Chapter 02: Mentors Part 1

West House
"So your not stuck here?" Iris asks. Sara, Barry and Laurel agreed that the team should know about the future.
"No, I'm not." Laurel responds.
"So the reverse tachyons in your system?" Caitlin questions.
"We're put there because of me." Laurel finishes.
"Are you kidding? You know how many credit card points I just blew, just trying to get rid of your negative tachyons? I just bought a brand new spectral tachyeometer, when I could have my Fiji get away. Not that I have anyone to go with, anymore. I'm not taking you to Fiji, Ralph." Cisco says on the coach giving Ralph a pointed look.
"Why didn't you guys tell us about this before?" Iris asks.
Laurel looks at her parents, they both give slight nod.
So Laurel shows them the '25 Years Later-Flash Still Missing' article.
The team all give shocked faces while reading the hologram.
"That's why you came here. To see your father, because you were raised without him." Joe says putting the dots together.
"Yeah, also to finally have both my parents." Laurel adds.
"So what? That's article says that you never come back. So what if the other says that you vanished. I mean it's said other things before, right? We made it say other things before. So whatever the future brings, we're gonna deal with it when it gets here. And change it if we need to." Iris explains looking between Sara and Barry.
Laurel shakes her head giving a snort and standing up.
"No, that's not going to work. It never does not with stuff this big!"
With that Laurel leaves slamming the door behind her.
"I got it, Babe" Sara says giving a quick kiss to Barry then heading outside.

"Laurel, LAUREL!" Sara calls out to her daughter.
"Not now, Mom"
Sara gently grabs her daughters wrist pulling her body against hers giving her a loving hug.
"It's okay" Sara repeats soothing her daughter.
Laurel quietly cries in her mother's neck.
"I'm sorry" Laurel apologizes.
Sara just nods at her giving a quick kiss on her forehead.
Their moment gets interrupted by Laurels phone.
"I have to go" Laurel says.
"Yeah, ok"
Laurel starts walking away before she turns back to look at her mom.
"Can we spar later, Mom?" Laurel nervously asks.
"Of course, I want to see how well I taught you" Sara smiles.
Laurel giggles before speeding off.

Crime Scene
Laurel quickly changes into a pair of black faded jeans with white converse, simple white t-shirt and black jean jacket.
When she runs to the crime scene, silently stealing a pair of black plastic gloves and a CSI badge.
She looks for her Dad and spots him talking to Captain Singh.
"Don't worry, CCPD'S finest are on the case. Captain Singh, such a pleasure to finally meet you, big fan." Laurel greets shaking his hand.
"And you are?" Singh asks.
"Dinah, Dinah Reed. CSI intern." Laurel smiles.
"You hired an intern, Allen?" Singh questions Barry.
"I'm very sorry, sir, but I needed help with the cases that accumulated while I was suspended and you said the Mayor wasn't going to give us any money to help solve them, so I hired an intern to help, for free." Barry explains.
"Well, make her official when you get back." Singh sighs walking away.
Barry quickly looks at his daughter.
"I know your surprised to see me but I found this badge and gloves and thought, 'I'm a CSI too' so I should help my Dad." Laurel giggles.
"Right, okay. But why the change in name? Dinah Reed?" Barry questions.
"Well I can't exactly walk around saying my name is Laurel since the public thinks the only Laurel in the America is the DA who returned from the dead recently and I can't say I'm your daughter so I thought I'll give my undercover name" Laurel explains looking around the crime scene.
"What it that?" Laurel asks pointing to a weird flesh cube also secretly trying to change the topic.
"That I haven't gotten to yet." Barry says.
"It looks like somebody wanted their pound of flesh." Laurel adds trying to lift it up.
"This seems way denser than human tissue." Laurel informs her Dad.
"Yeah, your right. I can't even move this thing. This isn't a pound of flesh. This is a whole human body." Barry and Laurel look at each other in awe and shock.

"Ugh, these old - timey computers are even more slower than the ones in the storage at The Flash Museum." Laurel complains.
"DNA analysis used to take a lot longer even just ten years ago." Barry explains smiling at his daughter.
The computer bleeps informing the analysis is done.
"Got a match, Vennessa Jensen." Barry reads out.
"Low level weapons dealer affiliated with the East Street Skulls gang." Laurel reads out.
"I ran into a couple of them while I was in prison." Barry adds.
"Oh you gotta tell me stories about prison."
They both laugh, smiling at each other.
"The Skulls make The Hells Angels look like a knitting club, drug trafficking, armed robbery." Barry looks up at Laurel.
"Any places Jansen's known to frequent?" Laurel asks.
"East Street Auto Haven. Looks like it's probably a front for Skulls activities." Barry reads out after researching the information.
"Let's go!" Laurel happily says leaving the room.

