15: Who You Are

Lux felt across the floor, there was an old candle laying on the floor, now only if there were something she could light a fire with.

"Hey Rowena a little help here" Lux said

There was a small movement in the air, then the candle flickered.

Looking around in the tiny closet Lux saw nothing that could really help her.

"A piece of metal, some wood, rope, and shelfs...great" Lux sighed

Looking up at the ceiling there was a small hook, an idea popped into her head.

Setting the candle on the shelf she she threaded the rope trough the hook, tying the end of the rope to the metal beam, she swung it back and slammed it into the door.

The wooden door started to splinter.

A smirk grew on her face, pulling it back she slammed it into the door again, it cracked even more, a few more time the door had and opening.

Slowing down the metal beam, Lux untied the rope, the beam crashed to the ground.

She walked over to the door and stuck her arm through the opening, unlocking the door she shoved it open triumphantly.

"That's what I'm talking about" she smiled

Walking back in she blew out the  candle, pulling off her heals she ran down to great hall.

Running she turned around a couple corners to find the great hall.

She had planed to tell Scorpius what Emily had done, but it looked like it was too late.

Her blood in her veins went cold. How could he, she thought, then she started to get mad.

Scorpius turned to find her glaring at him.

Escaping the grasp of Emily he ran towards her.

Lux turned and started to walk away.

Barley he grasped her arm, forcing her to stop.

"It's not what it seems" he pleaded

She looked at him, rage seething in her eyes.

"You are dead to me" she hissed ripping her arm free of his grasp.

Scorpius stood there dumbfounded, his chest started to ache, he placed his hand over the spot, trying to calm the pain raking through his heart.

"I'm...dead to her" he said silently

He felt something hot prick at his eyes, trying to hold it back, Albus walked up to him and slung and arm around his shoulder.

"What's up" he said flatly

"Lux is-" Scorpius said

Albus interrupted him.

"She is overreacting" Albus said confidently

"She said I was dead to her" he said still in denial

"Oh" Albus said losing any confidence on the matter

Lux ran back to her dorm tears pricking at her eyes.

"Why" she whispered

"Oh looks like trouble in paradise" Emily said smirking

She stood over at a pillar in the hallway. Lux turned rage still seething in her veins, she turned on her heel, her shoes still in her hand, and walked towards Emily.

Emily though that she had come to beg for forgiveness, that's not what she did not at all.

Using her free hand Lux smacked Emily across her face.

Emily froze in surprise at her reaction, slowly her hand went up to the now red area on her face.

Lux's eyes hardened.

"If you want him take him" she hissed.

She walked away, leaving Emily paralyzed by surprise and Scorpius broken hearted.

A week later

It had been a week since the Yule Ball and Emily had decided to pack her things and go home for Christmas.

Hogwarts seemed to be deserted. There were almost no students. Lux had no choice but to stay and Scorpius was bordering on going home.

"Hey Scorpius are you going home" Albus said standing in the door way.

"I'm not sure yet" he said shrugging

"You know I'm going home tonight, you can always come spend the rest of the break with us"Albus said casually

"Thanks Albus but I think I'm gonna stay" Scorpius sighed

"Then I have one more job to do" Albus smiled

"What is that" he said curiously

"Come on" he said gesturing to the commons room.

Scorpius sighed and followed him.

"Oh one more thing...give me your wand" he said putting his hand out.

"Why" he asked defensive

"Just give it" he demanded

"Fine, fine God" he said fishing his wand out of his pocket.

Handing it to Albus he followed along, with many questions buzzing in his head.

"I know you have questions but just wait here okay" Albus said turing to wards him

"Albus what are-"

Opening a door behind Scorpius, Albus shoved him in and locked the door

"ALBUS WHY THE CLOSEST AGAIN" He yelled after him

"You'll thank me later" he said walking off

"Oh Salazar" Scorpius huffed

Albus waked down the hall over to the Ravenclaw commons room, and knocked on the door.

Lux swung open the door, she was the only one there.

Turning towards Albus her face became harder.

"Albus...what do you want" he said annoyed

"You to come with me" he said casually

"Umm no" Lux said

She was going to shut the door in him, Albus forced the door the stay open by pushing it open.

"Ugh fine you nimrod" she hissed and followed him down tho the same closets that Scorpius was locked in.

She stopped and faced towards him.

"Why did you bring me hear" she asked annoyed that Albus wasn't answering any of her questions

"You'll find out" he said opening the door, shoving her in, and locking it.


