The day was ok, I mean the first three periods were alright and we were finally in fourth period. I lay my head on Jay's shoulder and grab his hand and our fingers intertwine. Family Day was on Sunday and the coronation was on Friday, so we have to prepare for this. "Children, excuse me. Um... As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to distance, we've arranged for a special treat" Fairy Godmother says and we just look at her and at each other. We look back at her and see her walk to the TV and pushes the space bar on the keyboard and we see Maleficent too close to the camera. "I don't see anything, nor do I hear" she says backing away.

"Kids" Fairy Godmother says motioning us to come toward her.

The five of us walk up to the TV screen and just stand there. Jay and I keep our hands interlocked and we just watch the villains try to figure out how to work the technology. I silently laugh at how stupid they look. "Is it... Is it... Is..." Maleficent says shaking the screen. "Can I see a remote! Is this thing on?" Maleficent says and I hide my face behind Jay's shoulder and try to calm my laughter. I eventually calm my laughter down and look at the screen. I guess they finally get the screen on, because the next thing we hear is the Evil Queen talking, "Oh, Evie, it's mommy!". We look at Evie and she smiles with wide eyes and waves. "Look how beautiful. You know what they say, 'the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree'" Evil Queen says. "Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent says and she smiles at Jafar.

"Who's the old bat?" Cruella asks us talking about Fairy Godmother.

"This is Fairy Godmother" Mal says.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent asks and the villains laugh.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother yells.

The villains keep laughing and Maleficent asks still laughing, "You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1AM? I mean, really. What the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?". They laugh and the five of us see Fairy Godmother getting angry, which is rare for her to be that way. "They were mice!" she yells at the villains. "They were not... They were mice!" she tells the villains again. She was gonna tell us the same thing when Mal thanks her. "They were mice" she whispers to the villains and I silently chuckle. "Hi, mom" Mal says as we get closer to the TV screen.

"Mal!" Maleficent yells and we just look away.

"I m-m-m-miss you" she stammers and I lay my head on Jay's shoulder.

"You children are never far from our thoughts" Jafar says and I force a smile with pursed lips, and raise my eyebrows and Jay does the same.

"I got it. How long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent asks and I roll my eyes.

"There's a big coronation coming up. I think probably sometime after that" Mal says.

"When?" Cruella asks.

"Friday, 10AM" Mal responds.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'd do if I don't get my hands on that magic-- you, you little nugget that I love so much" Maleficent says and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I completely understand, mother" Mal says with a fake smile. "Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruella asks as she tilts her head to the right, blocking all the other villains and getting up close with the camera. We turn to look at Dude in Carlos' arms and hear him whimper. "Yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs" Cruella says talking to her stuffed dog stole and she laughs evilly. "He's the perfect size for a pet." Carlos starts to say standing in front of Mal and we hear Cruella gasp. "This dog loves me and I love him! And FYI, your dog is stuffed! So give it a rest!" he yells and Cruella looks shocked.

Jafar chuckles and Maleficent and Evil Queen look at him. "Burn!" Jafar says and Cruella turns to him angrily. "Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruella yells and they both start to argue. We all look at each other and we all had sad faces. You could say that we were use to this since they do this when we're around too, but back on the Isle we would just walk out until the heat died down, but we can't do that here. Jay turns off the TV screen and we don't hear the villains anymore. I squeeze his hand a little tighter and he does the same.

"I'm so sorry" Fairy Godmother says and we all look at her.

"Thanks for the special treat" Jay says. "Of course" Fairy Godmother says and we walk to get our stuff and start to walk out for lunch. "M?" Evie calls her and I let go of Jay's hand and catch up with the girls. "What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?" I ask her and we stop at the entrance of the classroom. Jay stands next to me and we all stare at Mal waiting for her to answer. "I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately proud of us for doing our best" she responds and I don't believe a single word she said. "Really?" Carlos asks out of confusion. "No, I think we are definitely goners" Mal replies and this time I believe her and I squeeze Jay's hand.

We walk out of the room and head to the cafeteria to get lunch. Today they were serving burgers with salad and fires. I walk with Jay to the condiment station and put mayo on my burger, and that's it. I'm not a big fan of ketchup, pickles, or mustard. Jay made me try a burger like that and I swear I almost puked. We sit with the others and we start to talk. A few hours later, school was over and we were in the boys room talking about the plan. Mal had a sketch of the wand on the table as I stood next to Jay, my arms wrapped around his. "OK, we all know what this looks like. So, we'll be up on the dais under the Beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming from here. I will be in the very front" she says pointing and motioning which way we'd go. "You all will be up in the balcony" she says and I nod. "Carlos?" she asks him and we all look at him. "Ok, so, I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand" he says and we all nod.

Jay looks up at him and I hold on to him tighter. "Evie?" Mal calls her and I look at them. "Yeah?" Evie responds and Mal grabs something out of her bag. "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll out like a light" Mal says and Evie nods and puts the spray bottle full of potion in her bag. We all look at each other and Mal looks at all of us. We all had the same thought in our minds, we're conflicted. We wanna get the wand for our parents, but we also wanna stay here in Auradon. Mal sighs and sits at the table. Jay and Carlos go to their beds and Evie just stands there looking at Mal who's reading her spell book. I walk over to Jay and lay beside him and I grab his hand and lay my head on his shoulder. "M?" I hear Evie say and I turn to them for a quick look then back at Jay. He had grabbed his tourney stick and looked at it for a certain amount of time.

