Luffy vs. Arlong

Votes are in......

Bubbly, mermaid, and pond got the most votes!

When Luffy encountered Nami after she supposedly killed Usopp, something told Luffy that Nami was hiding something.

Luffy was never a good liar since childhood and usually told the truth, but strangely she could tell when someone was lying.

Then later she saw the commotion of the people of Cocoyashi deciding to charge Arlong Park. Arlong, a fishman in question, was the cause of Nami's pain and thanks to him being in league with a crooked marine, he's making sure Nami doesn't get out of his hold.

Nami had tried so hard to stop the people but they had ignored her pleas and went on ahead and Luffy wasn't going to let Nami's cries die in vain. Luffy jumped off of the roof and slowly walked over to Nami and watched as she began stabbing at the Arlong's tattoo screaming his name in absolute rage.

The girl grabbed Nami's arm before she did any serious damage to herself.

"Luffy..." Nami breathed, "What? You don't know anything? You don't know anything about what's been happening on this island for the past eight years!"

"No, I don't." Luffy didn't know anything about the island or its history, all she knew about was Arlong and Nami and that was it. So she wasn't lying in the faintest.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Nami continued, "I told you to get off this island, right?!"

"Yeah, you did."

Nami bunched up dirt in her injured hand and threw it at Luffy's feet as she repeated for her to get lost, until she had collapsed she wanted the pirate captain's help and desperately.

" me."

Luffy didn't say a word she just took off her hat with one hand while the other hand ripped off her necklace. She placed her hat on Nami head and dropped the seashell necklace onto Nami's lap and walked passed her. Luffy wasn't going to let the person who made her navigator cry get away so easily.


Nami realised just how determined Luffy was to help her when she felt the straw hat on her head.

"Keep your hands off my treasure!"

"This necklace was given to me by Mama and Papa. I'll never leave it."

Luffy gather her crew together as they walked in the direction of Arlong Park. The whole crew was boiling with rage over the tears that were shed by one of their nakama.

"Luffy-aneki!" Johnny and Yosaku called out.


Luffy walked straight up to the bolted gates and punched them straight off. The entrance to Arlong Park was busted wide open and Luffy had declared war against he Arlong Pirates.

"Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy asked furiously. (Unfortunately for her, Arlong's file didn't come with a photo.)

"Arlong would be my name."

Luffy set her eyes on the purple fishman with the pointed nose.

"That so? I'm Luffy."

"And, Luffy...who are you?" Arlong asked.

"I'm a pirate."

The female captain leaped forward as quick as lightning and punched the fishman right in the jaw, sending him flying into the wall on the other side of the park.

"Don't make our navigator cry!" Luffy hissed.

The other fishmen weren't too happy with a human attacking their captain and charged at the petit female, however, before they could even lay a hand on the girl, Sanji had jumped in to protect her.

"Don't touch our cute captain!"

Zoro and Usopp simply walked in, although Usopp more or less tumbled in on wobbly knees.

Hachi had walked up the small group with a smirk.

"You think Arlong-san will waste his time with the likes of you!?" Hachi laughed, "He'll be enough for the job." Hachi grabbed the end of his long octopus mouth and blew it like a trumpet.

The ground rumbled as the creature that Hachi summoned. "You guys can be his next meal!" Hachi laughed, "Come out, Mohmoo!"

The water parted and out came a crying, beaten sea king. Hachi was a little taken aback by the state that the cow was in but everyone else was worried about what the sea king was going to do to them.

Mohmoo saw Luffy and Sanji and just whimpered.

'Sorry about this...' Mohmoo said though only Luffy could understand him.

'It's okay. Make it real and I'll get you out of Arlong's grasp. And brace yourself too.' Luffy mouthed to him as Mohmoo charged............

Only for Luffy to use her energy to stop Mohmoo and blast him away.

"Giga Impact!"

With that, Mohmoo was sent flying far away.

The fishman stood in shock at what the puny girl did that, but Arlong wasn't fazed.

"A Devil's Fruit user huh? Well, we just need to throw her in the water, she'll be no threat. Kill her!" The fishmen charged.....

Only for Zoro and Sanji to intervene.

"We got no time for small fry." Zoro frowned.

"Besides, you have no respect for a lady!" Sanji added.

With most of the fishmen down, all that was left was Arlong, Kuroobi, Chuu, and Hachi.

Luffy obviously had dibs on Arlong, while Chuu went after Usopp, Kuroobi faced Sanji, and Zoro faced Hachi.