Laurel and Barry come to a hault hiding behind a car watching the scene in front of them.
"I got this" Laurel says then runs off putting the guy Vennessa was arguing with in the truck locking it up then facing Vennessa.
"Sorry, I can't let you hurt him."
Vennessa raises her and to use her powers but Laurel moves.
They both run at each other ingaging in a fight.
Laurel punches Venessas stomach then face but Vennessa uppercuts her punching Laurels jaw making her lose her balance which gives enough time to put Laurel in a block.
"VENNESSA!" Barry shouts.
"The Flash! I guess I better put my hands up." With that Vennessa throws Laurel away sending her flying in the sky.
Barry quickly chases after her, getting ahead to use his vacuum's to slow down Laurel and lands gently on the floor.
"How long do you think this will-" Laurel doesn't finish her sentence because the block disappears.

Star Labs
"I think Laurel is good to go. She didn't even need an Ibuprofen." Caitlin explains walking into the cortex with Laurel beside her.
"You sure you feel okay?" Barry asks looking at his daughter concerned about her health.
"Yeah, I'm totally okay. Come on let's get back to work, Flash." Laurel shrugs walking over to her mother.
Barry looks between his girlfriend and his future daughter then sighs.
"Okay. All right let's figure out where Venessa's went. If she sells those stolen weapons to the wrong people." Barry says not completely knowing what could happen with the weapons.
"Cisco, were you able to get the satellite up and running?" Sara interjects knowing Barry doesn't want to continue.
"Cisco?" Iris asks suspiciously at the stilled and quiet man.
"We weren't able to track Venessa, but we did find a scientific anomaly that we've never see before, right, Cisco?" Caitlin wearly says.
When Cisco still doesn't say anything Ralph bends down beside him.
"Han shot second." Ralph whispers making Cisco jump out of his seat pointing at his friend.
"That doesn't even make sense!"
Laurel chuckles watching the scene in front of her.
"We need the CCTV..." Ralph explains patting Cisco's back.
"CCTV, yes. Venessa Jansen's concentrated air squares are dense, very dense, stupid dense. The kind of dense reserved for people who still believe in love." Cisco sadly explains.
Laurel shakes her head getting her voice out of her head, tightning her grip on the computer table to steady herself from Cisco's statement.
"I think what Cisco is trying to say is that Venessa can manipulate the movement of atoms to create concentrated air molecules in cube form. The space between the molecules is so compact that there isn't enough room for a speedster to vibrate through them." Caitlin cuts in looking around at Team Flash.
"What do you call someone who can compress air molecules into solid blocks?" Barry asks Cisco who blindly walks past him.
"I don't know, Block." Cisco says leaving the cortex.
Barry raises his eyebrows looking at his friend leaving.
"So I guess Cisco is still taking the Gypsy thing pretty hard?" Iris asks looking at both Ralph and Caitlin.
"Well, we've been working on it. But you can't expect real progress till you hit step 17." Ralph responds.
Laurel chuckles again knowing exactly what Ralph means.
"You can do without us for a little while?" Caitlin asks Barry.
"I mean, we're blind without our satellites so we're just gonna have to wait until Venessa makes her move anyway." Barry explains.
Ralph and Caitlin quickly leave the cortex to catch up with their heartbroken friend.
Laurel spins around looking at her mother with a big smile having an idea pop in her head.
"Mom, you still owe me a spar." Laurel reminds her mother with a wink.
"Well, let's get ready to kick ass!" Sara laughs putting an arm around her daughter shoulder, walking out together.

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Laurel asked her mother walking into the Speed Lab.
"Like any normal fight. I haven't had a good fight in awhile so come at me with everything you got." Sara says shrugging off her leather jacket then taking her stance.
Laurel chuckles quickly taking off her jean jacket then carefully unclipping her necklace bond ignoring her mother's curious look putting it in her jacket pocket before placing it on the ground.
She looks back up at her mother.
The two slowly circle each other, Sara jumps off the ground raising her fist punching Laurels cheek but Laurel dodges it putting her hands on Sara's back pushing her away making her stumble a few steps.
When Sara turns around she barely dodges Laurel fist but she quickly responds punching Laurel's stomach, making Laurel slightly bend over giving Sara the opportunity to grab her right arm twisting it behind her back putting pressure on it.
"1-0" Sara whispers in her future daughter's ear.
Laurel uses her left hand, firmly grabbing her mother's neck, then quickly bending over, making Sara fall over her daughter's shoulder then in a second, Laurel straddles her mother strongly putting her forearm on her mother's throat, smiling at her stunned mother.
"1-1" Laurel says.
Sara wrapped her legs tightly on her daughter's hip, using her core muscles to switch their positions, Laurel on the ground and Sara's hand wrapped around her daughter's throat slightly squeezing it.
"2-1" Sara gets off Laurel taking a few steps back waiting for her daughter to get up.
"I forgot how strong you can be" Laurel remarks quickly getting up.
"Nice to know I still got it" Sara jokes circling Laurel once again.
"Oh, you still got it, to be honest I don't think you could ever lose it." Laurel jokes back watching her mother movements.
Sara chuckles stopping a few feet away going into her stance.
"Well, come on then." Sara gesture to Laurel to attack her.
Laurel smiles before they both run at each other.

