45 | Dad

I have something in mind for you guys in this chapter!


Ps, I'm not dedicating anyone anymore in chapters because there's so many of you beautiful souls that vote, follow and comment❣️

Word count:729


Today is it, the day I finally go to another, not that I've been to one since Zach happened, but it's time to become a real high schooler.

I have a feeling that's something bad is gonna happen tonight, but whatever. I shrug it off.

Lena and Rosey were gonna drag my body to the party anyways, even if I didn't want to attend it.

It's to be and I quote, 'the biggest and best party of the whole year'. I don't know what I think about it. It starts at 9PM

Well the party's in half an hour, time to get changed into something casual. I slip on some light blue skinny ripped jeans a a basic white top and some white basic converse. I look like any other teen. Good enough for me!

«At the party»

Once Rosey and Lena gave up on the idea of changing my clothes and we all left to go to the 'biggest party of the year'.

And now we're here.

"Want anything Macy?" Lena asked.


"Oh what was that? Some alcohol? Okay coming right up!" Lena said excitedly.

Whatever, I won't drink that much!

Rosey went off somewhere with a possible future boyfriend, well that's what she said before leaving me and Lena.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Lena shove a bright red cup in front of my face, filled with some smelly concoction.

I've had alcohol before but not something this strong. Is this girl trying to kill me?!

"That smells really strong" I said handing the cup back to Lena.

"Come on, just one sip!"


After five minutes of arguing I finally gave up and drank some, a bit too much actually. To top everything off my alcohol tolerance is very low, which means I get drunk very fast.

I drank the whole cup, which was filled to the top and the cup looks really big.

The room started spinning and I was starting to get overpowered by the music that was being blasted loudly. I lost my balance a few times, but with the help off Lena I made it outside.

I should call my dad to pick me up, I feel a bit sick. I dial my dads number and he picks up after a few rings.

"Hello?" I hear my dad say on the other side.

"Dad can you please come pick me up, I feel sick."

"Yeah" and this time I hear loud music blasting. Where was he at this time of the night? It's 11PM.

"I'll text you the address" and with that my dad just randomly hangs up, weird he always says 'see ya soon' or something to confirm he's coming.

I shakily, but successfully text him the address, still feeling dizzy.

Lena said she needed to go to the bathroom and she'll be back in a few minutes, and if I leave text her. The basic stuff.

After about ten minutes my dad arrives in his sleek black BMW, but he doesn't look like he's driving properly. I shrug it off once again.

"Hey dad" I say and he turns to face me.

He breathes in and out, a strong smell of alcohol comes out. Oh no.

"Please don't tell me you've been drinking."

"I only drank bit, why do you even care?!" he shouted coldly. That's for sure NOT my dad. Well duh, he's under the influence of alcohol.

Now we're moving but very shakily should or I call it.

"Dad please stop the car, you can't drive if you're drunk! You might kill someone!" I cried trying to convince him to stop while he still can.

"Just shut up!" he said increasing his speed to 90.

"Please dad."

"Shut the hell up or I'll kill the both o-"

And something happened that I never thought would've happened.

The impact hit me immediately, air bags hitting my face. The car was in the air spinning around and around, making me hit my head numerous times. Until the pain of the roller coaster just stopped.

I looked over at my dad to see...

Cliff hanger! Wait to read what happens next! Well I'm signing out now, goodnight❣️
