Runaway Bride by Garry Marshall

And the on screen star crossed lovers come together again for yet another Garry Marshall film repeating history. Following the success of pretty woman we are treated with yet another unimaginable romance between Maggie (Julia Roberts), who with her string of fiances left stranded at the halter (let me take a moment to be appalled for the female population waiting to get hitched or for the victim in case of a role reversal scenario) meets Ike (Richard Gere) , the columnist from New York set on a mission to unwind this mysterious Runaway bride.

I'll admit parts of it will make you laugh, get you excited, keep you guessing and make you sigh, some parts may be boring/irritating. I didn't particularly like Maggie or Ike per say but....there's something very late 90's early 2000's about this movie that's missing these days , it makes you watch it every time you flip the channel and it's on...or at least a couple of times ;p

I give it a 3.3/5 stars

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