"Your wanna break Ben's love spell?" Evie asks in shock and me and the boys turn to her in shock.

"Yeah. You know for after" she says.

"I don't..." I say sitting up and they both turn to me and Evie sits next to Mal.

"I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot, and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me seems a little extra... cruel" she says and I look at her and knew she cared for Ben. She slams her spell book shut and walks out of the room, probably heading to the kitchen to make the anti-love spell. I stay laying on Jay's bed and he just stares at the tourney stick. Jay looks at me and gives me a small smile. I unwrap my arm from Jay's and head out feeling his eyes follow me. I head outside to the railing near the lockers and lean on the rails. I look at the heart pendant around my neck and think about the plan.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn, expecting to see Jay, but I don't see him. Instead I see Jason and he looks at me sincerely. "Hey" he says and I look away, but he puts his hand on my chin and makes me face him. I look into his blue eyes and I see that they sparkle like the ocean. "What's wrong?" he asks me and I look at him, and I feel tears in my eyes. "It's nothing, really" I say trying to hide the tears in my eyes. "I don't think it's nothing" he says and moves his hand to my arm sliding it down and grabbing my hand. I pull back my hand not really liking anyone touch me, except Jay. "I'm fine, Jason, really it's nothing to talk about" I lie to him and I turn away from him.

"Ok, then why don't we talk about something. You tell me about you and I'll tell you about me" he says and I nod.

"I'm 16, I like to make my own outfits, I like to draw, and I grew up in one place my whole entire life" I say.

"Ok, um, I'm 16, I like to read, I like to hangout with my friends, and I like a certain red and black haired girl" he says and I look at him in shock.

He said that he likes me. I feel heat rush to my cheeks as he grabs my hand again. He comes in close to me and I just wanna run out of here. I pull my hand away and move away. Suddenly, I see Jay at the doorway and I hug him feeling super relieved. "Hey, Jay, I'm so glad to see you" I say with a little chuckle. "What do you mean, Ro? You just saw me a few minutes ago" he says and I widen my eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's just that, I'm really happy to see you" I say and I smile. "You wanna talk, Ro?" he asks and I nod and grab his hand and we leave.

"What's up, Ro? Why are you acting like that?" he asks and I look down.

"Jason told me that he likes me and he tried to kiss me before you walked in" I reply and I see Jay's face contort and I bite my lip.

"Jay, you don't need to get mad. I don't like him. I like-" I cut myself off before I could say that I like him and I blush a bright red and look down.

"You like what?" he asks and lifts my chin so I can look at him.

"I like... I like..." I try to think of something but I'm lost in his brown eyes.

"I like... strawberries" I say out of nowhere and I mentally smack my head at how stupid that sounded.

"Strawberries?" he asks confused and I nod.

"Yeah, I mean they served me some at lunch the other day and I tried it and I absolutely loved them. There are some in the kitchen if you wanna go get some" I say but mentally tell myself to shut up because I'm just making myself sound more stupid. Jay just smiles and laughs as we walk hand in hand to the kitchen. I knew Mal would be in there making the anti-love potion in the kitchen and we would see her. Me and Jay walk in and we see Mal baking and she asks, "What are you guys doing here?". "We came to get some strawberries" I say and walk to the fridge. I grab the box of strawberries and rinse some of them off and put them in a bowl. "I'll see you back at the room, M" I say and she nods. You could tell she was crying, because she had red puffy eyes and all I wanted to do was hug her, but I knew she wouldn't want to look weak in front of us.

Jay and I walk to the quad and we eat the strawberries. "These are really good, I can see why you like them" he says and I laugh. "Yeah they're amazing" I say and he laughs with me. Next thing you know, it was after curfew and we were lying on the floor of the quad. Jay grabs my hand and I lay my head on his shoulder and we both look up at the stars. "Do you ever feel like life is calling you to be something else than what your parents expect you to be?" I ask him. "Kind of. I mean all our parents are different. I don't mean to be rude though, I know you lost your mom when you were 5, but did your mom expect you to be something?" he asks and I nodded.

"She expected me to be the perfect princess and when I got older that I would find the perfect prince, who would leave all their riches to me and my mother" I say and I feel him kiss the top of my head. I look up at him and smile. We both walk to our rooms and when I get to my room I can't help but think of Jay. I see Evie sleeping in her bed looking at her B+ exam. I grab the exam from her hand and put it in the drawer and cover her with her sheets. I change into my pajamas and lay in bed wide awake. I look at the pompoms on my nightstand and think of what Jafar had told me and Jay before we left for Auradon. 'There's no team in I' but I learned the saying that they say here in Auradon and it was 'There's no I in team' and I think of that. I eventually go to sleep with that thought in my mind and think of it through my sleep.
