47 | Food Arguments

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Hey loves, new chapter! Enjoy😊

Word count: 672


A two weeks later, we had the worst thing yet; my father's funeral. I didn't think that this would've happened to me, but here I am, sitting in a church filled with my family and friends all here to bid farewell to my father; Mohamed Hadid.

I still don't know why mum and dad were fighting, but I guess somethings are better left unsaid.

Bella has been a crying mess since the accident. I've tried comforting her, but I guess she just wants her space to mourn about our dad.

Since the accident, the lime light has been on us. People have written messages and tweets that they probably didn't know I read, but they were very heart warming and kind of them to write things like that.

But it doesn't take the pain away.

It's been two weeks since the original accident, but it feels like more weight was put on my shoulders, like everyone is expecting me to act a certain way. I don't know why though, my dad has just passed away and I was in a freakin' car accident, yet people are putting out more expectations for me.

I just want this to all stop, so I can have a chance to breathe.

"Hello everyone. We are all gathered here today due to the passing of Mohamed Hadid" he said "Can we all have a minute of silence for Mohamed Hadid."

« Present Time »

I dragged myself off my comfiest cloud ever and got to my bathroom, I quickly striped and took a ten minute long shower. Basically heaven.

I decided to wear a pair of ripped jeans which were a faded blue colour and a basic white tank top. I know how basic of me.

And with that I headed downstairs for food.

I checked the fridge for some delicious food, but to my disappointment there was nothing. Only salads Mum bought the day before.

"Morning" Mum said happily as she made her way through the kitchen, walking gracefully.

"Morning Mum" I replied "There's nothing to eat!"

"Yes there is!" she said as she made her way towards the fridge "There's the salads I got you from Panera."

"Yeah I know, but I wanted something more sugary."

"No Gigi. Remember you're trying to keep your figure, not trying to lose it" Mum said.

Um rude.

"I've worked so hard, but it's still good to have fast food and sugary foods sometimes! I doesn't matter I can work it off."

"Gigi, I don't want to start a petty argument so early in the morning. It's unhealthy for the brain, I'm pretty sure" Mum said leaving no space for me to argue. Damn it.

"Fine whatever" I said and left the kitchen.

Sometimes my Mum worries about what I eat more than what I actually want to eat.

Well, welcome to my life.

There goes my amazing morning flying out the window. Uhh, don't you just hate those buzzkills? There's always that one person.

Anyways on another note, I've got a photo shoot at twelve. So I have heaps for time to burn, considering it's ten-am.

I ordered some pizza which should come soon. Put on my fluffy socks and turned on the movie: She's The Man. I've seen this movie a few times, but haven't had time to see it in ages.

About twenty minutes in i hear the doorbell ring and quickly dash to the door.

"Um, pizza for Gigi?" the pizza man asked.

"Yes thanks."

"That's an Americano" he said confirming my order.

"Thank you very much" I ask as I closed the front door and dashed back up to my room with my pizza in hand.

I've got to be honest the pizza's great!

So there's a bit of my weird addiction for pizza😂 Sorry I haven't updated in a while!

(April the 6th)
