no exape

Bakugou pov. So I was locked in a dark cave with my hands and feet tied up. I think the chains had a herb on it that hurt werewolves. It burnt into my skin. Than I heard a faint noise like a growling. Was last night a full moon? My blind fold got lifted and I saw a red eyed red hair (very cute) werewolf. He growled and the hole room cleared like he was the king. He ungagged me and ripe off my shirt. "w-what are you doing"  I shakingly asked being only a little absolutely terrified and he replied with "you smell strongly of candy I want to know if you taste the same". I started freaking out trying to get out. He said "no don't struggle it will only make it worse." My wrists already bleeding from herbs so i calmed down. He scratched my chest and licked my cuts. I tryd not to scream but I did and I also FUCKING maby cryed. He made the mark of a werewolf. He smiled with my blood all over his Kawaii face and licked my cheek that had my tear on it. He said "before I let you go make me one promise." Me knowing a werewolves promise is sacred I promised. He said never forget the name eiroji kirishima and in exactly 3 years to look for him. I gave my word. so he let me go hurting himself in the process.

I'm bored so hope you like it ~elijah
