Index Part One: Dialogue act two

Alex: After that moment we kinda (pause) oh sorry I'm uh getting ahead of myself in the story a little bit. By that I mean that I'd by starting this next part with the ending & I would've skipped over the part I'm about to tell you (pause) let me tell that part right now if you don't mind. Sorry I hope that wasn't too rude of me (pause) if it was I am truly deeply really sorry. (pause) Anyways it was a couple of weeks before our showcase. Let's say things got a little out of hand at rehearsal. (Pause) okay things got very out of hand (pause) (sighs) extremely out of hand, just watch it isn't pretty and it doesn't end well it all started in rehearsals.

( the lights reveal the back stage rehearsal space three weeks before the big showcase.)

Director: (enters stage left) all right people (clapping to get the actors/actresses attention) we only have 3 weeks until our big Broadway showcase. so we need to practice our numbers (pause, acknowledges the two problem actors) and for those of you that means actually practicing and not getting into constant spats over a damn girl. (Pause) oh no offense Dessie.

Dessie: none taken sir, alright let's get this rehearsal started shall we. So honey should we practice our song together.

Justin: Of course my little (gets cut off by director)

Director: um actually Dessie you will doing a performing audition with two candidates for the other part of the song Take Me Or Leave Me from the Broadway show Rent.

(Cast applauds her awkwardly)

Dessie: thank you this is so unexpected.

Director: well then (pause) this can't get any more awkward than it probaly already is. Alrighty then Dessie your two auditioners for your partner are Alex Johnson and Justin Jones oh dear lord jesus. So this would make it more awkward.

Dessie: don't worry I'll make sure to kill it sir.

Director: you better(pause) oh and um Alex and Justin, at least try to get along( pause) for once or don't just at least ( pause ) try to get the number down okay (looks to the audience) hopefully they can but I make no promises. Seriously (pause) they can't get through one damn song without showing off to Dessie. Jease Louis getting along should not be this difficult people.

Alex: don't you worry about that sir Dessie and I are not going to let you down. But I can't speak for show off Mcjones over there(looks to Justin and says sarcastically) oops did I say that out loud oh I'm so sorry( pause mouths to the audience) I'm not really sorry.

Justin: hey the only one whose professional around here is Dess and I right honey bear (kisses Dessie on the cheek).

Dessie:(uncertain) right sweetie-bear(kisses him on the cheek)

Alex: (gags) oh give me o few minutes where I don't gag every time you guys kiss

Justin: oh shut up you little Son-of a

Director: okay enough of the fighting okay. Let's get started.

Justin: alright then now shall we rehearse our song for the big night.

Director:( nervously) uh hold on there Justin I goota hear both you and Alex sing with the main girl Dessie (pause) together(pause) in unison for once.

Alex & Justin: What!!

Alex: sing with him out of all these people(pause) there is no way in hell I would do that.

Justin: I was going to ask you the same question about the day you left Dessie after her car accident but it seems like we already have an answer for why you weren't by her side the whole time Mr. I don't get emotional or feel any emotional sympathy for people who aren't me.

Alex: I said I was sorry multiple times, but if you can't see that I've changed then what's the point because this isn't. Look Mr. Perfect I'm doing the duet with Dessie, I'm going to nail this audition, and there's nothing you can do about it, got it Jones.

Justin: oh please if you only had the vocals to pull the song off Jonhson.

Alex: watch me tone deaf walrus and take notes (pause) hit it! ( to the music runners) lets start this singing war Jones.

Justin: let's begin Jonhson, but in the end I think we both know who'll win.

Alex: oh I doubt that Jones (pause)(the music starts) your move Jones I mean it take it away.

Justin: (sarcastically) oh jeez thanks "friend and I hope you do great" (whispers to the audience) not really i hope he chokes

Alex: well I hope you forget the words unlike this way.

(Alex starts singing)
