
--------------Lloyd's POV------------

As soon as y/n stands up, the ground below us opens up and swallows us whole. We both scream in surprise as we tumble down the tunnel, but eventually, the channel spits us out into a larger cave.

"What just happened?" y/n breathes.

"I... I have no idea."

I help y/n get upright, then try to get a glimpse of our surroundings, but it's too dark to see anything.

"Is there any chance you can make your eyes glow again?" I joke.

"I can try."

With clenched fists, y/n focuses, but nothing happens. Defeated, Y/n's hands relax, but then, they start to glow.

Y/n stares at the light, shocked. "I did not expect that."

"You're becoming more in control by the hour," I muse. "Way to go!"

y/n brushes the compliment off. "Let's see if we can find a way out of here."

---------------Jay's POV-------------

"This is incredible!" Kai exclaims as we walk into the temple.

"Look at the walls," Zane says, staring at the drawings decorating the interior of the building. "It'!"

"These are all of our victories," Cole mumbles, then starts to point at individual pictures. "That's our tornado of creation, and that's when we faced the great devourer!"

"And that's us right now!" I say, gesturing to an image of five ninja standing proudly in the Temple of Light.

We continue to wander around the temple until Nya brings our attention to a diagram on the wall.

"I think I know what we have to do," she says.

We all go take our places beside the pillars holding up the room, and Nya heads to the middle. We start brushing the dirt off of the floor, revealing the symbols of our elements.

"Now what?" Nya asks.

Everyone looks around for a clue. I'm about to announce I've got nothing, but then I notice what's above Nya; a bell.

"Huh, that's odd," I mutter.

"What?" Cole asks.

"There's a giant bell hanging from the ceiling," I say with a laugh.

"Hmm," Nya mumbles. Then, without warning, she runs and jumps into a pillar, springs off of it, and strikes the bell.

A loud chime echoes through the building and then projects itself beyond the temple. Once the sound dies down, we can hear the war cries of the stone army not too far from us.

"We better hurry up and make this quick," I say as golden light starts circling around Nya.

We all watch in awe as Nya rises up into the air and starts to spin. The golden light refracts towards the crystals on the ceiling, and then down to each of us. The light transforms our outfits, and leaves us with golden cylinders in our hands, which look like sword handles.

"Guys, give her your powers!" Kai instructs. He activates his new weapon, then sends the fire towards Nya.

The rest of us do the same with our own elemental weapons. Fire, lightning, earth and ice all surround Nya, who's still suspended mid-air. But then, suddenly, the light fades and Nya comes crashing down.

"Nya!" I cry, running over to help her off the ground.

"I'm fine," she grunts. "The stone army will be here any second; we have to go."

-------------y/n's POV-------------

Lloyd and I make our way through the cave, using my hands as torches. I hold one hand by my shoulder to illuminate the wall, and keep the other extended in front of us.

"Do you hear that?" Lloyd asks suddenly.

I stop walking to listen. Sure enough, I can hear something--it sounds like waves crashing against the shore.

"The cave must lead to the ocean," I say. "Maybe we're almost at the exit."

"I hope so."

Just then, I trip over something. I guess I was so focused on what's ahead I forgot to lighten up the floors.

As Lloyd bends down to help me up, I notice what caused my fall; a small wooden chest. Lloyd sees it too, and touches it with his foot.

"I guess we're not the only ones to walk through this passageway," he mutters.

We both stare at the trunk for a few minutes. Lloyd and I glance at each other, both wondering the same thing: should we open it?

Curiosity overcomes me, and I kneel down in front of the chest. I search for a clasp, but there isn't one.

"That's odd," I mumble. "How does thing open?"

Lloyd takes the chest from me and turns it every which way. "What the heck?"

After a few more moments of confusion, we decide to take the trunk with us, in hopes that Misako or Sensei will know how to open it. It's not very big, and it's very light, so it's hardly an inconvenience.

Finally, finally we can see a way out. The light from the moon streams down in front of the exit, so I'm excitement, we run towards it as fast as we can. The closer we get to the opening, the grainer the floor feels, until we're running on nothing but sand. It makes sense, I guess, since the passageway leads to a beach.

I let out a sigh of relief once we're out under the open sky, thankful to be out of that cave. The peaceful moment doesn't last long, however; there are war cries coming from on top of the mountain.

I groan. "What kind of trouble did they get themselves into now?"


Heyo! Thanks for reading. I'm a little bored right now for some reason... I'm going to go bake a cake now. Bye!
