Bonus Chapter: Kid n' Play

     Hello you're probably wondering why I've decided to write a bonus chapter, well let me explain. It's my birthday today and I wanted to take a break from the main story (almost like a day off) but I still wanted to give you guys something to read. I have a list of bonus chapter ideas so I thought why not use one now? This bonus chapter is actually related to the story but it doesn't really affect the plot at all. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as you would a main story chapter. Don't worry I will be uploading main story chapters regularly again next week.

Kujo Residence

"How the fuck do you play this game!" I yelled furiously smashing the buttons on the Nintendo controller. Kakyoin and I have been playing F-Mega on his Nintendo that he brought over for two fucking hours. At first it was all fun and games, but after losing 100+ times I've just about had it with this shit.

"Seriously Jotaro I don't understand why this is so hard for you, all you have to do is literally press two buttons." Kakyoin stated smugly as he continuously spammed the controller's buttons. Maybe it's those stupid sunglasses that he's wearing that makes him so good, what the fuck am I saying?

"Fuck off Nori." Just as I finished the sentence the screen displayed that Kakyoin had won, again.

"Looks like I win again Jotaro, there's no way you can defeat a pro gamer like me! Just stop trying! Nyohohohoho~" There he goes doing that stupid pose again, what a smug bastard. I tossed the controller down only to feel a hand hit me upside the head. "Jotaro what the heck, you can't treat my beautiful controller like that! What did she ever do to you?" He scolded, one of Hierophant's tentacles went to grab the controller and he started inspecting it closely.

"Whatever," I shrugged. "Let's do something else now I'm bored." I deadpanned. Kakyoin looked at me his one eye twitching.

"Alright then what do you suggest we do Kujo." Annoyance was written all over his tone and face, but I especially knew he was pissed off since he referred to me by my surname. When I said I was bored I thought he'd have an idea but I don't think he wants to think of anything other than his controller at the moment. What else could we do? We sat there in silence for a minute as Kakyoin was still checking every inch of his controller until it hit me.

"Hey Nori remember that one time at lunch when we first talked about dances and you thought I could do the moonwalk?" I questioned looking at him.

"Yeah, what about it?" Kakyoin looked up from what he was doing so I could see his confused expression.

"You said you could do a dance called the........Child and Play, or something like that." I mumbled a little bit at the end. I watched as Kakyoin burst into a little fit of laughter.

"You were close, it's called the Kid n' Play," Kakyoin corrected.

"Hmph, yeah that one. How do you do the dance?" I was genuinely curious, the name sounded a bit peculiar and I can't think of what it is that you could possibly be doing.

"Well I'll explain it, for starters it's a dance that's done by two people." He took a deep breath in, "This dances mainly revolves around bumping feet and elbows and just moving to the rhythm."

"How did you manage to do that dance without a partner?" I was confused as hell.

"Joot you're so forgetful, are you not remembering that Hierophant Green exists?" Kakyoin furrowed his brows and I could hear that there was a little disappointment in his voice. However, he was trying to play it off as a joke by making his voice sound light hearted. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment, how did I forget about his stand? "Why were you asking about the dance in the first place anyway? I mean it entertained you for a bit but what now?"

"I asked in the first place because I wanted to watch you do the actual dance." I looked over to see Kakyoin with a shocked expression on his face.

"You...want to watch me dance?" I don't know why that's so hard for him to understand? Am I that much of an ass that he thinks I don't care about what anyone else does? I mean that would be true to an extent but I care about what people I am close to do.

"Yeah, that's what I just said is it not, and we don't really have anything else to do." A large smile spread across Kakyoin's face at my response.

"Alright then, I guess I can't refuse someone who so desperately wants to watch me dance." He teased. I just rolled my eyes. "Before I do the dance could you get the song Ain't My Type of Hype if you have it?"

"Sure, I'll ask the old man if he has it." I walked out of my room and through the halls to the old man's room. I opened the door without knocking and the old man jolted at the sudden intrusion.

"Jotaro why don't you knock! Are you trying to give your old man a heart attack?" He bellowed glaring at me.

"Quit your yapping you old geezer, I came here to ask if you have the song Ain't My Type of Hype with you." I wish he would have a heart attack so I wouldn't have to hear him yelling all the time.

"Why do you need it? It''s not like you can dance to it anyways!" The old man started laughing hysterically.

