Chapter XXIV

"What if she doesn't agree Cybil? I don't want to be apart from you any longer, but I don't want to lose her either." I'm clinging to her now, I'd forgotten how nice it felt to have her in my arms.

"Just go talk to her Natham, that's the only thing you can do right now," she urges me out the door and I give her one more quick kiss before leaving the room and heading towards Matrix's chambers.

I knock a few times before peeking my head in the door.

"Hello Natham!" Lilly greets and I smile widely at her.

"Well aren't you just the prettiest princess I've ever seen," making my way over to her I pick her up and spin her around.

"What are you doing here?" Gwyneira cuts in. "Aren't you supposed to be with Cybil?"

"What she said," Matrix is still getting his fancy suit on and I chuckle as he struggles with some of the shirt buttons. "Hey, cut me some slack, I'm still not used to these fancy clothes."

"Taking an eight year vacation from royalty really screws you up huh?" I tease.

"Natham. Why are you here?" Gwyneira asks again and I turn to face her.

"I came to talk to you, but it needs to be in private."

"I'm busy right now, can't you see that Matrix can barely get his shirt on?" she gestures towards the fumbling man and I can't help but smirk.

"Oh shut up, both of you. I'll be fine, Lilly can help me. You two go for a walk. Natham wouldn't have come here if it wasn't important."

"See, he understands. So can we go?" I hold out my hand for her and after a moment she takes it and lets me lead her away. Once we're out of the room and out of earshot she begins prodding.

"What's this all about?"

"There's no easy way to say this were right."

"Excuse me?" she's smiling now and looking at me in surprise.

"You were right. About everything. We did hurt Cybil, mostly I hurt Cybil. And to top it all off, I'm not over her. She's still my best friend, I still love her and she still loves me. We still want to conquer this kingdom together." The more I talk, the less she smiles.

"Natham, stop right there. If you're choosing her over me that's fine. Just please, make it quick."

"That's the thing though. I don't want to choose."


"I love both of you, equally, in different ways. Cybil and I were talking about this a few minutes ago. And we're okay with the idea but obviously you'd have to be okay with it too. What if I was in relationships with the both of you?"

She stares at me for awhile, her face revealing no emotions. "Like...polyamory?"


"What would that look like?"

"Well, my relationship with Cybil would be platonic, some kisses and hand holding here and there but she has absolutely zero interest in sexual activities. I'd be marrying her, I'd become king. But I'd also be partners with you. There would need to be a lot of communication between the three of us, and hard work and dedication, but we all care about each other very much and I think it could work."

She is still very quiet as we walk along the halls of the headquarters. I can tell that she is thinking, I've learned to recognize her facial expressions in the short amount of time we've had together. I stay at her side and try not to disturb her, I cannot imagine all the thoughts going through her head.

After what feels like hours but I know has only been minutes, she stops walking and faces me. "You will treat us both as equals."

"Of course."

"No matter what species you become you will never treat me badly because I am a human."



"I swear it."

"Your duty to your future Queen and this kingdom must always be put first. If you commit to her you're not just committing to a romantic relationship like you are with me. No matter what you're feeling, you must put her first."

"Okay," I don't like the sound of it but I understand Gwyneira's attachment to duty and being a good servant.

"You must always be honest and upfront with the both of us. And you must work on your anger problems."

"What anger problems?" I mumble, fear coursing through me.

"Natham, you can't express anger or frustration without raising your voice. It's only a matter of time before that turns into something worse. Promise me you'll work on it."

"Alright I promise. We'll talk more later about what actual steps towards that will look like. In the meantime I need to get back to Cybil and you need to return to Matrix. I love you," I place a gentle kiss on her forehead and hug her as tight as I can. "Thank you for being so understanding and so forgiving."

"It's my nature. Besides, poly relationships are far healthier than the sins that can come from a torn heart."


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, people of the Castle! The time has finally come for us to begin the process of choosing an heir to the throne!" Applause erupts as the announcer begins his speech. I am standing on a balcony in a high part of the headquarters, while my brother stands on another balcony to my right. Natham is at my side, as well as Mother, while Gwyneria and Lily stand silently beside Matrix. "First up, we have the young woman we have watched grow and come to love, Princess Cybil! We know she is more than fit to rule this nation, as she spent all the time studying to do so. But on the other side is our beloved wandering Prince Matrix, and he is the true heir to the throne. Over the next few weeks the two of them will debate your most important concerns and then you, the people, will choose your heir!

"Who would you like to hear from first?" The people scream out different answers, and the announcer settles it, "Prince Matrix it is. Silence in the courtyard."

All eyes go to my brother and he stands tall and proud. "Good evening, beloved people. When you last saw me, I was a boy with the wanderlust in my eyes, stubborn and headstrong. Now I return to you all, humbled and wiser than ever before. No longer do I see from the perspective of boy, but instead from the perspective of father and caretaker. This is my daughter, Lily, and my most trusted servant, Gwyneira. Gwyneira has cared for both Lily and I since the death of my wife," the crowd let out sounds of sadness and mourning, I don't blame them, it was a sad story. Knowing how to milk their affections, he picks up Lily and tucks her comfortably against his hip. "Together, we make up a haphazard family, but I swear we would rule you all with justice, truth, and pure hearts. That is my promise, justice, truth, and purity!" The crowd recognizes the cue and lets out a round of applause.

Now the announcer looks to me, "We shall hear from Princess Cybil next, feast your ears upon the words of the one who has been through so much turmoil as of late."

All goes silent again as I step forward, it is so quiet I am able to hear my own heart pounding within my chest, beating fast and rapidly. Closing my eyes for a moment, I take a deep breath and then begin. "It is like he has said, there has been turmoil all around me these past few weeks. My homecoming has not been nearly as pleasant as we expected, eh?" Chuckles round throughout the crowd as I smile down at all of them. "I owe you all a bit of explanation, as I'm sure you're wondering why Natham is standing by my side. The last you heard, he was to be with the lovely Gwyneira. But as of now, Natham has decided to keep his vow, to me, and most importantly to you, the people of the Castle. You all saw our love and out of kindness offered him position of prince," taking his hand now I pull him forward, to my side. "I ask you, will you still take him? For I love him, and he loves me, and nothing can separate us!"

The people let out screams of approval, and I lift our joined hands in the air. "And that is what I will promise you all, love! From the very core of my heart! I know you, each and every one of you, I've walked these city streets my entire life, felt your touch and know your hearts. I will never fail you, I will fight for each and every one of you as you have fought for my right to be with Natham. And now, to show our devotion to each and every one of you," Quickly I turn to Natham, as we'd planned, and dig my fangs into the flesh of his neck. I hear the people gasp, might've even heard Gwyneira shriek a bit. Then the applause that comes is so loud it's deafening. I pull away and feel Natham shaking beside me. "It was the last bit of venom he needed to complete the process! He's changed for you, to become your perfect vampire prince! He's changed for love!"
