Romance Dawn

Present Time

To explain, Sabo traveled with Ace and they are co captains of Whitebeard's Second Division.

The sun is high up in the sky shining brightly on calm blue sea and flock of Seagulls are happily soaring through the sky, and giant whirlpool swirling around to bring only certain death if unlucky ship happen to sail near it.

Two sailors are watching the whirlpool in boredom on a cruise ship when all of sudden they heard a sound of bonk from below, they look down to see a large barrel floating in the sea, they wondered where did that the barrel come from but soon dismissed that thought and decide to lift it up since the barrel is big it must have contained large amount of Sake or wine.

Inside the ship is a dance ball where everyone mingle, chat, and dine in the most expensive culinary food and drinking their fine champagne.

The Sailors who are still trying to catch the barrel by using fishing hook but they are miserably failing, and another Sailor on look-out is laughing at his friends when something caught his eyes.

Another ship appeared behind a stranded Island but their symbol the Jolly Roger is painted from the side with a pink heart on it.

Its The Alvida Pirates.

"PIRATES! ITS THE ALVIDA PIRATES! GO WARN THE CAPTAIN" the Sailor yelled, as the two Sailors heard his warning call after them, after they finally lift the barrel out of the water; they start screaming and runs toward the ballroom leaving behind the barrel.

The Pirate begins to fire their cannon at the ship but misses by a mile but causes the ship to shake, and the barrel fell, and roll; inside the ballroom the people screamed because of the sudden explosion as the two Sailors barged in and say.

"Captain, were under attacked by Alvida Pirates!"

"WHAT!?" but before Admiral could say anything to calm his guest another explosion hit near the ship causing the people to run around like chickens except for one tangerine hair girl who smiles as if she was expecting them. The barrel kept on rolling till it reaches the kitchen where it finally stopped.

On the Pirate deck, a group of mean looking men are grinning evilly with eyes filled with malice except one small, timid, chubby looking boy with pink hair and round framed glasses, the boy is shaking like a leaf as he watches the two Pirates fires cannon balls at the other ship by the order of Captain Alvida.

"COBY, who is the most beautiful woman of all the sea?" asked Captain Alvida to the pink hair boy, the poor boy stuttered in lack of words because she is NOT the most beautiful woman, in fact, she is the most hideous, nastiest, bad-tempered, violent and fattest woman of all the sea. She already had long, black wavy flowing hair with freckles on her cheeks, and she wore a pink shirt with lined designs, red neckerchief under it and a blue captain's coat over it with the arms in the sleeves, unlike many other pirates. Around her waist, she had a purple sash with a flintlock pistol tucked in it and some jewels, and she had red painted fingernails, only on longer and sharper nails, paired with some rings. She had red lipstick. She also wore a white cowboy hat with a red plumage and a light-green band around it, grayish pants and red, long pointed shoes with buckles on them.

"Oh…uh…y-y-you are C-Captain Alv-v-vida ma'am..." Coby replied with a nervous smile that hope won't get hit by Alvida's steel mace that she seems to hold dear, Alvida smirked pleased with his answer and then she ordered her men to keep firing and get them ready to raid the ship.

After a couple of cannon balls firing at the ship, the Pirates hooked the ship using sharp looking fishing hooks and stormed inside the ship while the Sailors could do nothing but to cower in fear, and speaking of fear, Coby is still on Alvida's ship holding his rope that will swing right toward to the ship but he's too afraid to move.

"Coby get going I don't get all day!" said Alvida feeling her anger rising that the stupid brat is still not moving from his spot, she clenched her knuckles that holding her mace ready to bash the boy in the head if he doesn't move now but Coby is too scared to notice it.

"I c-c-can't Capt-t-t-ain I'm n-n-not cut out f-for this" he stuttered back at Alvida, which made her blood boil like lava.

"What did you say, you worthless piece of S***?!" and then she lifts Coby off the deck and throw him to the other ship, Coby shrieked in surprise and terror, and his face came in contact on metal wall and slid down causing it to screech, he groan in pain feeling his face burned and a broken nose, he rolls himself over, laying his back on the floor waiting for the pain to cease then all of a sudden everything got dark.

