so we meet again

Short chapter they will be better I promise

Bakugou pov,

I've been treated like trash since 3 years ago tomarow. No one believes he is real and somehow my scars have opened back up but I'm packing to set off to find him the thing is my heat just started. And I I'm scared that he will smell it. I want to find him he is all I can think about. I wish that I could see him now. I set off on the Journey today no one knows about this. But the day is finally here.

(Later the same day)

So I just left and I will do anything to find him I know exactly were I first saw him so I will go there. And I will not give up because I promised to find him. I need to find him. For some reason with evry mile my scratches get worse I think the closer I get to him the more my cuts get deeper until I find him so it's 3 more miles till I get to the place but I've been hearing wrestling in the bushes so I think someone is whatching me. But it's getting late so I'm going to camp here for now so I set up camp and I'm really tired but the feeling of being whatched is getting stronger. I'm getting worried but I'll keep you updated

Idk I'm tired but fall asleep because I am going to get cosplaying things for bakugou  ~elijah
