Act2: final act

Act II: the weeks before the actors showcase in rehearsals the director gives Dessy a song from rent to rehearse with either Alex or Justin. But both Justin and Alex go from rehearsing with Dessy to trying to win over her affections (take me or leave me) shortly after that Alex is announced to do the duet with Dessy much to Justin's dismay. Then they have a spat about what stuff they can and can't do better than the other (Anything you can do I can do better). Later that night Alex meets up with Dessy before she leaves. As he tries to win her over again Justin listens close by and over hears everything that was going on between them (hopelessly devoted to you) after seeing how much he's willing to change for her she gives in and says that she has always loved him and he does the same with her (a thousand years) before alex leaves he tells Dessie about the first time that he met her and the time he had fallen in love with her (this moment in time). After hearing all that Justin runs away knowing that whatever he had with Dessy was over, and Desi still hesitant about what to do about Alex and her relationship with Justin. (barely breathing) the night of the showcase after Desi and Alex's performance the entire cast including Justin come onstage to sing one final song together. They sing a song that reflects on how they all realize that things have to change and people grow apart to make room for that specific change (the scientist). After the final curtain call Justin and Desi, they to talk to one another about what happened weeks prior, but to no avail and they part ways as Destiny runs after Alex after he sees them together (chasing pavements). As soon as she finds Alex near a train track she stops him and confesses her feelings for him and he reciprocates her affections (unchained melody). After their kiss Alex is over joyed to be with Dessy again however the feeling is short lived when she hears a train coming & pushes Alex out of the way only to get hit by the train. The scene goes black as the train hits Desi and she dies soon after in Alex's arms(our love reprise). the scene switches over to the entire cast who performed with Destiny that night gathered at her funeral (if I die young). After telling their story Alex is uncertain that he'll find another girl that he'll love again like he did with his late girlfriend. After making that statement the vision of Dessy appears yet again to sing with Alex one last time. He tells Alex that no matter what happens, & no matter who he chooses to be with she will always be with him. And she tells him to always carry the love and the friendship they had over the years they've grown together with him as time goes on (always be with you/destiny reprise). Alex then kisses her one last time before she leaves with her dad to go to the other side with him. Before she leaves Alex tells her he'll always love her & that he'll carry around in his memories. Desi's mother than comes up to her daughter's old room to help take stuff to the theatre where they both worked to see if that there was anything they could take down there. Alex then gives her the programs and costumes that she kept from their childhood together. Before leaving he sees a few scrapbooks and photos of him and Desi together. He takes them and puts a ring she had left him on his right hand and whispers to himself "I'll never forget you Destiny." As the curtain falls the cast comes back and sings one last song in memory with the vision of destiny and her father joining to honor her by preforming a song from her favorite musical (listen to Angel's reprise/ finale.)