In the process of the battle, Luffy was thrown into the water, Arlong smirking that he won already, but he was confused when Luffy's Crew didn't even flinch. The Villagers were just as confused.

Then, out of nowhere, a Aqua Jet blasted Arlong from the water and knocked him into the wall.

"What?! What was that?!" Arlong asked no one in particular.

Then the water dispersed to reveal Luffy in mermaid form shocking the fishmen and the Villagers.


"I thought she ate a Devil's Fruit! I never heard of a Devil Fruit user that can STILL swim!" Kuroobi shouted.

"It looks like hers makes her a mermaid!" Hachi yelled.

"Not exactly. Cat Cat Fruit, Model Vaporeon." Luffy giggled.

Arlong stared in shock for a moment before grinning like a maniac.

"Interesting. I've heard those who eat the Devil Fruit are hated forever by the sea, yet I'm seeing one that can still swim and even command water. You are definitely superior to other power users, and normal humans." Arlong grinned with malice.

"What of it?" Luffy asked.

"Obvious. Why fight to protect weak humans when you clearly have the power to make them grovel at your feet? You deserve a place among the true superior race, with beings like us. Why not ditch your pathetic crew and join us? Together, we can not only rule the East Blue, we can conquer the World's oceans and create a new empire, the Empire of the Fishmen! Not even the World Government will be able to stop us!" Arlong offered.

Luffy stared at Arlong's smug face and crossed her arms.

"Unfortunately, I'll have to refuse."


"I came here for one reason only. Like I said before, you made my friend cry, so I'm gonna make you pay for that. Besides," Luffy took up a battle stance.

"I already have a goal in mind, to be the first Queen of the Pirates, and I won't do it by being a tyrant like you."

Arlong grit his teeth at her answer.

"Then.........I'll make you regret that answer."

Things were falling apart on Arlong. All his best men were falling one after another. Even Chuu was beaten by Usopp if one can believe it.

Luffy kept messing around Arlong in her Bubbly Form, as she used accurate shots at him, and dodged him to avoid being bitten.

It escalated to the point Arlong brought his sharksaw out.

He swung it around like a feather at Luffy as she made her escape by bouncing up the building until the fight landed in the top room of the building.

A chart room.

But Luffy can somehow feel a sense of misery and pain in the room.

"What's this room?" Luffy asked as she returned to her human form. "It's full of paper."

"Not just any papers. This is the map room. The room where Nami draws her maps."

Luffy looked around the room with a blank face as she tried to contain her anger. It was almost sickening to be in.

Arlong held his Kiribachi right next to Luffy's neck he kept talking and offered Luffy to join him again but she didn't take any notice of it. She simply stared at the desk where she imagined a child Nami drawing maps day in and day out. She picked up a quill that had blood on it.

She knew what she had to do. .

"This pen…it's got blood on it." Luffy stated. Whatever was going to come out of Arlong mouth was going to be his last hope of survival.

"For me to rule the world, Nami's maps are my necessity. She will draw maps for the sake of my ambition. And once I have the maps of all the seas in the world, no one will be able to stand against me. The whole world will be mine." Arlong declared, "And it starts right here, on this island in the East Blue.

"How anyone possibly use her better than I can?"

Luffy finally placed the pen down.

Then she grabbed onto the blade of the Kiribachi in front of her and broke it completely.

"USE?!" Luffy yelled her eyes filled with rage.

As Arlong ran his mouth, Luffy turned into her Pond Form

and kicked a desk out of the room and watched as it fell to the ground below. Luffy continued to destroy ever ounce of furniture in the room as Arlong's shouts to stop fell on deaf ears.

"Stop it!" Arlong screamed. He swung his Kiribachi at Luffy but dodged and the sword went straight through a large deck of maps.

"My sea maps! You wench!"

Luffy continued to destroy the room but Arlong was able to grab her and bite into her shoulder. But then she grabbed Arlong's nose and snapped it in two.

"I don't care about sea maps and things like that! But I know how to save Nami. It's this room, no the whole building. It was her prison.
IM GOING TO DESTROY IT." Luffy growled.

"Welch! No human can destroy Arlong Park!" Arlong said straightening his nose, but before he could, Luffy used all her energy for a powerful attack.

"Hydro Vortex!"

The attack slammed into Arlong sending him into the bottom floor, knocking him out cold.

In the process, the force of the attack caused the building to collapse!

It was shocking, but Luffy emerging from the rubble confirmed victory over Arlong.