'Wait a minute, its nighttime already' when he looked up to see the sun got blocked by something big and round and its coming right at him, upon close inspection the big and round thing turn out to be a very ill-tempered Alvida with mace ready to pound the boy into submission, Coby screamed like a girl and ran away from that menacing woman.

At the ballroom.

"Don't worry we're not gonna kill ya, although we just want your valuables jewels for ourselves!" one of the Pirate said.

"And if anyone try to do anything 'heroic' I'll whack you all the way to the Grand Line with my mace and let ocean dwellers feast on your flesh!" said Alvida appearing behind her crew, the people quickly did what she said and given them everything they had and ran off to the life boats where they set sail far away from that brute woman except one girl who stayed behind and immediately changed her outfit and ran to Alvida's ship to steal her treasure.

Once she's there, she quietly searching for a hatch that where they hid their treasure when suddenly a man came out from Crew's Quarter spotting the girl.

"Huh, who the hell are you…you're the new crew member, right?" the man asked stupidly, the girl smiled at the man and she kicking him in the crotch.

Meanwhile, Coby is left all alone walking around the ship till he found the kitchen, he sighs in relief that no Alvida Pirate came here then he spotted the barrel which probably the biggest barrel he ever seen.

He inspect the barrel up close and thought up the idea if this barrel is big which mean there probably a lot of Sake and Pirates love Sake, if he trades this barrel of Sake for his freedom. Surely Alvida won't refuse such an offer.

With his mind made up, he pushed the barrel on the side and starts to roll the barrel so he can take it to Alvida, but unlucky for him three large Pirates came in and found Coby.

"There you are, Cabin boy, you thought you could escape from us again, eh Coby?" said a large Pirate.

"W-what oh n-n-no I was just uh…" he tries to come up with a good excuse when a skinny looking Pirate spoke.

"What is in that barrel, Coby?"

"I bet it filled with Sake, perfect I could use a refreshment." said the large Pirate.

"NO, YOU CAN'T CAPTAIN ALVIDA WILL BE MAD IF SHE FINDS YOU GUYS DRINKING!" Coby tries to reason with those Pirates before they took his chance of freedom.

"If you keep your mouth shut, she won't know got it?" said the third fat Pirate giving him the look that says 'say one word to her and I'll slit your throat'.

"Y-y-yeah sure n-no problem..." here goes his chance of escape; the large Pirate cracked his knuckles to loosen up.

"Stand back Fellas, let me open the barrel the old fashion way." as he raises his large fist to break the barrel open, but before his fist come in contact with the wooden barrel something unexpected just happen.

"AHHHHHHH! I SLEPT GRRRREEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!" a girl busts out of the barrel and punch the large Pirate right on the chin; the girl looked to be seventeen years old, has shoulder length black silk hair and large black eyes with a hint of reddish brown and gold flecks; her attire is red vest which hugs her curvious body , blue shorts which reveals her slender yet toned legs, and sandals quietly unusual for a girl to wear something like that and straw hat, she also has a scar with two stitches underneath her left eye.

After she stretches her sore back, she noted two men and one boy are all staring at her with a shocking look on their face then she looks down to see knocked out man lying on the floor; she blinked.

"Who this guy?" she asked.

"Who the hell are you!?" two men yelled in unison but the girl shruggs off their outburst.

"He'll catch a cold if he sleeps there."

"You're the one who hit him!" they said in unison again then they pulled out their swords.

"Wait a minute, are you playing with us when you know we're viscous pirates?" said the fat man.

"Excuse me, I'm starving do you know where the food is?" the girl ignored the two pirates and asked the pink hair boy for some food.

"HEY, YOU STUPID B****, DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE US!" as soon the man yelled at the girl they lift their sword up in the air ready to slice the girl, Coby scream in fright and covered his eyes as for the girl she's unfazed by their action, and then without warning the swords somehow got sliced in half and thrown to the ceiling, the men are shaking in fear and disbelief of what they witness and Coby, who uncovered his eyes couldn't help but to gape in awe at the girl.

