Part 12: I Do

It's been five months since I got the worst news I could ever hear. Five months hurting over a little girl I wasn't even able to meet. I guess one good thing did come out of everything; Brandon and I were still together. Yes, it's been five months of suffering, but also we've been together since then. Moms allowed us to stay home while dealing with our loss. I was a little depressed, and Stef made us go to therapy, but eventually got over it. I haven't seen Brandon all day, so I went down to the kitchen and searched for him.

"Hey mom." I said to Stef "Have you seen Brandon?"

"Hi sweetie. Not really, he actually left really early. Haven't talked to him since." Stef said.

"Oh okay, thanks. I guess I'll call him."

I went upstairs to my room and tried calling Brandon. I actually tried calling him a few times, but he never answered. I decided to text him.

"Hey babe, you okay? Haven't seen you all day." I wrote. 

I waited for a replay, but nothing. I tried to keep my mind off of it and started talking with Mariana.

"Cals, you won't believe what happened." Mariana said excited.

"What?" I asked.

"So there's this new guy in school, Sam..." Mariana started.

I already knew where this was going. Honestly, I was happy for her. Since everything with Mat happened she seemed off and sad. I'm glad she's been able to move on.

"Well, I've been talking with him for a few weeks, and he asked me out. He's actually a really sweet guy, we are going out tomorrow."

"That's great Mariana." I said.

We continued talking about Sam when I noticed I got a text, it was from Brandon. 

"Hi, sorry. I've been planning something all day. Actually, I think you should go on a date with me tonight. Meet me at our place at 8:00." Brandon texted.

"What's wrong?" Mariana asked, noticing I was staring at my phone.

"Apparently Brandon just asked me on a date tonight."

"Oh that's great! When are you going?" Mariana asked.

"He said to meet him at eight..."

"Wait, eight? That's in half an hour! Hurry, I'll help you get ready."

Mariana picked out a beautiful short red dress with some high heels. She lend me some of her earrings, and I wore some red lipstick. 

"I think you are ready." Mariana said happily.

"I'll tell you how it goes." I said.

I left the house kind of nervous actually. Brandon and I've been dating for like ten months already, but for some reason I was really nervous. After driving for fifteen minutes, I got to our place. It was in the beach. I searched around for Brandon, until I finally found him. He had set up a table with fairy lights on the palm trees and candles guiding the way to it. He was standing there in a suit waiting for me.

"Hi..." I said, my cheeks were blushing.

"Wow, you look... beautiful." Brandon said, I could see he was nervous about something.


We both sat on the table and started eating our dinner. We chatted for a while and laughed about stories we shared with each other.

"So, what's the reason for this beautiful date?" I asked.

"It's been a rough past months, I thought you deserved something nice."

"Thanks." I said while placing a peck on his lips.

It was all planned so beautifully. I loved seeing the lights twinkle, and the stars shine above us. And the best thing, I was sitting with the love of my life. The boy with the beautiful sparkly green eyes I fell in love with. The boy I thought I could never be with. Simply, the boy I love.

"I was thinking, maybe we could take a walk on the beach." Brandon said.

"I would love that."

We started heading towards the ocean and walked gazing at the shining stars. There was something going on with Brandon. He was nervous about something. I didn't wanted to ask though. We were having such a great time, and after everything we've been through lately, I'd rather just enjoy the moment.

"Callie, I want to tell you something." Brandon said nervously.

"Sure, you can tell me whatever you want."

"The day I first met you... there was something about you. I had a feeling, like you would totally change my life. Since that dinner at the house I totally fell in love with you, it was love at first sight. Then the kissed happened, our first kiss. I would have never thought I would fall in love with someone like I have with you. Since that kiss, I knew I wanted to spend my whole life with you. We had a  tough road. There was a point were I actually though we would never get to be together, I though we weren't meant to be together. But in the last few months I realised something. I love you, I could never live without you. I could never imagine living my life with someone else rather than you." 

Tears started running down my face, tears of happiness. I love that boy, that was all I could think of. I did actually wonder where was this all coming from. Of course I kind of figured it out when I saw Brandon kneeling down on one knee with a little box on his hand.

"You are the love of my life, and I want to spent the rest of it with you by my side. Callie Adams Foster, will you marry me?" Brandon asked.

At first I was skeptical about it. We are just eighteen, we just got out of a really hard situation. But then I remembered something. I remembered all those times I cried myself to sleep because I wasn't allowed to be with Brandon, and I don't want to go back to that. I love him, so I though what the heck, I want to marry this handsome boy with green eyes, curly messy hair and beautiful smile.

"Of course I'll marry you." I said with a huge smile on my face while running to him and hugging him.

We just stand in the middle of the beach with the stars and the moon shining above us. We heard the waves of the ocean while we kissed and hugged celebrating this beautiful moment.

So there's a twist to the story! Did you like it? What did you think of this chapter? I can't believe I get to see The Fosters tonight. The wait is almost over! AHHHH, I don't think I'll make it through the whole day, I'm so excited!!!