After fifty rounds, of the two woman kicking each other's ass, they lie on the Speed Labs floor, catching their breaths when Barry speeds in.
"We found Block. She's in a six block radius around Pacific and Davies." Barry informed looking between the two woman on the floor.
"Do I even want to know?" Barry asks laughing.
"No" they both reply.
Laurel gets off the floor quickly grabbing her jacket then looking at her Dad.
"I'll meet you there." Laurel says before quickly speeding off.
Sara stands up wrapping her arms around her boyfriends neck, Barry instantly wraps his arms around the blondes waist bringing her closer.
They both lean in, their lips perfectly fitting together in a quick but passionate kiss.
"Who won?" Barry asks stepping back looking at his girlfriends ocean blue eyes.
"You know who did, now go save the day, I'm right behind." Sara gives a peck on his lips, Barry smiles then runs off.

The two speedsters quickly clear out the shooters before facing Block.
"You two. I swear..." Venessa angrily looks at them.
Barry responds by making his two mini turnado's, Venessa uses her powers to shield herself.
"She's getting tired." Laurel states watching Venessa starting to struggle.
Barry's turnado's overpowers her, throwing her to the ground grunting from the inpack.
Laurel hands the meta cuffs to her Dad but they drop to the floor when Venessa traps him in one of her blocks.
"Hey, Blockhead! Try that on me!" Laurel shouts then runs off circling Venessa.
Block immediately starts shooting mini blocks at Laurel which she dodges or runs past them, Laurel was jumping to one shipbox to another when she sees Sara creeping behind Venessa knocking her out with her baton, Laurel quickly picks up the meta cuffs from the floor before putting them on Venessa.
Laurel smiles at her mother, high fiving each other.
"Great timing, Babe." Barry says looking at his girlfriend in her White Canary suit.
"At least I wasn't late like them." Sara responds pointing to the new breach when Cisco and Ralph jump out of it in their Vibe and Elongated Man suits.
"Well, my work here is done." Cisco breathes out looking around the scene.
"Looks, like she's a regular chip off the ol' block." Ralph jokely adds.
Venessa gasps making all the heroes look at her to find a weird shaped dagger sticking out of her chest then flies out of her, Venessa starts falling to the ground only to get caught by Barry, who is desperately trying to keep her awake and putting pressure on the stab wound.
Laurel and Sara turn around to see a cloaked hooded figure walk from the front of the truck and standing in the open area wearing a gas looking mask and holding a glowing lightning bolt dagger, stareing intently at the heroes.
Laurel eyes go wide knowing exactly who it is but still remains silent.

"Get her to a hospital!" Barry instructs looking at his daughter.
Laurel looks between the hooded figure and her Dad, knowing she shouldn't leave him.
"WHITE LIGHTNING! NOW!" Barry insists handing the dieing woman to Laurel, who quickly picks her up bridal style before running off.
"Barry? What is it? Who's there?" Iris asks on the coms.
"I don't know yet." Barry replies looking at the cloaked man.
The cloaked man throws his dagger which lands in the ground making electricity crackling noises before orange strange lights comes off Barry, Ralph and Cisco going straight into the dagger.
Sara watches in horror having no idea what happened.
"I just lost my speed." Barry explains looking at Sara.
"I got nothing" Cisco says looking at his hands.
"Negative, Ghost Rider." Ralph adds.
"Guys, I know we're four against one, but something tells me this guys got the advantage." Cisco worriedly says looking at Sara.
Barry charges at the cloaked man trying to punch him in the face but the guy bends down dodging it then strongly hits Barry in the gut, Cisco runs next punching him in the face which he easily shakes off, punching Cisco's back sending him flying onto the concrete ground, he then punches Ralph's face knocking him down.
Cisco charged at him again but the man catches his forearm, pulling at it making Cisco run forward only to be punched square in his face making him twirl in the air landing hard on his back.
The hooded figure looks at Sara, who is tightly holding her baton.
"Stand down and I won't hurt you." The cloaked man warns.
"Never." Sara growls.
Sara charges at him, kicking him hard in the chest, making him grunt in pain from the kick, she quickly swings her baton in his face, she then expertly wraps her legs around his ribs, putting her free hand on his neck then uses her core muscles throwing both of them on the ground, only for him to land on his back while she lands on her knees.
He quickly gets up on his knees only for him earning a round house kick from Sara on his face, then a right kick to his chest.