"You guys are really weird. Sides, you could've hurt someone." she said like she was scolding a child.

"W-what in seven hells are you!?"

"Oh, me! I am Monkey D. Luffiana, but you can call me Luffy," after she said her name the two Pirates ran away in terror dragging their unconscious crew mate. As they got out from the hatch, they halted when they saw a very pissed looking Alvida.

"What were you doing down there?" she ask in slow and low tone that sounding like she's hissing and holding her mace in a vice grip.

"C-C-Captain it not what you think." said the thin Pirate.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME A LAIR" she roared like an animal in carnage and swing her mace to kill them, the two Pirates shrieked and dodged Alvida's mace but unfortunately their crew mate got caught by her attack, and she sends his flying to God knows where, the two watched their crew flying away when Alvida lift them up and ready to pound them the living daylight out of them.

"W-wait Captain, t-there is an int-t-truder in the ship!" stuttered the skinny man.

"…an intruder!?"

Meanwhile, Luffy and Coby are in the storage room so that that Luffy could chow down on those tasty apples she found, Coby tried to get the girl to leave this place but she refused because she is hungry, he thought this girl is insane but still surprised that this beautiful girl could an able slice the swords in half like butter. Athough he didn't see it, but he can tell she is strong, he watched the girl eat and decided to talk to her.

"So your name is Luffy, right? I'm Coby that was pretty cool you did out there."

"These apples are amazing. Thanks by the way. I've been training hard after all."

"So how come you're in that barrel anyway?" he asked wondering why Luffy was in a barrel.

"Oh, I was sailing when my ship got caught by whirlpool." she said as simply as that.

"WHAT~ h-h-how did you manage to survive that?"

"Nah, it was nothing, besides it won't hurt me. It did catch me by surprise though." Coby stared at the girl in bewilderment. This Luffy girl somehow endured the harsh swirl of death and live to tell the tale and who is 'it'?...then his thought was quickly cut short when he heard the girl spoke.

"Say where I am anyway? This cruise ship or Pirate ship?"

"Oh, you're on a cruise ship but it was overrun by Captain Alvida and her crew" Coby replied.

"You a Sailor or Marine? You don't look like a bad guy to me." Luffy asked, and Coby replied by shook his head as 'no'.

"Neither, I'm Captain Alvida's Cabin boy. I was forced to become a Pirate; It was a fishing trip gone wrong.  Alvida and her men seized my boat and took me with them. They found out I'm good Navigator, so they let me live while I help them with navigation. For two years." Coby explained to Luffy about his past event as he looked down, Luffy look at him for a moment and said.

"Sheesh, that was kinda stupid of you. The survival part I understand, but still." Luffy admitted.

"Gee thanks for your honesty." he said sarcastically. "…by the way, what made you sail the sea, Luffy?"

But he didn't expect the answer.

"Well…I'm going to be the first ever Queen of the Pirates!" she said with a big grin, Coby was shocked would be the understatement of the day, Queen of the Pirates that got to be the wackiest thing he ever heard, this girl is out of her mind.

"Q-q-queen of the P-pirates then that m-m-mean…you're a…Pirate?!"

"That's right! I don't have a crew yet though, I just set out earlier this early morning. " Luffy smiled.

"NO, WAY! The only way you can be Queen is to find the most valuable, the most elusive, the one that every Pirated of all the sea are looking for is the ONE PIECE?!"

"Yep, you got it."

"No, you're crazy there is no way you can find it you will die if you step one foot on the Grand Line, it's dangerous, risky, and unsafe and *BONK* OW…why did you hit me?" Coby asked.

"Just Because." the look on her face is blank but Coby can tell she's annoyed.

"Oh well, I'm used to be hit on the head too many times," said Coby messaging his head then Luffy took off her hat and stare at it fondly at it that made Coby blushed.

'Wow~ she looks really pretty when she smiles. AH, what are you doing you barley know her!'

