14: Yule Ball

Sitting in the grand hall it was now time for the champions of the Triwizard tournament to be announced.

A pice of paper flew out of the cup.

"Beauxbatons's champion is, Felicity Greening" said headmistress McGonagall

Another pice of paper flew out of the cup.

"Durmstrang's champion is, Alexander Monverac" she announced

The third and final paper flew out of the cup.

"And Hogwarts champion is, James Potter"

Lux's jaw dropped open, she looked over at Scorpius, he had the same reaction, peering over a few students Lux saw Albus, she couldn't tell if he was worried or upset. Facing back forwards Lux remember that her and Scorpius got asked to go to the ball.

Getting up Lux and Scorpius headed to the library.

"Can you believe that James is the Hogwarts champion" said Scorpius running his hand through his hair

"I guess so, but I mean he is Harry's son so" said Lux trailing

As they retched the library Lux openings the door. There was almost no one there, many students were packing up and getting ready to go home, not Lux she had to stay.

"Scorpius are you going home for Christmas" Lux asked

"I'm not sure yet" he sighed

"I see, you know you should go spend Christmas with your family" she said

"What about you" he asked

"Me...well I'm staying here....I'm not exactly in touch with my family" she lied

"Well then" he said sitting on a chair

"But you are going to the ball with me right" she said

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I" he said a little over exaggerated

Lux just giggled at the fact of how crazy he could be

"One thing though" she said pulling out a book

Scorpius looked at the title.

"You don't know how to dance" he said a little confused

"No..I don't" she sighed

"Well I'm going to have to fix that" he said closing the book on her

"Why I can just read and find out" she complained

"Where is the fun in that" he teased

She groaned and put the book back on the shelf.

"Come on shorty" he said

She lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"You just don't get it so I'll say it again...Scorpius Malfoy I'm not short I'm fun sized" she said trying not to yell at him about it

"I know I know, I just love teasing you about it" he said

"You know maybe I should just read the book instead" she said walking back to the book case

"No I'm sorry please come back" he pleaded

"Hmmm" she said turning back to him

Pointing her finger at him.

"Then you can't call me short anymore" she said

"Fine, fine" he said grabbing her hand

She sorta froze up as he pulled her closer.

They both pulled off there robes to make it easier to dance.

"Don't be shy" he said pulling her hand up to his shoulder.

She swallowed as he put his hand on her waist, he raised his hand, Lux followed his movement. Scorpius interlocked his fingers with hers, Lux was now blushing.

"Wait" Lux said softly

"What it is" he said

Lux, without moving her hands, took off her shoes.

"Just to be safe" she giggled

"Okay" he said taking his off as well

Slowly he started to guid her.

"And 1, 2, 3, 4," he repeated until Lux finally got the basics then she stopped.

"So are you excited" Scorpius asked smiling

"I guess so" she said looking down at her feet trying not to step on his

"Hey look up at me" he said softly

She carefully lifted her head, Lux's eyes meeting Scorpius's. They stopped, once again all time had seem to stop.

"Sorry am I interrupting something" said a voice

Lux and Scorpius snapped out of there trance to see Albus standing there waving his hand.

Lux tensed up and stepped way from Scorpius, there hands separating.

"How long have you been there" she asked

"Hmm not long" he said

She sighed in relief.

"Why did I miss something" he asked raising an eyebrow

"No not at all" said Lux walking back and getting her robe thrown over a wooden chair.

"Are you sure" he pried

"Yes I'm sure but anyway I'll leave you two boys to talk I have some books to catch up on" Lux said walking farther into the library putting on her robe.

Lux walked farther and farther into the deep abyss of the library, unconsciously she started to hum again.

"Ahh I knew I would find you here" said a voice.

Lux turned her hand in her pocket clasped around her wand.

"Emily what do you want" Lux said standing straight

"Oh is simple Luxy let go of Scorpius" he smiled

"Oh I'm sorry how did you get put into the house of Gryffindor" Lux said looking through a book

"How rude of you to ask me about that" Emily said offended

"Well then you can leave" Lux said shooing her away

Emily gritted her teeth and walked off.

Lux sighed and looked at book she was reading.

One Hour Tell The Yule ball

"Anna" Lux said nocking on her door

Anna opened the door her red hair curled into a bun, her dress was a pale blue with a layer of sheer sparkly black glitter.

"Lux come on in" Anna said swinging the door farther open.

There was a dress sprawled across the bed. The top was a really dark navy blue with a topaz gem sewn in the middle. Like Anna's dress it was blue but it was a lot darker, above the dark blue was a black sheer fabric with black gems sown into it at the top.

"Put it on" Anna egged

Lux took a breath and pulled it off the bed and walked toward the bathroom, she walked in and changed.

The gown suited her perfectly, she walked out Anna was waiting by the door.

"Oh my you look so beautiful in that, Scorpius won't know what hit him" she smiled

Lux giggled as Anna made her sit on a chair in the hall. Anna styled Lux's hair, it was similar to her's except it was messier.

"Almost time to go" Anna smiled

"Really" Lux said standing up

"Yup now go find your man" she smiled

Lux laughed.

