Chapter XXII

Cybil's POV

"We will now call Cybil Royal to the witness stand."

    The Priest calling me forward has dark eyes, and a dark soul to go with it. I keep my own eyes on the floor as I walk, I fear what I'll see if I look at him. I make my way to the front of the room and turn to face my mother. Her wrists are chained, her face shows a slight bit of worry but other than that she is calm. She doesn't know whether or not I plan to ruin her.

    "Princess Cybil, is it true that on the day of your Father's death you shot your mother multiple times?" the ancestor questions.

    "Yes, it is true," I deadpan and gasps erupt amongst the crowd. I search for my brother and find him and Lilly sitting in the front row. They are a beacon of light, and my only encouragement.

    "Why did you shoot her?"

    "Because...because I thought she'd killed my Father."

    "Do you still think that?" Everyone is silent, all eyes are on me. Mother is gazing at me with pleading eyes.

    "I don't know," I whisper and uproar fills the courtroom as people begin whispering all sorts of accusations.

    "Order please," the ancestor calls and everything goes quiet once again. "Cybil, explain. What do you mean you don't know?"

    "I mean I don't know. I came in the room to see my Father's dead body and my Mother...laughing." I grimace as the memory flashes through my mind.

    "Please Cybil, I know this is difficult for you, but try to describe exactly what you saw," the ancestor urges.

    After taking a deep breath and squeezing my eyes shut I continue. "I was in my chambers with Natham, and we were talking about what had just occurred with Matrix earlier that day. I was already feeling pretty crappy and then I just had this...pain in my chest. This feeling that something was terribly wrong."

    "And you've been known to get these feelings often, right Cybil? It's said that you have an uncanny ability for knowing the truth about things."

    I feel a chill roll down my spine, do the priests know about my gift? "I suppose. In that moment, I definitely knew that something was off and that my Father needed me. So I grabbed my gun and rushed upstairs to his room. As I got closer, I started to hear laughter, my Mother's laughter. So I thought that maybe I'd been mistaken. I would've gone back if not for the sound."

    "What sound?"

    "A snap. The sound of a bone breaking. As soon as I heard it I rushed into the room." I pause, I can't help but pause as I see his body all over again.

    "Cybil, what did you see when you got to the room?"

    I take a deep breath. "Blood, I saw blood everywhere. On the curtains, the bed, the floor, even on the walls. I saw it all over Mother, and she was standing over Father's dead body, laughing. When she noticed me there, she started sobbing instead, and tried to make it seem like she'd been sobbing the entire time. But I know what I heard, and I know what I saw. She was laughing over her husband's dead body."

    "What did she tell you?"

    The court room is so quiet, everyone is completely focused on my words.

    "She told me that they'd been attacked by a radical female. That the woman had brutally murdered Father and taken off when she heard me approaching."

    "Did you believe her?"

    "At the time, no. How could anyone believe when faced with a sight like that? All I could think was that she'd murdered my Father, and that she was lying to me about it. So I shot her. I probably would've killed her if Matrix hadn't stepped in on time."

    "Do you wish you had killed her?"

    "Of course not, she's my Mother!" I am lying.

    "So you believe her now then?"

    "I don't know what to believe. My mother says she didn't do it, and technically I didn't see her do it. So there's nothing left to do but assume that she's telling the truth unless we can prove otherwise."

    More whispers ensue and my Mother is looking at my with tears in her eyes. She mouths the words, "Thank you," and I look away quickly. I'm not doing this for her, in fact I'm doing it so that I have a better chance at getting rid of her. Father will have his justice, but it won't come from the court.

    "Thank you Princess Cybil, you may return to your seat."


"After serious consideration and debate amongst the three of us, we have decided that Queen Lydia has been proven not guilty. If any of you have any information on the radical who did indeed murder the King we strongly urge you to come forth to us at some point. Let there be no more talk of the Queen being a murderess, she deserves time to mourn her husband in peace. That is all."

