
Sorry, this ain't a chapter. I don't do things like this often, but hey, I'm bored.

1) Uhh... there's too many to choose from! I know I mainly write about Ninjago, but that's just because it's the one I've been in the longest (besides Harry Potter)

2) for Wattpad, nope

3) Yeah, I like reader inserts, but not because I want to be in the book. Y/n—who I just call "your name" in my head—adds a little bit of originality to the story, which makes it more fun to read (in my opinion, anyway). When I write reader inserts (particularly in The Enchanted DVD Player series), I tend to make things a little chaotic, and having an extra character can be helpful to cause it!

4) I'm writing multiple books outside of Wattpad/fanfiction. There are currently 3 that I'm working on—one's fantasy, one's sci-fi, and one's about synchro—but I have several other ideas stored away.

5) yikes, here we go:

- my friends and family figured out I'm not straight before I did (my whole family thinks I'm gay is like the story of my life)

- I always keep my nails short. It's a rule in synchro, but i also use my hands for basically everything—sewing, knitting, gardening, playing piano, guitar, writing, art—so long nails are just a pain

- I love the outdoors and would do anything to protect the environment

- I don't like bright colours

- I'm thinking of chopping off all my hair because trichotillomania is making me pull it out anyway

- I'm starting to learn how to animate but apparently I can't draw for sh*t

- I can't pronounce the word "anonymous" on the first try

- I'm not afraid of bugs, but spiders and ticks can prepare to die.

- I don't have many fears, but I'm a pretty jumpy person

- the underside of mushrooms make me want to scream

- I love roller coasters, but I hate waiting in line (who doesn't?)

- can't think of anything else to put XD

6) I'm not telling you anything! 

7) AllyC45

