
I follow behind the guard that's escorting me to my room, which isn't inside the palace. I tried asking the guard about the architecture of the realm but he wouldn't speak. Typically bodyguard behavior. We turn to the corridor that has different types of door, none of them looking like the ones I saw at the palace.

The guard stops and I stop, I raise my head and look around to check if we're there already but that's not it. He's bowing and the two figures standing in front of us makes sense. It's not as if I didn't know they would be here. I just didn't know I would meet them so soon.

"Daughter of mine," my biological father breathe his words out like he's actually glad I'm here, "you're finally here. You have no idea how happy your mother and I are to have you here with us."

I take a pause and cross my arms above my chest as I analyze his words. Daughter of his? I don't want to start reliving the awful moments of my life because I have better things to do than attend to them, my so called parents who not only abandon me once but twice. It's a good thing they came here because they both look good, bad feelings apart, they actually look better than they did when I saw them last, especially my mother. It weird having to address someone who isn't Corinne Starling my mom, but either way she's my biological mother and she looks far more healthy and judging from the guilt wrapped in relief and content expression on her face, I'd say they've got her memories issues solved but that doesn't mean I'm ready to solve our issues. They can't just bail on me and want to catch up, only because I showed up. No, not for me.

"You done?" The question sounds harsh than I intend it to be. Sabine flinching at my tone makes me feel a little guilty but I swallow it. I can't have them doing this now. I don't give them the chance to answer my question, I add. "Good. Can I leave now?"

Sabine steps forward, reaching out to hold me as she says, "Camille, darling–"

I take a step back and interrupt the sappy speech I know will be after the endearing word.

"Let me stop you guys right there." I hold my hands out to actually stop them, "you guys had seventeen years to be my parents but you weren't around. I don't blame you guys for what happened to you and I agree George Holmes is a psychotic maniac, sorry for insulting your father, actually I'm not, I mean it. He's a fucking asshole," I address Sabine before moving on. "But you guys upped and left me without saying shit. Okay, I also understand that your memories were a little banged up, and you needed to heal but it's been five fucking months without words from either of you. You guys have no idea what I risked for you. I lost so much because I wanted to save you, but you just left me like that, and now that I'm here because of what your mother did. You think you could have so sort of relationship with me? Sweet talk me? No, thank you. I'm good being an orphan and my name is fucking Cami. Cami!"

I take inhale sharply after not taking any breath while vomiting the words I've had holed up in my vocal cords. I pull the hem of my shirt in a dramatic now-i'm-done-talking way and take steps past them but I don't get far as unfamiliar fingers curls around my wrist, stopping me.

Yanking my hand out of his hold and turning around to scream at his face, I stop when I see that it's the guard. What the hell?

"Apologize." One word and he immediately reminds of Damian. Honestly, do all Dihipian soldiers act like this?

"For fucking what?" I question. Why the fuck would I apologize? He held my hand to download English, I expect him to see some of my memories but only the Dihipians I know are capable of doing that. If he had seen my memories, he would know why I'm angry and why it is justified.

"You will speak to El-Noe-El and his beloved with respect. Apologize now." I can't see his face under his helmet but I'm sure his expression rivals his tone. Hard.

It's no business of his on how I speak to my fucking parents. What the fuck is wrong with everyone?

Life on Di Hipsodat is all about hierarchy. The royals stays on top, they even have their own separate lands, followed by the richest and powerful. All Dihipians sees humans as inferior creatures and I can tell this guard thinks so too, he clearly doesn't know me and he's about to.

"Make me," I dare him.

He huffs and reaches behind him to draws out one of the two swords and swings it my way, stopping and pressing it against my throat. "How about now?" The smirk is noticeable in his tone. Same tactics different people.

"I said make me, and if you know you aren't going to actually slit my throat, then quit being a fucking pussy trying to be a fucking wildcat, and get this silly blade off my throat–"

He takes me by surprise when he removes his second sword and place it on the other side, making a scissors with his sword.

"You want to dance big boy?" I taunt and shoot my hand down, the Elsword appearing, I raise my hand and show him. "Let's fucking dance and see who wins."

He'll definitely win. He's a skilled soldier, who was trained by the warrior princess herself, well, I'm not certain but Damian said she trains all her soldiers.

"Agaan," My father's voice cut through the tension. "Let her go."


"Let. Her. Go." He commands again, this time with a do-not-fuck attitude and tone.

He removes his swords from my neck and I feel them as he removes them, he's careful enough not to let them cut me. That's a warning from him.

I sigh and send the Elsword back to where it belongs. I face my parents to see the surprise look on their faces. They've spent some time on this realm but they aren't one of them. They still wear their emotions like a perfume.

"You aren't expecting a thank you, are you?"


I give them a fake smile. "Good, hope to never see you guys around. Bye."

I walk past them. Not knowing where I'm going, I just head straight. Seconds later the guard moves in front of me and takes the lead from here. We keep walking and turning to different corridors, I'd definitely get lost if I'm asked to come by myself because everywhere looks exactly the same.

We get to the place after taking forever to get here. He tilts his head to the door and turns around to leave but I place my hand on his shoulder to stop him and remove it before he can yank it away.

"Try that shit again and I will stain the floor with your blood after ripping your pathetic little heart out of your chest, then I will remove your spine and wrap it around my neck as fucking trophy," I threaten and even though everything sounds cool and all, I can't do shit and I think he knows.

"Damn, Camille, that's harsh," A familiar voice say from inside my supposed room before he comes out, showing himself. "No one speak to the Queen's guard like that and live." He faces the guard. "Leave, Agaan, I'll take care of her."

Agaan, the guard bows and leaves like he was told to.

I roll my eyes and enter the room, the door might be different but it's all made from the same stuff. Damian follows me inside.
