Today was the day of coronation and everyone was getting ready. Coronation wasn't going to be until noon, so we had time to get breakfast. When we get to the cafeteria, I see Jay and he looks at me with a sad face knowing what today meant for the both of us. We grab breakfast and eat it. All of us were silent knowing that we'd loose friends that we made here in Auradon and relationships. Jay puts his hand on my thigh and I look up at him and give him a small smile. "So, today's the day." Carlos says and we all nod. "Are you two gonna be alright?" Mal asks me and Jay and we look at each other and nod. I was lying, but I just didn't know if Jay was too.

After we eat, we get up and start to head to our dorms. I look at Jay and he pulls me in and kisses me, "What was that for?" I ask when we pull away. "Just one last kiss before we have to break up." Jay says and I smile at him and give him a long passionate kiss. "I'll always love you, Jay." I say pulling away. "I'll always love you too, Ro." he says and we go our separate ways. I go into the dorm and Evie and Mal look at me. "You ok?" Evie asks and I take a deep breath and nod. We start on our makeup first. Me and Evie start with Mal knowing that she'd just regret putting on any makeup. We put on foundation, eyebrow filler, a nude colored eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and light pink lipstick. We tie her purple hair into a nice bun and pin a barrette on her. I help Evie with her make up next, I put on the same thing that we did to Mal. Curl her blue hair in soft curls and then I pin the tiara in. Next was me. Evie said that she was gonna do something different for my makeup. She did my makeup, curled my red and black hair in tight curls, and pinned my tiara in my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and loved how she did my makeup. I had a mix of red and gray eye shadow, red lipstick, and my makeup was done how it usually is.

"I love it." I say to her and she smiles big.

She takes out all of our dresses covered in white plastic so we wouldn't see it. "Ok, Mal, your dress is this one." Evie says holding out the dress and Mal grabs it. "Rosie, this one's yours." she says holding the dress out to me and I smile and grab my dress. I head over to my bed and unwrap the plastic from my dress and I look at the dress wide eyed. My dress was strapless with red lace and a red satin underneath the red lace. Black lace starting just below the chest area and ending at the waist with a big black bow. I put on the dress and Evie helps me zip it up. The dress ended above the knee and I smile at Evie. "You're talented Evie." I say and she smiles at me. I grab the necklace that Jay gave me and put it around my neck. Next I grab my dangled diamond earrings and put them on. Evie hands me a pair of black wedges and I put them on. "This sure is one way to take over Auradon." I say and we all frown and look down. "I gotta go meet Ben at the carriage, I'll see you two later." Mal says and me and Evie nod.


After we got ready, me and Evie walk out of the dorm and go to the lobby to meet Jay and Carlos there. The boys see us come down the stairs and look at us with wide eyes. "Wow, you both look outstanding." Carlos says and I give him a small smile and nod. "You both look handsome too." Evie says and I look at Jay and see that he had a red leather button up shirt, black leather pants, black high-tops, and his hair was in a man bun. Carlos was in a white button up shirt with the red tie undone, a black and white leather coat, black shorts, black zip up dress shoes, and his black half-fingered gloves holding Dude. "We should get to our carriage." Jay says and I nod. The coronation was going to be televised throughout Auradon and in the Isle of the Lost too, so the villains would be watching as well.

When we get to the cathedral, the four of us head up to the balcony with a few strangers with the choir behind us and stand there. I was in between Evie and Jay, and I look at Jay and he grabs my hand and I nod. Carlos was on the other side of Evie holding Dude. Everyone was walking into the cathedral and going to their places. The cathedral was enormous. There were pillars holding up the structure and a stage in the center of the room with a royal blue carpet running down the middle. Everyone in the cathedral was saying hi to who they knew. Soon Fairy Godmother walked up to the stage with a periwinkle cape and her hair in a bun with a tiara. She was wearing a periwinkle dress and soon she revealed the wand under a sheet in a glass case and I squeeze Jay's hand. Then we all wait in patience for Ben to arrive.