"Thank you, Luffy."

"It was nothing really. I'm just looking out for my nakama." Luffy smiled

Nami's eye stung with fresh tears and as she smiled and placed Luffy's hat back on her head.

Luffy laughed in response.

But before the cheer and festivities could return the marines that were led by interrupted them a rat faced looking man. He had only a couple of other guards with guns.

"Who the hell's this?" Luffy asked.

"You, my dear, are the key to my promotion. The government will love to have you in their hands and I will be rich for the rest of my life after I'm done with handing you over. I am Captain Nezumi, of the Marine's 16th Battalion and I will be taking over from here."

But he was cut off by Zoro who grabbed his neck from behind.

"You shouldn’t interrupt a victory celebration."

After Nezumi and his men were beaten up, Nami battered him into the ocean, and made demands.

"Now it's your turn to listen. You guys are going to take care of cleaning up after the fishmen, and help reconstruct Gosa village. But you will not touch even the slightest but of the fishmen's riches! They belong to the people of this island. And more importantly, Give Me Back My Money! Understood!?" Nezumi pathetically whimpered about how he understood and would do as Nami said.

When they recovered, quick for such injuries, Nezumi and his men swam away, were quick to escape the promise pain that awaited them if they remained. "You girl in the Straw hat? Your name is Luffiana, right?! You're the captain, aren't you? Don't forget this! You're going to be big after messing with me and all of this! I'll make you sorry! Mark my words!" And then he and his men flailed desperately in the water back to his ship.

What that meant, Luffy couldn't care, right now the island has to celebrate. And that means a party with food!

Meanwhile at Marine Headquarters, a man was looking over reports of certain incidents.

Alvida was said to have been flung through the sky after a cruise ship raid.

Captain Morgan had been ruling by fear on Shell Island.

Buggy the Clown terrorized Orange Town.

Kuro of a Thousand Plans was found to still be alive after his ship sailed once more.

Krieg was found to have cracked up, and reduced to a coward.

And the latest and most shocking of all.....

Nezumi reported on the destruction of Arlong Park and Arlong being defeated as well.

Those were all different, but every report had one thing in common.

Within a matter of days, all these people were defeated by one new female Pirate.

Monkey D. Luffiana.

Despite the picture of her innocent face smiling, she was branded a Pirate.

If that wasn't enough, the warning of Mihawk of all people even vouched for her as a new threat of not only the Marines, but also the balance of the Three Powers.

Marine Headquarters

A gathering of Marine Admirals and the like were at a meeting to discuss the latest news.

"So, your saying that our branch units won't be enough to stop her?" One Admiral said.

"Yes. According to our reports that came flooding in that is." Brannew said as he began his speech.

"Iron Mace Alvida ended up biting more than she could chew when she crossed paths with the new rookie.

Captain Morgan abused his power over his soldiers, but karma hit him hard after his defeat.

Buggy the Clown was a feared terror, but Luffy got the last laugh.

Kuro of a Thousand Plans, the man who outfoxed us with his fake death ended up being jumped by her instead.

Foul Play Don Krieg attempted to steal the famous Baratie only for Luffy to crack him up.

Finally, Saw-Tooth Arlong was the biggest fish among Pirates of the East Blue, but Luffy snagged, bashed, and minced him black and blue." Brannew listed the feats of Luffy.

"Aside from Morgan, the Pirates listed were big players of the East. The average bounty of the East is a mere 3 million, but they had bounties over 5 to 10 million. And all their rings are smashed.

In addition, we received information that could shake the world.

She's reported as a Devil Fruit user............

That's still capable of swiming." Brannew finished making the Marines in the room stare in stunned silence.

Such a thing never happened before.

A Pirate like that could mean trouble.

"And as a cherry on top, Mihawk reported having seen her battling Krieg, and even said she is planning to head for the Grand Line. Once she does, it could represent a dangerous shift to the balance of the Three Powers. So it seems reasonable that we place a special bounty on her." Brannew said as he slammed Luffy's photo on the board.

"Her bounty is currently the highest of any rookie we've seen, but we believe it's nessicary, for victory is never cheap. Agreed?"


Luffy's picture was placed on wanted posters within minutes.

'Sea Enchantress' Monkey D. Luffiana

Wanted: Dead or Alive

Bounty: 140,000,000
Plz comment!

Next chapter will have different reactions to the new poster.

Should I include The Charlotte Family, Warlords, Supernovas, and why?

Plz comment!
