Chapter 6: Mission Failed

Damn,this old geezer is more agile than I thought! He's been making twists and turns. Every time I think I've got him he rounds another corner, causing me to slam into a wall.

"Stop running away you piece of shit!" I yelled after running into a wall for the hundredth time.

"No thank you!" The old man shouted back.

"You can only run away from me for so long!" I growled. That's when I heard the old man laugh, "Hey, what the hell is so damn funny?"

"If you really thought I was running around aimlessly, you've got a lot to learn about the Joestar technique." Joseph scoffed. That's when I realized it, he was running straight towards my mother's room. Shit, I can't believe I didn't notice where he was running! I was so focused on actually catching him that I wasn't paying attention! I can't let him reach that room, or else it's game over. He's a good 2 meters away from the door, but I'm at least 7 meters behind him, wait a minute I can stop time, dumbass.

"Star Platinum,The World!" I quickly called out. Ok, now just grab the old man. I kept on running towards him until I was an arms length away. I reached out my arm just enough for my fingers to graze the back of his shirt, however before I could get a grip his body moved away from me. Time resumed, fuck. I heard the old man cackling as he burst through my mother's sliding door.

"Papa what are you doing here?" Holly exclaimed. However the only response she was greeted with was the old man jumping into her bed and hiding under the covers. I barged into the room and glared at the hidden figure. "Jotaro honey what's going-"

"Hey old man, mind giving me that video camera?" I interrupted.

"Holly please help me! Tell your son to leave his defenceless grandfather alone!" He pleaded. Holly looked at him confused.

"What video camera? Jotaro what happened?" Holly questioned.

"Well this bastard was recording me in my room like the creep he is, and-" A squeal of excitement cut me off before I could finish.

"Oh you have a video of Jotaro!" She squeaked. "Let me see!" She said clasping her hands together. The old man crawled out from under the covers and sat up next to Holly showing her the camera. Large grins grew on their faces as they both started giggling like maniacs.

"Turn it off right now!" I demanded. Unfortunately, my protests didn't reach their ears. Finally I saw the old man switch the video camera off. Holly then faced me with a closed eye smile.

"Jotaro I didn't know you had such an interest in dance, especially classical dances." She beamed.

"I didn't know you had such an interest in your stand." The old man snickered. A stone cold glare that was sent his way quickly shut him up. "Anyways, why were you trying to learn the waltz with your stand?" He asked, "Clearly you don't know how to dance, so what made you think your stand could?"

"Well, I was learning how to do that stupid fucking dance because of a school event." I said pulling my hat down to hide my face.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Joseph yelled. "Your old man is a genius when it comes to the waltz, I've had my fair share of formal events with your grandmother." He boasted.

"I'm not following you gramps." I grunted annoyed.

"Read between the lines, I'm volunteering to be your practice partner!" He shouted pointing a finger at himself.

"Good grief, but only on one condition." I sighed.

"Heh, and what might that condition be?" The old man said slightly sceptical.

"You need to get rid of that video of me and Star Platinum." I stated.

"Never." Joseph deadpanned. "You can't say no to me being you partner either because, well, what other choice for help do you have other than me?" He smirked.

"Hmph, you got me there." I admitted.

"Good to know we're on the same page, now, let's go dance!" The old man bellowed jumping out of the bed and making his way back down the hall.

***Time skip brought to you by the Joestar technique***

It's been 20 minutes since we came to my room. Once we got here the old man said he needed to get something from his room. When he returned he went into my bathroom holding something behind his back and I've been waiting for him to since then.

"Ok Jotaro I'm ready! I'll be playing the woman's role ok!" Speak of the devil, is it just me or does his voice sound a few octaves higher? I look over towards my bathroom door and my jaw immediately dropped. What. The. Fuck. I don't know what I'm staring at. My grandfather is wearing a dress, makeup, and fake boobs. So he's finally gone insane, it was only a matter of time.

"Hey gramps, I think you should lie down for awhile." I said concerned.

"Gramps, who's that? I'm Tequila your new dance partner!" The old man said winking. I stood there shocked. "C'mon don't just stand there, let's get started!" I snapped out of it as the old man approached me. He then proceeded to place his right hand on my shoulder as I placed my left hand on his waist, then we interlocked our remaining hands together. This doesn't feel right, but like he said before, I don't really have a choice. "Ok so now what you're gonna do is move your left foot forward." 'Tequila' instructed.

"Easy enough." I grunted. I moved my left foot forward and 'Tequila' moved their right foot back.

"Good job, now bring your right foot forward." 'Tequila' instructed again. I moved my right foot forward, and 'Tequila' moved their left foot back. "Good, now carefully move your left foot so it's almost touching your right." I went to do just that but like before, I stumbled and ended up stepping on my own foot. I winced due to the bruises that had developed on my feet from earlier. "How on earth did you mess that up!" The old man hollered breaking out of character.

"Shut up, let's just start over." I said calmly. He's already starting to get on my nerves, but I can't lose this chance. We practiced those same 3 steps until 'Tequila' went insane.

"OH MY GOOOOOOOD!" The old man cried. "You've stepped on my poor feet so many times I can feel them throbbing, how are you so bad at dancing!" He complained. "I wanted to help you, I really did, but you're helpless! It's going to take a professional to teach you!" I didn't give him the chance to say anything else due to me stopping time once again. Once time resumed a loud howl sounded through the house. "OH NOOOOOO!" I smirked triumphantly as I walked back to my room while hearing an angry string of curses behind me.

"Papa what are you doing in the koi pond in a dress?" Holly shrieked.

"Jotaro you son of a bitch!" The old man bellowed. I shut my door and laid down in my bed drifting off to sleep, not bothering to change. Hopefully tomorrow is a peaceful day. Who am I kidding, I'm Jotaro Kujo me and peace don't really mix. Well one can dream right?


1251 words


Once again I'm so sorry for the late update! Take Tequila Joseph as my apology 😔. Well, until next time!
P.S check out The_Blue_Hearted jjba x mha rp! I'm in it and it will be a lot of fun if we have a lot of people!