"Oh one more thing put these on" Anna said putting down a pair of heals

They were a dark blue.

"Alright go get'm" she said shoving Lux towards the door

Opening the door Lux walked out into the hall, she found Scorpius talking to Albus, he was in a tux like most Hogwarts boys.

Albus nudged Scorpius with his elbow, he turned around.

His eyes widened.

"Whoa" he trailed

Albus placed his hand on Scorpius's shoulder.

"Your lucky mate" he said tapping his shoulder

"You've got that right" he said

Lux walked up to the two of them.

"What" she said confused

"Dose it look bad"

"No, no way" Scorpius said

"You know what I'm gonna leave you two crazy kids alone" Albus said walking off 

Lux chuckled and sighed.

"Well let's get this done" she smiled

"Are you that eager to get rid of me" he sarcastically

"Maybe, maybe not" Lux teased

He sighed the grabbed her hand.

"Come on" he smiled

"Alright" Lux smirked.

The two of them walked into the great hall together, along with many other pairs. Durmstrang male students still had to wear there uniform, it looked formal either way, looking around there was some Beauxbatons student but not many. The rest of the student there were Hogwarts kids.

After Lux and Scorpius got into the room the three champions started off the Christmas waltz.

Felicity Greening and her partner Jack Rubensaw

Alexander Monverac and his partner Alicia Revener

And James Potter and his partner Ivory Finnigan

Lux didn't know Ivory, all she knew about her was she was a Hufflepuff.

After a minute or so the rest of the pairs started to dance.

"Lux would you care to dance" Scorpius asked her

"Malfoy I would love too" she smiled

He took her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor, slowly Lux started to get into the rhythm.

She looked up to face him, he seemed to space out staring at her, she giggled and did something he wouldn't suspect.

Grabbing his tie, she kissed his cheek. Scorpius came back to reality. It wasn't like a slap across the face but more some tapping him on the shoulder.

"Did you just..." He just trailed

She nodded.

"Ahh geez you really are one of a kind" he smiled twirling her.

A few minutes later Lux and Scorpius finished dancing.

"It's 10 o'clock" said Scorpius

"Two more hours" Lux said

She looked around and saw Emily talking to someone. Emily looked up and motioned Lux to come over to them.

She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I'll be right back" she said carefully

"Okay" Scorpius said with out the slightest hint of concern

Lux walked towards Emily, cold expression on her face.

"You want what" Lux said crossing her arms

"Come on I need a smart kid to figure this out" Emily smirked

"I'm not the only Ravenclaw here you know" Lux said crossing her arms

"Yes that's true but your the only Ravenclaw that lived with Muggles half your life" Emily sneered

That stung Lux like a Avada Kedavra.

"Fine lets get this over before I backhand you" Lux seethed

Emily giggled triumphantly.

Lux followed Emily out into the hall and down another one, Lux didn't know where they are.

Emily turned to her and pushed her into a closet.

"Little ones should know when they aren't wanted" she smiled wickedly

Locking the door Emily walked back, used a spell to turn herself into Lux and go dance with Scorpius.

Lux started to bang in the door, for a few minutes, no one answered. She looked around the room, there was about an hour left of the ball.

Frantically looking around the room Lux was searching for a light source of some kind.

As Emily made her way down the stairs, still transformed as Lux, she walked over to Scorpius, who was talking to Albus.

Emily smirked and slung her arms around Scorpius's neck.

"Albus could you give use a minute" Emily smiled

"You two love birds do what you want" he shrugged walking away

"Do..you want to dance" Emily smiled

"Again" he questioned

"Yea if that's okay with you" Emily smiled

"I guess so but I thought that you were just tired" he shrugged

Emily grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor, at first Scorpius just thought that she was acting weird, but Emily started to dance like she normally did, and Emily knew how to dance, Lux didn't.

That was his first clue.

"When did you get so good at dancing" he questioned

"Whatd'a mean I've always known how to dance" Emily said casually

"So were you lying to me in the library" he said a little colder

"What..." Emily trailed

"Back at the library you said you didn't know how to dance" he said

"Oh..well...I um." Emily just kinda stuttered

"Okay shorty you don't need to give me an explanation yet, I know you are tired" he said casually saying the word shorty

Emily nodded.

She missed Lux's trigger with Scorpius. Shorty.

Dancing over to the corner of the room Scorpius pinned Emily to the wall, her transformation coming undone, she only smirked.

"Where is she" he demanded

"Where's who" she shrugged

"Lux what happened to her" he said rage starting to boil

"She left" Emily shrugged

Scorpius turned away from her and headed for the stairs.

Only to be stopped by Emily, wrenching his tie towards her, forcing Scorpius to lean forward.

A smirk grew on her face.

"Life is so cruel" she said before smashing her lips into his

Scorpius froze up.

Lux turned the corner to find him with her, her heart sank and her mind froze, then she got angry and her blood boiled.

Emily won and Scorpius was now dead to her.

Dedication: Ivy12310
* if you don't understand go read her book The Chase it has to do with Ivory which is a play on words for her characters name Ivy*