"It's not matter if I can…it because I want to. A Pirate saved my life long ago...I promised him that I would outshine him and become Queen of Pirates even if I die trying." Coby was awe at the girl's amazing determination and not afraid to face her death…he never thought of that; she is…one amazing, one of a kind girl, then Luffy places her precious straw hat back on her head.

"Now that I'm full I better get going and set sail. Maybe there's still life boats around?"

"Luffy…do you you think I can do it too?"

"Hm? Do what?"

"Do you think I can be a Marine?"

"A Marine?"

"Yes, all my life I always wanted to become Marine catching bad guys and bring justice has always been my dream, do you think I can do it?"

"I think that's up to you. You decide your life, right?"

"Y-yeah! You're right! All right I'll do it, I will not spend my life as Cabin Boy I will join the Marines and arrest big ass Alvida and put her behind bars!" he said with newly found confidence that he never thought its possible and it all because of Luffy.

Sadly his new found confidence was short lived when suddenly the ceiling collapse on top of them but luckily Luffy manage to save Coby in time then a booming voice that Coby recognize.

"Who's ass you're going to arrest, Coby?!" that was none other than the fearsome Captain Alvida.

"Did you think you can escape from me?!" then she looked at Luffy with a mock look on her face.

"So you're the intruder that my crew was talking about. Heh, you're not the famous Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro," Luffy is curious on who this Zoro character but soon cut off when Alvida asked the same question before to Coby.

"COBY, who is the most beautiful woman of all the sea?" she waves her hair to make her look attractive (NOT).

"EH EH EH EH of of course you…"

"Hey Coby, whose this big ugly toad?"

"?!?!?!" everyone was shocked to hear from that little girl dare to say so boldly to their fearsome Captain; she doesn't realize what she has done.

"That kid…"

"She's done it now..."

"I can't believe she said it," Alvida's crews are whispering at each other on top of the main deck watching the scenes below.

"What…DID YOU SAY!?" now that did it she is now in a blind rage, she swung the mace to kill the girl, but Luffy quickly jumped, grabbed Coby's wrist and jumped through the hole in the ceiling that Alvida made.

On the deck, every Pirate draws their sword and charge at Luffy with roar, but no matter how many times they try to slice her she moves so fast like she wasn't there and when the Pirate try to sneak up behind her, she would dodge and hit him right on his face with her incredible strength.

She smiled of her accomplishment, and when she turns around more Pirates came, and she starts to run away from them.

"AAHHH~ why are they ganging up on me?" Luffy had enough of this, so she turns around to face the Pirates and then lift her arms up in the air as Alvida emerged from the hole.

"Tidal Surf" then water arise from the sea on each side of the ship in the shape large waves that come crashing down on the unexpected Pirates and wash them away from the ship, some even went overboard.

Both Coby and Alvida couldn't believe this is happening right in front of their eyes.

"Luffy, w-w-what are you?" Coby stuttered in awestruck and girl replied with a grin.

"I ate Devil Fruit." She giggled.

"Devil Fruit?" Coby didn't understand what she means by that when a shadow loom over him; he look up to see Alvida again and quickly hid behind Luffy.

"So you ate a Devil Fruit. I thought it just a mere legend but, after seeing you displaying your power now, I know it's real…tell me, brat, are you Marine or Pirate?" Alvida asked.

"Pirate" she replied, and Alvida smirked.

"A Pirate, don't make me laugh you're just one kid with no crew."

"I'll get a crew probably ten or more in week or so"

"So tell me we're both Pirates, that make us enemies, right?" she smirked cockily, thinking that she can still win, even with if this girl has Devil Fruit powers. Coby is shaking in fear and worry about his friend's safety.

"Luffy…" but then he remembers what she said earlier.

"Well Coby, what is it you want to say?" then to utter shock and disbelief Coby start to yell at Alvida.

"You are the ugliest woman in all the sea! The one is really beautiful is Luffy because she is million times more beautiful than you ever were!" Luffy smiled at Coby's courage and laugh heartily while Alvida's anger boil with each second.

"What did you say?!?!"

"I will join the marine and fights Pirates like you!"

"Do you have any idea on what you just said?!"

"I know what I said, and I don't regret on what I say I'll join the marine and put you behind bars where you belong!"

