Chapter 0: Laurel's New Family

Earth two Laurel Lance was studying over her law books in her D.A's office when a muscular woman wearing tight black jeans, a simple black top and black leather jacket knocks on her door.
"Can I help you?" Laurel asks wondering who this woman is.
"No, but I'm here to help you actually. Can I sit?" The woman ask gesturing to the seat in front of Laurels desk.
Laurel gives a simple nod watching every movement the woman made.
"How can you help me?" Laurel questions.
"My mother always told me stories about Laurel Lance, you even told me a few Quentin told to you." The woman says looking around Laurels office.
Laurel looks at the woman in shock finding out this woman knows she's not the real Laurel Lance.
And what did she mean 'She, herself, told her stories about the original Laurel.'
"Oh, right, you don't know who I am. I forgot that this time you and my mother don't consider each other sisters yet."
Laurel springs up from her seat stareing daggers at the woman.
"Okay, who the hell are you? And who's your mother? How do you even know all these things?!?" Laurel loudly demands.
Wanting to know what the hell is going on.
"My name is Laurel, Laurel Nora Allen-Lance, my mother's Sara Lance. I'm also from the future, that's how I know who you truly are." Nora explains watching Laurel flop back down on her seat, shift from confusion to understanding to curiosity.
Laurel can only manage to say.
"I know this is a lot. You probably have a few questions too. I will answer them but I have to say this to you first." Nora says secretly holding back the tears she knows are threatening to come bust.
Laurel leans back on her chair showing Nora she's listening.
"Right now your trying so hard to be the Laurel from this Earth, becoming the D.A, righting the wrongs you've done as Black Siren, your trying to do all these things while Dinah still hates you, Team Arrow don't trust you. You put on this act in front of them showing your doing all those stuff and being your usual sassy self. And I know you are trying and succeeding but I also know when you go home, your place is thrashed from your outbursts, you spend hours crying and grieving over Quentin then basically drink yourself till you pass out. Team Arrow, Dinah, even Sara you grieve for,"
Laurel hangs her head down knowing all this is true.
"There's only so much you can take, Aunt Laurel. In the future your an amazing aunt, your happy with someone you love, you make a network for women, you have a sisterly relationship with Sara. So I'm telling you Aunt Laurel you will have an amazing future but first you'll have to get through the hard stuff." Nora finishes wiping away the tears that spelt on her cheeks.
"Thank you." Laurel responds tears streaming down her face which she quickly wipes away with her hand.
Nora gives a small nod waiting for Laurel to talk.
"It's so hard and I feel so alone." Laurel whispers wiping away the last of her tears.
"I know, here." Nora puts a phone in front of Laurel.
"Anytime and I mean anytime when you feel alone or need someone to talk to, text me on that phone. There's a emergency setting too if you ever need to speed here."
Laurel gives a confused look.
"I have superspeed." Nora simply explains shrugging her shoulders.
"Who's the person I love?" Laurel asks hoping it's the woman she's thinking about.
"You already know." Nora smiles.
"Dinah." Laurel breathes out a shaky sigh.
"Right now she hates you but soon that hate will turn into friendship then love." Nora explains using the same words her Aunt did when she would tell her about her relationship with Dinah.
"What did you mean I create a network for women?" Laurel asks wanting to distract herself from what Nora just told her about Dinah.
"You, Dinah and Sara create a worldwide Canary network for woman. To learn to defend themselves, be strong, a community and a family."
Laurel stares at Nora in awe and shock.
"We do that, WoW." Laurel exhales.
"How do I create a relationship with Sara when she probably can't look at me without thinking or hoping I'm her Laurel?" Laurel desperately asks.
"Have you ever thought that she may think she has a second chance to be a sister. Yes deep down she misses and wants her sister back but Laurel's made peace, and Sara's made peace with that. Give it a shot." Nora stands up from her seat.
"Go to Dinah, be honest with her."
Laurel stands up then walks to Nora with meaning before pulling her into a tight hug, feeling safe in her future nieces arms, she doesn't bother to stop the tears falling.
"Thank you." Laurel whispers pulling away from the hug.
"Your welcome. Just remember you have me Aunt Laurel and everything will eventually fall into place."
With that Nora superspeeds out of Laurels office, running back to Central City.

Laurel just stands in the middle of her office thinking about what Nora, no, Laurel Nora Allen-Lance, her sisters future daughter and her future niece, spilled out to her and her hopeful words, which brings a small smile to her face.
