Running with Friends

We lace up our shoes and hit the trail,
The sun is high, the air is stale.
Our hearts are pounding, spirits high,
As we set out beneath the sky.

The crunch of leaves, the dirt and stone,
Beneath our feet, we're not alone.
Our breaths come fast, our steps are quick,
As we push on, without a flick.

The forest whispers, trees stand tall,
The path winds on, through it all.
We leap o'er streams, dodge 'round trees,
Our senses alive, our spirits free.

We talk and laugh, we share the joy,
Of being here, without a ploy.
Together we run, we push each other on,
Our friendship grows, as we move along.

We reach the summit, view so grand,
The beauty of nature, on every hand.
We pause to catch our breath, take it all in,
The wonder of the world, beneath our skin.

And as we run back down the hill,
Our hearts are full, our souls fulfilled.
We'll do it again, another day,
Trail running with friends, in every way.
