Endless love by Shana Feste

At an Atlanta high school graduation ceremony Jade Butterfield, a beautiful but shy 17 year old, has not made any friends throughout her four years of high school. Jade has nixed a social life in favor of studies, wanting to do well in memory of her eldest brother, Chris, who died from cancer. David Elliot, another graduating senior, has had a crush on her throughout high school, but never had the courage to act on said crush.

Jade - along with her elder brother Keith, and their parents Hugh and Anne - stop at an upscale restaurant where David works as a parking valet. When Jade trips over David, he mentions how they were classmates and she asks him to sign her empty yearbook. Inside the restaurant, Jade asks her parents for a graduation party, and when her parents approve, Jade excitedly invites David. David thrills Jade by bringing her on a brief joyride in the car of a snobby guest - partly in retaliation for the guest's demeaning behavior toward David's best friend Mace, another valet. David punches the client when he insults Jade, which gets David and Mace fired but wins Jade's appreciation.

Jade's party disappoints her at first. David arrives and informs Jade that her former classmates are at another graduation party occurring that same evening. David gets a large crowd of their peers to attend Jade's party by calling in a false noise complaint to the police. Bonding that night, Jade and David sneak into a closet where they share a kiss. Hugh gathers everybody together for a speech about how proud he is of Jade. When called for, Jade sheepishly comes out of the closet followed by David. Her father completes the toast and then politely asks them all to leave.

David introduces himself and apologizes to Hugh for making such a bad first impression. David makes it clear how much he cares for Jade - who secretly listens to this conversation from inside the house, and is delighted by his words. As David leaves, Jade runs after him for a passionate kiss.

David, who works at his widowed father Harry's garage, tries to please Hugh by fixing the departed Chris' broken car. Anne invites David to dinner, at which Hugh reveals to David that Jade is soon leaving for an internship. When asked of his future plans, David states that, despite scoring high on his , his main goal is work on cars and find true love with "the" girl. While Anne is impressed, Hugh finds it unrealistic. As David is leaving, Jade throws him a paper plane from her balcony, asking him to come back when the lights are off. When David finds Jade waiting for him in a sheer negligee he assures her that they can wait, but Jade insists she "wants to feel this" with him.

Jade explains to David that she cannot pass up the internship, for which she's leaving in ten days. They agree to make the most of their remaining time together. A montage shows them enjoying each other's company with reckless abandon. After their last evening together, Jade decides to spend the summer with him. When her father finds her unpacking, he knows it's because of David and is furious.

The next morning, Jade's father announces that their family is going to their lake house, trying to keep her and David away from each other. David shows up and reveals that Jade invited him. Hugh insists that David leave, but Jade boldly declares that she wants him to stay. When Hugh talks with Anne about Jade's uncharacteristic rebelliousness, Anne is pleased to see their daughter truly happy for the first time since they buried Chris. When David is convinced to apply for college, Anne writes a letter of recommendation in order to bolster his admission. That night, David is shocked to find Hugh cheating on his wife in the garage. The next morning, Hugh intimidates David into remaining quiet about the affair.

Jade and David sneak into a local zoo after hours for fun with some friends. Jenny, the host of the graduation party David had sabotaged with the noise complaint, informs the police about a break-in at the zoo. David lets the police catch him so that the others can escape. Hugh agrees to bail David out in return for Jade goes for the internship. When Hugh tells David that his and Jade's romance is over, David speculates on what Hugh's family would think of him for his cheating, to which Hugh retaliates by insulting Harry for pushing David's mother into the arms of another man before she died. This manipulates David into punching Hugh, who returns home with a bloodied face to proclaim that David is out of control. Jade confronts David, finding him talking with Jenny. Jade jumps to the wrong conclusion about David and Jenny, then accuses him of being a coward, and for not fighting to maintain their relationship. She drives off in anger is slammed by another car.

At the hospital, Hugh takes Harry aside and gives him a restraining order, demanding that David stay away from Jade. Harry argues that they're only kids, but to no great effect. When Jade wakes up, having suffered only minor injuries, she wants to see David. She goes to his house, but Harry can't bring himself to let her inside - since that would land David in prison.

They each try to move on with their lives, including seeing other people, but neither is happy. Months later, David runs into Anne at a bookstore, and Anne, who admires David and Jade's love for each other, arranges for them to meet at the airport when Jade comes home for the holidays. The teenagers reaffirm their love, and Jade agrees to meet David that night to run off with him. When Anne confronts Hugh about his obsession with destroying David's life, she learns that Hugh prevented her college letter of recommendation from being sent. Anne voices her disapproval of the man Hugh has become since Chris' death.

Upon arriving home, Hugh fights with Keith and Sabine for listening to records in Chris's room. Keith and Anne have had enough and decide to move out. Jade tells Hugh that she has also had enough of the way Hugh has been manipulating their lives ever since Chris's death, announcing that she is going to leave with David, who is waiting outside. Hugh attacks him furiously with a baseball bat - accusing David of wrecking things between Hugh and his family. Jade breaks it up, proclaiming that it was Hugh, not David who tore their family apart.

A candle has fallen over in Chris' room and started a fire. As Jade and David are leaving, they see that the house is in flames. As Hugh desperately collects Chris' things, David rushes inside to help. When David is knocked down and loses consciousness, Hugh puts down Chris's belongings and picks up David. They both make it out and reconcile their differences.

Jade visits Chris' grave, shortly after their parents get a separation. Hugh drops Jade off at the airport, where she meets David. The couple flies to California, where Keith and Sabine get married. The movie ends with the four of them on the beach as David and Jade lie next to each other. Jade's voiceover explains how her first love was everything all at once, the kind of undying love that is worth fighting for.

I give it a 3/5 stars