"I should have know this was what he was gonna do" Scorpius sighed

"No, I'm not dealing with you" Lux said searching around in her pocket

"Hold on can you at least talk to me" he pleaded with her

"You made your choice a week ago Malfoy" she said looking for her wand

"No I didn't you did for me Virde" he said harshly

"God, you're a stupid child" she hissed

"What is that supposed to mean" he growled

"My last name is not Virde it's Ravenclaw" Lux snapped pulling her want out of her boot

"Wait..what" he said confused

"Guess you really don't know me, AT ALL" she sneered

"Alohomora" Lux said unlocking the door

Storming off to the library, Lux left Scorpius to process her words.

"She's the head of the Ravenclaw house and no one knows. Oh god" he said smacking his head

He chased after her, swinging the library door open Lux walked in not hearing Scorpius walking behind her.

Looking at the doors there was a lock, twisting it shut it made a clicking sound. Lux turned around her blood starting to boil.

"Wow either you are persistent or just flat out stupid" she hissed

"Good god women when will you get this through your head I DIDN'T WANT TO KISS HER" he shot back

"Oh and I thought that it was just your house the were traders, I guess it's just you" she snapped

"Really well then how come I'm having a one-sided argument with a wall" he hissed

"We have a saying in the Ravenclaw house 'noli cum dracone si imparati ignis' DON'T PLAY WITH THE DRAGON IF YOUR NOT READY FOR THE FIRE" she yelled

"Well then you are one angry dragon" he hissed

"Are you comparing me to a dragon" she snapped

"You did it fist" he shot back

"I'm not a dragon" she hissed

"Then stop blaming me" he yelled

"But you are to blame for everything, for me arguing right now, me yelling at Albus, going to the stupid quidditch game, slapping Emily, and wandering-"

Her words were cut of by Scorpius. He had placed his hands in the side of her face and pulled her towards him, crashing his lips into hers.

She froze. His lips were on hers and it took a few seconds for her to process, there was a warmth to them that she liked.

He wasn't even surprised by his actions, her lips were so soft and sweet, he ended up kissing her longer then he expected.

After a few seconds he broke the kiss.

"God would you let me explain anything" he sighed

Lux took and deep breath and swallowed.

"I didn't want to kiss her she made me kiss her" he explained

"So..why" Lix asked quietly

"Who knows all she said to me was life is so cruel" he shrugged 

"Better question, WHY DID YOU KISS ME" she yelled

"Because, one you wouldn't shut up and, two I have wanted to for a while" he said crossing his arms

There was a strange tension in the air. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife, but the tension wasn't like two enemies facing off more like two people who couldn't tell each other they love them.  

"Well my job is done here" Albus said leaning on a bookcase

"WHEN DID YOU GET HERE" Lux yelled at him

"Well you too were yelling at each other" he shrugged

"So beginning of it basically" Scorpius said flatly

"Pretty much" he said tossing Scorpius his wand

"Well see you two love birds in a week" he smiled walking off

"Geez when will he get some other couple to go stalk" Lux sighed

"That's just Albus" he shrugged

"So..." Lux trailed

"Is anyone left at your dorm" he asked

"Even better almost no one is left in my entire house" she said sarcastically

"Well there is almost no one in the Slytherin commons room" he shrugged

"Well then" Lux sighed

"You know what shorty your gonna come with me" he said grabbing onto her hand

She smacked his shoulder

"I assume you already know what I'm gonna say, but I'm gonna let it slide this ONE time" she smiled

Smiling he swept her off her feet bridal style, she started to blush.

"What are you doing" she trailed

"Making sure you are not going anywhere" he smirked

"Okay okay" Lux sighed and relaxed

After opening the door the pair was on there way to the Slytherin commons room.

"Are you hungry or anything" Scorpius asked

"No I'm just thirsty" she shrugged

"Okay then two mugs coming right up" he smiled

When they got to the commons room Lux placed her hands over her ears as Scorpius said the password. It opened up reviled the commons room.

Setting her down he closed the door behind him, then disappeared off to the small kitchen in the corner of the room. There was a fire lit in at the back of the room.

It was almost night time, pulling up a blanket from the woven basket in the corner, Lux curled up on the couch in front of the fire.

Holding out a cup, Scorpius sat down next to her.

"So here we are" he said

"In the Slytherin's commons room alone" Lux finished

"You know I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier" Scorpius said rubbing the back of her neck

"Yea I take back everything I said" she said picking at her nail.

Lux turned to face him, a smile on her face.

"Thanks Malfoy" she smiled

Setting down her mug on a small table she grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to him. Scorpius had set his cup down earlier.

Putting his hand on her face, they slowly started to close the gap between them, the warm sensation returned. This time it was like fireworks lighting up the night sky.
