Chapter 12

Start of the War in Sun's Country

One week before the New Year's Day, the whole Sky planet have really bad atmosphere. Even the cheerful princess of Sunny kingdom in Mysterious Star and The warrior princess, Fine, is sad because of failure of her trial in Love, and even Ayumi told her that she didn't have to worry, even she failed the trial, she still have her companions/friends/families and that's the guardians and also the other citizens of Sky planet that counting on them. That's the reason why Ayumi showed to her the prophecy, but still, she still have heavy atmosphere, she also lost her confidence to pass the trial of Temperance and Boss Tsuna's trial.

While she is in her room and releasing her 1000'th sigh in just one day, a huge explosion has happening in Sun kingdom, the whole planet heard the explosion. Most of guardian gathered at the entrance of Sky floating castle, except for Ayumi who is already in Chrome's country and Conan who is in his own country.

"Are you all ready? We're going in Sun Kingdom to help and rescue the citizens there!" Tsuna said to the guardians, of course including Fine, they nodded except to Kyoya and Mukuro.

Mukuro, Chrome, Hayato and Tsuna held up small boxes (Airo/indigo for Mukuro,yellow for Chrome, red for Hayato and orange for Tsuna) "OPEN BOX!" The four teens yell.

Then in Mukuro's and Chrome's boxes release owls in each of it, Kuromu and Nagi.

In Hayato's box release his animal box weapon, Uri and his weapon Sistema CAI.

While in Tsuna's box, released his lion cub, Natsu and his metal gloves. Tsuna's eyes changed into orange flame color and orange flame appeared in his bangs.

Takeshi and Kyoya with Hayato ride on Sistema CAI, while Nagi and Kuromu land to their partners' back and their wings become big, the Mist and Sun guardian look-like angel and Tsuna let out soft flames to his gloves and he lift.

"MATERIALIZE!" Fine yelled "Mist!" then she surrounded by fog. When the fog disappeared, her clothes has changed into black armor ((Erza Scarlet's Black wing armor, just in her groin I change it into short)). Then they all fly towards of Sun country, the darkest kingdom in Sky planet.

When they got there the guardians saw lots of ogres, shadow humans and giant bats. They also saw many citizens already have injuries and wounds; they stopped in the mid air

"Chrome go to safe place and heal the injured citizens!" Tsuna ordered to Chrome, she nodded "Hayato, Takeshi go help Chrome in rescuing the citizens!" Tsuna ordered to Storm and Rain guardian and the two nodded. Kyoya hold Tsuna's hand. Then Hayato, Chrome and Takeshi did what king's order.

The Warrior Princess flew towards of the giant bats and she slice it into two, while Tsuna releases Kyoya to the ogres, Mukuro flew towards of the shadow-like humans and Tsuna using his orange flame, he burn all of the remaining land creatures.

While they all fighting on the enemies, on army of ogres a large volt of electricity shots there. The guardians looked at to Conan who flying using his helicopter

"YOU'RE LATE!" Fine yelled, but with smile in her lips

"SORRY!" Conan yelled back to her.

After battling in the giant bats, Fine flew towards Kyoya and get him. She flew towards of the helicopter; she released him inside of Conan's transportation.

"You ready Fine?" the kid guardian of lightning asked, she nodded

"Of course!" she replied cheerfully "MATERIALIZE!" she chanted, then her ruby gem shine brightly in her left earlobe "LIGHTNING!", then green light engulf her, when the light disappear, her Mist armor change into (Erza Scarlet's lightning empress armor))

Then Fine that in her Lightning armor and Conan shoot the remaining creatures using their lightning/electricity. The enemies burned into crisp, but there is still coming... This time it adds dragons, ghosts, vampires, and many more.

"There still moreee!" Mukuro sang with smirk on his face, while he and Tsuna reaching them

"Do you guys saw Ai?" Tsuna asked to the other guardians

"No" Fine answer him for the rest of them

"King!" Hayato call out while they're reaching the helicopter with Takeshi and Chrome using his Sistema CAI to fly.

When the Storm, Rain and Sun guardian reached them "Where's Ayumi?" Takeshi asked

"No luck!" Conan replied plainly

"Fine, searched for Ayumi and leave this to us! Chrome, Hayato go back where you guys brought the citizens and protect them!" Tsuna order them, they all nodded, except to Kyoya and Mukuro.

The mismatch eyes guardian smirk and "As you wish my little Tsu-chan!" Mukuro teased the sky boss

Tsuna got a nerve mark in his head (Its angry mark) "Mukuro, this is not the time to play around!" Tsuna said to Mukuro, his tone become scary with dark background, that makes the other guardians scared to him and have sweat drop in their heads, yes including Kyoya

"He can also be scary sometimes!" Fine whispered not thinking if she will hear by the others

"I just saw this side of him!" Hayato whispered

Then Fine jumped from helicopter "MATERIALIZE!" then her ruby gem shine brightly "MIST!" then her armor change into her Mist armor "I definitely find Ai-san, I promise" Fine said to them, then flew straight forward.

Meanwhile the other guardians did what Tsuna's ordered to them. Chrome and Hayato go back where they bring the citizens, while Kyoya and Takeshi jumped from Conan's helicopter and start the fight against evil creatures. Conan gave the enemies multiple lightning and Tsuna and Mukuro fight the flying evil creatures.

Meanwhile the warrior princess successfully found the missing Night sky guardian that fighting to a blue hair women with blue eyes and have flower tattoo under her left eyes. The woman wearing black dress with black accessories and black cloak with black hat(all black :P)

The woman threw a large ball of energy towards of Ayumi,, the guardian able to stop it using her Mist, Fine immediately help Ayumi, doing slicing the ball of energy into half and it gone

"Fine!" Ayumi recognized her savior

"Are you alright Ai-san?" Fine asked the full of bruises guardian

"More or less. By the way, you're late!" Ayumi replied to her

"Sorry!" Fine smiled replied

Then the two teens land in ground and they both turn towards of unknown enemy.

"So you're the Warrior Princess, the one who doesn't pass the trial of love!" The women said to Fine

"Who is she?" Fine asked to Ayumi in her low voice

"Believe it or not, she is the Luche-san's Night Sky Guardian, Aria!"

"NO WAY!" Fine shock