The trumpets blast outside and that's how we knew that Ben and Mal had arrived to the cathedral. We see Mal walk in and she looks around the cathedral and sees the wand in the glass case. King Beast and Queen Belle walk in and sit on the chairs behind the glass case. I look at Jay with a frown and he looks at me the same way, and then I look at Evie and she has the same look. We turn back to see the cathedral doors open and Ben walks in. He was dressed in an all royal blue suit with hints of yellow on it. As Ben passes us, Jay and Carlos bow, and me and Evie curtsey. Ben walks along the royal blue carpet and people start to bow and curtsey. Fairy Godmother walks up to the stage again and hugs Queen Belle and curtsey's in front of King Beast. She smiles warmly at the King and he bends forward and Fairy Godmother removes the crown from his head. Ben kneels on the steps and Fairy Godmother places the crown on Ben's head.

The king removes the glass case from the wand and Queen Belle hands it to Fairy Godmother and she walks over to Ben. We all look at Mal and she looks at us then back at the wand. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asks Ben. "I do solemnly swear." Ben says and Fairy Godmother smiles. "Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king." Fairy Godmother says putting the wand on each shoulder and lifting it. Then Jane grabs the wand and everyone gasps in shock. Then a beam of magic shoots out of the wand and she couldn't control the wand. "Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother asks Jane. "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself." Jane says and says the magic words but still couldn't control the wand. Ben ran to protect Mal as the sparks came out of the wand. Mal ran to Jane and grabbed the wand from her hands and pointed it to Fairy Godmother and the former King and Queen. Then me, Jay, Evie, and Carlos run down the stairs and to Mal. Mal was telling Ben to stand back and Audrey was telling Ben that she told him so, then Mal points the wand to Audrey.

"Let's go." Carlos says as we stand behind Mal.

"Revenge time." Jay says.

"You really want to do this?" Ben asks Mal.

"We have no choice, Ben!" Mal says and we all nod.

"Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." Ben says and everything was quiet.

"I think I wanna be good."

"You are good."

"How do you know that?!"

"Because... Because I'm listening to my heart." Ben says and I look at him then look down.

Listening to my heart. That was forbidden to the villains and to us. I look back to Mal and she says, "I wanna listen to my heart too." she starts to put the wand down. "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." Mal says turning to the four of us with a small chuckle and a smile. "I mean stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney, cheerleading, victory pizza with the team, and you two being with each other makes you both happy." Mal says to me and Jay and I look at him and smile at each other with a slight blush. "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" she says with a small chuckle to Carlos and he smiles and nods. "And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." she says to Evie and she nods with a smile and tears in their eyes and in mine too. "And I don't wanna take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy." Mal starts to say. "I wanna go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy." she says lifting her hand showing Ben's ring and facing Ben with a smile and tears.

"Us being friends makes me really happy." she says facing us again.

"Not destroying things. I choose good you guys." she says and she puts her hand in a fist and in the middle.

We all stare at each other in silence choosing whether or not to choose good too. Jay puts his hand in the middle with Mal, "I choose good, too." he says and I smile at him and know good is where I belong too. I put my hand in the middle with Jay, "Me too." I say and lean my head on his shoulder. "I choose good." Evie says putting her hand in the middle too and that just left Carlos. "So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're going to be really, really mad." Carlos says and we all laugh. "Your parents can't reach you here." Ben says and Carlos smiles. "Then I choose good." he says putting his hand in and Mal motions for Ben to put his hand in and he does and Mal leans her head on his shoulder. Suddenly there was a loud noise and Jay wraps a protective arm around me and we look up to see green smoke enter the cathedral and then Maleficent appears and the lights dim. "I'm back!" she says and everyone in the cathedral was scared of her except us five.

CLIFFHANGER!! This is almost the end of the book. I'm thinking of making a sequel to this book. Check out my other Descendants fanfic story Rotten to the Core, I write it with my friend V_tapia. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. -Marissa
