glue gun, and some more stuff. I find a way to gather all my requirements in under five minutes--- since I know this shop so well. This year I'm planning on cosplaying a character called 'Mannis'... I made her up--- BUT I have been drawing her out for a while!! I know what I want her to look like, and it's gonna be AWESOME!! I take all my materials up to the register, where I greet one of my store-friends. His name's Jackson.

"Heh, planning another cosplay, Tara?"

I giggle and start putting out the materials down on the rack for him to scan. I flip my long hair over my shoulder and laugh.

"Hah!! Of course, I am!! The Convention is coming up!!"

"The one that's in three months?" He questions.

"DUH. Costume creation takes TIME, Jackson. Lot's of time..."

He chuckles and rings me up. I pull out my wallet as he stuffs all my new stuff into a few bags. I look at the price... Wow... that could be a little better... if it were cheaper. Oh well, A PRICE TO PAY for a beautiful design!!! Hehe. Puns.

"That'll be $96.25." Jackson declares.

I give the right amount to him. Jackson hands me the bags with all the craft supplies inside and we bid each other a farewell. I get the heck out of here and head back to my apartment. I live on the fifth floor, which isn't great when the elevator's in repairs. Thankfully, it just got done with that. (But before, I just avoided going out because of the stair climbs... Horrible times...)

I walk into the elevator, pushing the button for the fifth floor. Right as the doors are shutting, I see a familiar face appear, and catch the doors from closing all the way. It's Ava... My downstairs neighbor. She walks into the lift, panting. I look at her questioningly. If I know what little I do about her, it's this. Ava doesn't run unless something is wrong...

"Uh, hi, Ava. Everything OK?" I ask.

She slumps against the wall and I press the fourth-floor button for her. I wait for a response while she catches her breath. Ava is a nice girl, from what I hear from Mrs. Oats. (Another neighbor.) But every time I try talking to her, she sets up a sort of defense. I wish I could just get past her wall.

"I left... My ice-cream ... out... on the counter." She heaves.

Oh. That makes sense.

A soft giggle escapes me, which I just can't help but let out. Ava looks over at me, completely winded. She pants between words as she asks me,

"What's... so fun... funny?"

I shake my head,

"Nothing, nothing. I just know how melted ice-cream is an emergency. It's always something that ruins my day, especially when it's SOOO hot outside." I giggle again.

Ava glares at me silently.

"Are you making fun of me?"

I look down at her with shock.

"Making fun of you?? Why would I be making fun of you? The only thing I'm making is a cosplay costume!" I gesture to the bags in my hands.

"A ... cosplay costume? Who?" She curiously asks.

"Oh, just an OC. Do you cosplay?"

Ava shakes her head.

"No. I don't have anything to cosplay as."

I open my mouth to offer making her one, but she beats me to it.

"Nor do I want to. It's not really my style."


The elevator dings, as it reaches the fourth floor. Ava rises and steps out, bidding me a polite, yet uninterested goodbye. I sigh, watching her turn the corner, the doors closing quickly after. I slug my back against the wall, and frown. She put up another guard... I wonder why she always pushes people away. I'm not trying to diss here or anything, I'm just ... sadly curious.

The elevator dings again, doors opening to the fifth floor. I groan softly and walk out into the hall. I walk around the bend and see the door to my apartment. I grab the keys out of my purse and unlock the bolts. I push open the door and go inside. I kick the door shut behind me and shuffle on into the kitchen. I put the bags on the counter and slump against the structure of it. Damn...

Well, I guess I should get to work on my Mannis design. Where'd I put my sketchbook? I thought I put it on...

I walk into the sizy living area and scan my eyes over the coffee table. I thought I put it here... I wonder where it could be.

"Looking for this?" I jump upon hearing a voice.

I spin around and see my familiar-friend standing against the archway that separates her space from the rest of the apartment. I huff an irritated breath and slump my shoulders forward.

"Katty? What're you doing here?"

"I live here, don't I?" She smirks and holds out my sketchbook to me.

"I couldn't help myself from looking in it. You've got some interesting ideas there, TARA..." She puts an extra emphasis on my name.

I walk over to her and snatch my sketchbook away from her.

"You're not allowed to see what's in here, remember?" I gripe.

Katty rolls her eyes, her mouth twisted upwards into a sly, smug smirk. I hate it when she's like this. Especially when I'm busy. I hold my book close to me and glare at Katty.

"If you keep staring at me like that, you'll cause early wrinkles."

I growl.

To which she laughs.

"Relax!! I'm just messing with you!! Besides, it's not like I'm going to spill your ideas out to the worlds!! You have your own ideas and I respect that."

"You don't respect anything." I charge.

"Hehe, you're right."

"What do you want, Katty?" I pin.

"You know what I want." She says, cryptically.

I frown, because she's right. I already know why she's here. She's been coming two – three times a month to ask me the same thing. Yet, every time I answer with a big fat 'NO'. And it'll stay that way.

"Yeah, and what of it?" I snap.

"You don't belong here, Tara. You should come—"

"NO. I'm staying. I like it here, Katty. You won't get me to go home. Besides, the Convention is coming up in three months, and I'm NOT going to miss it."

Katty sighs deeply and pinches the crook of her nose. I hear her mutter a strained 'Not this again...' as she looks down. I turn away from her and go back into the kitchen. Katty follows me, trying to find the right words to convince me. But I don't care what she says, I'm not leaving my place here.

"Tara... You know you need to come with me. Nothing is the same since you left! Everything is changing, and not for the better!! The people we know, they're all worried SICK about you!! But nooo, you thought the best idea was to---"

"You don't have to remind me, Katty. I know perfectly well what I did was wrong." I snip, feeling pretty guilty afterwards. I keep my composure still.

Taking the new fabrics out of the bags, I take a deep breath.

"If you know it was wrong, then WHY don't you try to FIX it??"

'It's not my problem anymore,'

"I'm sorry, Katty, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Katty looks at me in disbelief.

"Are you serious??" She scoffs.

I move around and look her dead in the eyes with a stern gaze, holding my ground. I scowl.

"I am very serious."

"No, Tara!! You can't keep running away from your problems! You have to stop being so damn stubborn and face your mistakes!"

"I will keep running as I damn well please!! Now. Get. Out."

I swing out my arm and point in the direction of the front door. I glare daggers at Katty, until she finally gets this stance I'm in. I'm not leaving. Not until I'm done here. She clicks her tongue and starts making her way towards the door. On her way out, I hear her tell me one last thing.

"I thought you were better than running away from your mistakes. Guess I was wrong."

Then, she leaves.

And I'm alone... Again. I shake my head and try to focus on the task at hand. I need to focus on the design. Yeah... I open the sketchbook over the counter. I flip through the pages and find the picture of Mannis. The medieval knight, who doesn't give two shits about others. She's merciless and smug, gets whatever she wants through manipulation and force. She reminds me of someone who I used to know. Of course, that person got what was coming to them.


I run my fingers through my hair and get to work. Ok, so first I'll need to make her sword. I can use a plank for the base line and design the grip with a roll of leather. As for the blade section, I can always a melted foil under a concentrated heat. It's a good thing I know what I'm doing... 