"It's not for me it's for Kakyoin." I don't feel like dealing with his shit right now. I waited for the old man to calm down so he could answer me. It took a minute but he eventually quieted down and was wiping tears away.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense. To answer your question, yes I do have it," The old man then pointed to his dresser. "It's actually on top of the dresser I was listening to it earlier. I commend Kakyoin for having such good taste in music." The old man's voice sounded proud. I walked to his dresser, grabbed the audiocassette then made my way out of the room shutting the door. I could hear an audible 'a thank you would be nice' through the door but I continued making my way back to my room.

When I slid open the door I saw Kakyoin standing in the middle of my room. He turned towards me when the door opened and smiled a bit, Hierophant was peeking his head from behind him.

"Did Mr. Joestar have the song?" He asked. I held it up in front of me. "Great! Now let's play it already!" I walked over to the cassette player that was in the corner of my room and popped it in. There were a few seconds before the song started like usual so I had enough time to turn to Kakyoin and watch him get ready. The upbeat music quickly filled the room and Kakyoin sprung into action with Hierophant.

Both Kakyoin and Hierophant took a step forward towards each other with their left feet then touched their right feet together in the air. After this they took two steps back, but this time when they stepped forward again they tapped their right feet together twice. While they were dancing Hierophant and Kakyoin's arms were moving along to rhythm, and whenever they were just simply stepping forward their feet never stopped twisting and shuffling. When they went to kick their right feet together they grabbed each other's hand and jumped in a circle so that they switched places. The smile on Kakyoin's face grew when they turned so that they were now back to back, and when they started tapping their feet behind them to the beat Kakyoin started to laugh light-heartedly. The moves were hard to follow because of how fast they were going. Every part of their bodies were constantly doing something, whether it was bumping elbows, bumping feet, or bopping their heads. Despite all of this they made it look effortless and like they were having the time of their lives.

     The song finally ended and Kakyoin and Hierophant finally stopped dancing. Kakyoin was hunched down on his knees and catching his breath and wiping sweat off his forehead. My mouth was agape. This was the best idea I've had in a long time, that was one of the best things I've ever witnessed. Kakyoin stood up after catching his breath and looked at me. A smirk made it's way across his face and he started waltzing in my direction. I furrowed my brows as he leaned down in front of me. He reached out his hand and pushed my chin up so my mouth would close. Ah. I watched as his eyes squinted shut as he started chuckling. Sly bastard.

"If your mouth stayed open any longer I thought you might start to drool." Kakyoin joked, there was a some what sensual tone to his voice that I picked up on. Suddenly I felt a jab in my side, I looked up and saw Star Platinum staring down at me.

"Ora, ora ora ora." Star have you gone crazy? You want to attempt doing that same dance. "Ora." It'll be fun huh? I guess it's worth a shot and I don't think you, well technically 'I', won't take no for an answer.

"Good grief." I sighed and got up from my position on the floor to stand where Kakyoin danced previously. I looked at Kakyoin whose face was emanating amusement and I saw Hierophant giving Star a thumbs up. In return I flashed Kakyoin a cocky smirk to show that I was 'confident' but from the corner of my eye I saw Star blushing and giving Hierophant a goofy grin. I flicked Star Platinum lightly on the head so I wouldn't hurt myself, he turned to me with an angry expression. I could hear Kakyoin stifling a laugh and Hierophant's eyes crinkled for what I assumed was because he was also laughing. We'll show them. "Shut up, just start the song." I watched as Kakyoin made his way over to the cassette player and restarted the song.

Star and I took a step towards each other but when we went to bump our right feet together Star did it a bit too hard, I could feel a bruise forming already. We copied the steps from before and I could feel my bruise start to swell when Star and I kicked our feet together twice. It only got worse, when it came to the part where we had to hop and switch places I hoped on my now bad foot and twisted my ankle. I collapsed onto the floor giving up on life.

"Oh my God! Jotaro are you ok?" Kakyoin came running over to my side. I was saying numerous curses under my breath. "You should be more careful! If you were already having trouble to begin with you should've just stopped I'm not going to judge you or anything."

"It's not my fault you can dance so well and I can't, is it such a crime to try?" I refused to look at Kakyoin's face. After a couple seconds of silence I heard Kakyoin start to laugh.

"Are you pouting?" I felt myself blush and looked even further away. "Oh Joot, you're such a hard head, but that's what makes you so adorable."

. ✰ ♥ ✰.

1966 words


If you don't remember in an earlier chapter I said I would explain how Kakyoin and Hierophant Green did the Kid n' Play so here it is! I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter.

