Chapter 11

The Trials Results

It's been most of the year, since the trials started.

In the office of the king of Sky/Death planet, the Guardians were there.

"How are the trials that you gave to her?" Tsuna the king of Sky floating castle asked the seven guardians, while sitting on his chair

"She passed the trial of courage!" Ayumi reported, Tsuna nodded

"In trial of Humanity, she passed it." Mukuro reported while looking at the Sky guardian

"In trial of Wisdom and Knowledge, she got a little problem, but thanks to Princess Ayami's words, she able to passed it." Conan reported while pushing his glasses

"Passed" Kyoya reported coldly

"And that's the reason why you always challenge her now in battle, huh!" Mukuro said to the guardian of cloud, Tsuna got a sweat drop in his head while pretending smiling, while the others just quiet.

"What about in trial of friendship, Takeshi?" Tsuna continue still have sweat drop

"She didn't have any problem when she getting through to my trial!" Takeshi replied while smiling happily, then the king of all kings nodded

"I'm sorry King, but I still don't give her the trial of Temperance!" Hayato reported

"It's alright Hayato... and what about in trial of love, Chrome?"

They all waiting for the sun guardian guardians' words

"In trial of love she is... Fine-san had... failed!" Chrome finish her report, everyone shock in Chrome's trial result.