    Mother begins to sob and I look at the floor, shame and guilt filling my body. I have just let a this woman get away with killing my Father. I'm trembling, my body has gone numb. The room starts to grow hazy and it isn't until I feel Lily grip my hand that I return to reality.

    "Everything is going to be okay. You have us now and we won't abandon you," she whispers and I feel the tears slide down my own cheeks. Looking at Lily I feel this strange ache spread in my womb, and a pang in my heart. I push such thoughts away and rise instead.

    "I'm so grateful the two of you are here," I say back and together the three of us head towards the exit.

    "Cybil wait!" I turn to see Mother rushing towards me. Most people have cleared out of the room already.

    "What is it Mother?"

    "I know you don't believe me, why did you do it?" she questions, and for the first time I see confusion on her face.

    "Because you're my family, and I protect my family." With that said I turn and leave her behind, Matrix and Lily don't hesitate to follow.

    Over the next few days Mother does mourn. I hear her screams throughout the day, her dreams are haunted from the memories and I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her. And so when I've finally had enough, I sneak up to her room in the midst of the sunlight. She is asleep, but trembling and moaning. So I crawl into the bed and wrap my arms around her.

    "Mortimer?" she calls in a tired voice.

    "No Mother, it's me Cybil. Father is gone remember?" I mutter and she turns and faces me. Before I know what is happening she presses her face into my chest and begins to sob profusely.

    "Oh Cybil, I'm so lost without him. He is the only light I ever had. You and Matrix are both so similar to me, but your Father was so good, so pure of heart," she whimpers.

    Normally I would deny such a claim, stating that I'm nothing like her. But I can't bring myself to do it because I know she's right. Matrix and I are cold and dark like her, but Father cared so much about doing the right thing.

    "I'm a monster Cybil. I killed my own husband, the only good person in my life and I murdered him."

    Shock coils through me as I hear her speak these words. It is the first time I've ever heard her admit to doing something wrong. But I can understand, this kind of guilt eats you from the inside out.

    "I know. I know you're a monster, and I know you killed Father. I forgive you."

    Now she looks up at me in surprise, "Why?"

    "Because it's what he did. He forgave you no matter what you did wrong. I bet he's forgiven you for this too. Mother, I've seen your entire life. The legacy left behind for you was dark and cruel, the lessons taught to you as a child weren't much different. You see, I like to think no one is born wicked. You're a little girl, a lost little girl in a Queen's body. It's unfortunate, because that means you still have to deal with adult consequences for your childish actions. But your adult body doesn't change what you really are inside of there."

    "Your gift, it's real isn't it. All this time I honestly thought you were faking it, a plot to destroy me for your brother, spreading those vicious words throughout the kingdom. But it wasn't fake, you really have seen all the terrible things I've done."

    "Yes, and the day I shot you, I looked in your eyes and saw you kill Father. I've known the truth about all things since the day I turned seventeen. Father had the gift as well."

    "What? And he still married me?! But I manipulated him!"

    "Love is a funny thing Mother," I whisper.

    "Oh sweet girl, you love Natham. And he's chosen another over you?"

    "A beautiful, joyful human woman. Her heart is kind, it matches his own."

    "He won't be kind for long, I can assure you of that. The people will revolt against their pairing, they'll chose you regardless of the peace you preach. And when that happens he'll do whatever it takes to protect her, no matter how cruel and vicious. You can't trust him anymore Cybil."

    "I'm no fool Mother, I never trusted anyone."

    "We are the same in that way then. But don't be like me, don't let the blood upon the hands of your parents become blood upon your own."

    "I won't. There will be entirely different blood dripping from these fingertips. I should go, and you should get some rest. The campaigns start tomorrow, and we want the people to choose me right?" I start to rise but Mother grabs my wrist.

    "What do you mean, 'different blood?'" There is fear in her eyes. Good, there should be.

    "Good day Mother," I pull away from her and exit the room. "The deed is done Father, may you rest in peace now." I whisper, for I know this is what he would've wanted.