"YOU LITTLE **********!" she lifts her mace up in the air with heave, ready to smash Coby's head.

'I did it! I can believe I did it, and I don't feel any slight regret!' Coby is ready to accept his death with honor, when Luffy intervene.

"Well said!" then she came right in front Alvida to protect Coby before getting smashed but before Alvida could smash both of them water has emerged from below Luffy's feet and closed around her entire figure like the flower and pushing Alvida with great force.

Alvida, Coby, and the crew are watching the water that surrounds the girl in both wonder and anxiety on what could happen next and soon they finally got their answers when the water burst into nothing to reveal the most stunning thing they ever seen perhaps never has seen in their entire lives.

"W-w-w-w-what what are you?" Alvida was so shocked that this little girl has transformed into whatever creature she turns into, she has no idea that the power of the Devil Fruit could turn someone into this.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffiana. Remember that, because I'm gonna be the girl who will become Queen of the Pirates!" then water covered her entirely as she made a mad dash at Alvida's fat gut.

"Aqua Jet!" with that she send screaming Alvida flying away never to see her again.

Coby was so amazed by Luffy's  powers made him and Alvida's crew…or should I say EX Alvida's crew, speechless, then the water dispels to reveal Luffy back to her usual self. Then she turns to the pirates.


"Y-yes?" the crew flinched in fear.

"Get Coby a boat because he's leaving and going to become a Marine and none of you are going to stop him, got it?" she gave them a stern look and commanding tone like a real Captain; the Crew quickly obliged since they don't want to get beat up by her.

Coby couldn't be any more grateful and more happy than before; he is finally freed from that accursed brute woman and her crew and ready to take his first step to become a Marine and it's all thank to Monkey D. Luffy.

Just then three cannons fired around Alvida's ship that shook both Luffy and Coby, they regain their balance and saw it was the three Marine ships coming their way.

"That's the Marines." Coby stated.

"What luck, now you can finally join them. But I gotta scram." Luffy smiled while she runs away.

"Are you crazy?! They'd arrest before I can join in they'll think I'm one of the Pirates!" Coby hurriedly followed Luffy to escape before he's thrown to jail.

Meanwhile, the orange hair girl stole another boat and tying her bag full of treasures that she stole from Alvida's ship, as Luffy's and Coby's boat falls next to her.

Luffy and the girl catch a glimpse of each other, before sailing off.

The little boat that Luffy and Coby took sails to the far sea where no Marine can find them, Coby looked around to see if any of the Marine had followed them but thankfully none of them notice their escape.

"I guess we're safe now consider no one is following us." said Coby.

"Whoo, that was fun, huh?" then she laughed as it was a joke to her.

"Um Luffy, if you're looking for the One Piece that means you're heading to the Grand Line, right?" Coby asked as Luffy replied with a nod.

"You know people called it Pirate's Graveyard!" he tries to make her understand the danger she is going through but her mind is determined to find it.

"That why I need really strong people on my crew to get to the Grand Line…by the way that Pirate Hunter they keep talking about, what kind of guy is he?" Luffy asked.

"Oh, you mean Roranoa Zoro? Last thing I heard from he's been held captive by the Marines in a Marine Base." Coby said.

"So…he's weak" her voice sound disappointed.

"NO WAY YOU'RE WRONG HE'S AS VIOLENT AS A DEMON AND THREE TIMES AS HORRIFYING…wait, why are you asking about him anyway?"

"I figured since he's strong to join my crew as my First Mate," she smiled when she heard how good this Zoro is while Coby gaped at the girl for one of her crazy attempt.


"You'll never know maybe he'll jump at the chance to join me."


"Because." Luffy smiled.


At the Marine Base, a man strapped on a wooden pole in the middle of hot blazing sun. people would have thought he is dead because he's not moving for a while, but, in fact, he is very much alive, and if you look closely you can clearly see the demonic look in his eyes, he is truly what people called him…Roronoa Zoro the Demon.

What do you think so far?

What form should I have Luffy fight in against Morgan?

Plz comment!
