If Swifties Ruled the World

In a dream, I saw a world anew, Where Swifties ruled, hearts pure and true. Gone were the days of ego's reign, And in its place, compassion's gain.

No more the drumbeat of endless war, But harmony's song, heard near and far. Where once division tore us apart, Unity now, a beating heart.

Swifties, with love in every verse, Their empire built on kindness first. No narcissistic echoes resound, But empathy and peace abound.

In this dreamland, oaths are honored well, With integrity that casts its spell. No more the grip of power's hold, But justice fair, a story told.

Respect, a currency, freely exchanged, In this world where hearts aren't estranged. For Swifties lead with empathy's light, Guiding us through the darkest night.

So let us dream of this world reborn, Where compassion's banner is proudly worn. And may we wake with hearts unfurled, To build a world where love's the world.
