Part 26: Romeo and Juliet

"Oh not again..." I said.

It was the third time in a row that Em woke us up screaming at 2:00 am. We knew that being parents would be hard, we were just exhausted. It was a battle though, because with the love we had towards our daughter, we couldn't even get mad at her for waking us up. We had also thought that this would bring fights between B and I of who was going to take care of Em, but we ended up going together every single time.

"Can we just let her sleep with us tonight?" Brandon asked.

"It will make a bad habit for her and I also fear we might end up crashing her."

"Callie don't worry that much. We have to wake up in a couple of hours anyways."

"Ok you are right. Just bring Em here, I'm tired."

We ended up sleeping all together that night. I was on the right side of the bed, Emily was on the middle and Brandon was on the left side. That night, we realised our daughter kicked really hard.

"I couldn't sleep much." I said entering the kitchen.

Brandon had Emily in his hands and was trying to cook breakfast at the same time. "I know, me neither."

"Hey B, you are going to end up making a mess. Let me help you."

I took Emily in my hands and started feeding her. Meanwhile, Brandon cooked us both some breakfast and made us some coffee. Since we decided on singing Emily to sleep every night I thought of something. One of the songs we sang was part of the R&J musical Brandon made. At that time, we really didn't talk, so I didn't know much about the backstory.

"Brandon, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, of course. What's up?"

"So this may be stupid, but um... I know we didn't talk much when you were making the R&J musical, and it got me thinking. Where did you got all the inspiration from?"

I was trying to avoid asking directly the answer I wanted to know. I wanted to know if he had made the musical because of us.

"So Jude was reading 'Romeo and Juliet' that year, and one morning he asked us a question about the book. The answer was "Being apart from the one you love is hard." At the moment I didn't know it, but I took the inspiration from our relationship. Cortney had once mentioned how we were star-crossed lovers; I guess I took out all of my feelings through each song."

"So, I was the inspiration?"

"Every single song I wrote was for you."

"I love you so much Brandon Foster."

I placed Emily on her chair and hugged Brandon from the back. He turned me and we kissed. It's crazy how a kiss can bring you so many memories. For me, I remembered when we were just two scared teenagers in the backyard of their mom's wedding trying to avoid their feelings.

"So when do you think moms are visiting?" Brandon asked, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door.


I got up and took Em in my hands. Then, I made my way to the door revealing a whole family. Our family. We greeted each other with hugs and kisses. I was so happy everyone was there.

"I want to hold her!" Mariana yelled while taking Em off my hands.

Everyone gathered around Mariana and admired our daughter. 

"Brandon, he has your eyes!" Stef said excited.

Since everyone had their eyes sticked to Emily, I took the opportunity to hug and kiss Brandon.

"Hey Jude, do you want to hold her?" I asked.

He nodded. I took Emily away from Mariana, which of course made her mad, and gave her to Jude.

"Callie, she looks so much like you."

"You think?"


Brandon took the rest of the family to the kitchen so I could have time with my brother and my daughter. I guess it actually made Jude happy, who would've thought?

"So how is everything going Jude?"

"I guess I should've told you this earlier, but I kind of met someone. His name is Noah, I really like him."

"Jude I'm so happy for you! I'm really glad you made new friends, I know it's been hard since Connor."

"We are actually kind of dating."

"And how's he like?"

"He's really sweet and nice. And he makes me really happy."

"Then I'm glad."

"Can we see her?" Lena asked with Stef by her side.

"So Callie..." Stef said "We are really sorry we weren't actually there for the both of you."

"What do you mean? You guys supported us."

"Yes, but I guess we could've helped more."

"We just wanted you to know we both love you so much, as well as Brandon." Lena added.

"We love you both too."

We spent the rest of the day catching up, watching movies and cooking. Everyone was obsessed with Emily. And as we expected, Mariana dressed her up and started taking pictures of her. It was hilarious. We were happy to have our family back, with a new member in it of course.