While this is happening Cisco was painfully crawling to the lightning shaped dagger that was still stuck in the ground.

Meanwhile, Sara throws a ninja star that pierced into the cloaked man's shoulder making him scream in pain.

Cisco was using all his strength to lift the dagger out of the ground when it flies straight out, cutting Cisco's palms in the process, the dagger flies straight into the hooded man's outstretch hand.

Sara throws her baton on the ground taking out one of her many knifes, glaring at the cloaked man.
He swings his dagger at Sara but she dodges it, using her knife to quickly slash his ribs.
The cloaked man hisses in pain before angrily swings his dagger left, right, up, down only for Sara to dodge them all.
He swings again at her, this time getting Sara across her stomach, making her scream in agony.
He then kicks her jaw making her fall to her knees with one hand over her wound.
He punches her left cheek making her fall to the ground.
The hooded man grabs the back of her suit collar, lifting her off the ground before he quickly stabs the back of her shoulder, Sara painfully gasps before she is thrown to a stack of shipboxes which collapse on her knocking her out cold.
Ralph quickly tries to punch the cloaked man only for him to be thrown to the ground.
"CANARY!!!" Barry screams looking at his beaten up girlfriend.
He angrily looks at the man who hurt the love of his life.
Barry screams in rage, punching the cloaked man only for Barry to earn a painful punch to his lower back but he pushes the pain away, he goes to punch the cloaked man again but Barry gets punched instead, again and again, from face to ribs to stomach to jaw sending him face down to the ground.
Barry turns on to his back trying to even out his breathing, only to get a shot of pain in his ribs.
The hooded figure stands over him, reajusting his grip on the dagger he's holding.
"Oh, my God. Barry! Barry, you've gotta get out of there right now!" Iris panicly says over the coms.
The hooded figure kneels down beside him slowly raising his dagger.
Barry looks around him to find Cisco and Ralph knocked out on the concrete floor and Sara still bleeding and uncouscious under a pile of shipboxes.
Barry let's his head fall back on the cold concrete ground, closing his eyes knowing there's nothing he can do accept think about one of his favourite memories with Sara.

Barry slowly zipped up the back of Sara's dress before wrapping his arms around her, kissing her neck.
"I love you" He whispers nuzzling his face in her neck enjoying the warmth of her skin, earning a giggle from his girlfriend.
"I love you too"

"DAD!" Laurel screams, her eyes wide seeing her Dad almost being stab.
The hooded man looks between White Lightning and The Flash before standing back up and walking away.
Laurel waits till the cloaked man is gone in the night before running to her father's side.
"Dad, are you okay?" Laurel asks looking over her father's body.
"I'm okay but Sara..." He points over at Sara's bleeding and uncouscious body.
"MOM!" Laurel yells speeding over to the shipboxes, quickly removing them.
"MOM! MOM!!" Laurel yells trying to wake her into couscious.
"Dad, take care of Ralph and Cisco, I've gotta get Mom back to Star Labs before she bleeds out!" Laurel informs her Dad then carefully picks up her mother in her arms not caring if the blood gets on her white suit before speeding off.

Star Labs
"The wound on her stomach was not deep enough to damage any of her organs but it still needed stitches, her shoulder needed stitches on the front and back. Once her shoulder is healed she will need some therapy, she also might have a concussion. She lost a lot of blood but with the transfusion of the blood bag that Sara did last year, she should recover 100% after two weeks rest." Caitlin explains to Laurel while cleaning the blood on Barry's face.
"Thank you." Laurel replies not taking her eyes off her sleeping mother.
"Of course, I'm gonna check on Ralph and Cisco." Caitlin grabs her equipment leaving the room.
"I'm sorry, Laurel." Barry apologizes looking at his daughter.
"It's not your fault, Dad." Laurel says finally looking at her Dad giving him a sad smile.

"We got a big problem." Barry explains when Caitlin, Cisco and Ralph walk into the complex.
"So, I talked to Captain Singh and he said that Gridlock was killed during his transport to Iron Heights." Iris informs the team.
"Gridlocks dead? How?" Laurel asks her Aunt.
"I'm not sure. I interviewed everyone that was there and no one knows. But I did some digging..." Iris explains before putting on a video.
The video starts with the security men talking before there is gunfire.
"Okay, so what are we looking for here?" Ralph asks Iris.
"Not looking. Listening." Iris replies.
"It sounds like the guy who just attacked us." Ralph says listening to the video.
"Sounds like an insect." Caitlin adds.
"It's a Cicada." Laurel explains folding her arms.
Barry turns around looking at his daughter, frowning seeing Laurel looking at everyone with worry in her eyes.
"Who's Cicada?" Barry finally asks.

To Be Continued...
