On the way to Hogwarts!

It was the day. It had finally come. I got up and ran to my wardrobe. My wardrobe consists of mostly black and green clothing because I didn’t see the point of having to buy clothes with colour. Dad would never allow me to wear something bright. It’s too bright apparently. I pulled out my black skinny jeans and a black and green hoodie. I went for a quick shower and dried and straighten it to make it longer. I put on some eye liner, mascara and then put on my black ugg boots. I might as well be comfortable on the journey. I ran downstairs to the dining room were dad will be there having pumpkin juice for his morning drink. Yes I know the evil monster has pumpkin juice but oh well he likes it.

‘Slow down Maddie we don’t want you to break a leg.’ My father said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

‘But dad I’m going to Hogwarts today! Woooo’

‘Yes but before you go you need to change your hair colour and eyes. You know the spell yes?’

‘Oh yeah. I was so excited I forgot that I’m a Lestrange now!’

‘Yes well make sure a mistake like that doesn’t happen again Maddie’

‘Yes father’

I pointed my wand towards my hair and whispered ‘Multicorfors black’ and with that my hair changed black. I pointed m wand towards my eyes and chanted ‘Multicorfors brown’ and my eyes turn to the colour of brown. I looked in the mirror and looked like a Malfoy. I was pleased with my work. There was a knock at the door and in came Cissy and Draco. They looked around and when they spotted me they stared long and hard.

‘Wow temptress you look like a Lestrange!’  Draco said with a big grin on his face.

Everyone that knew who I was, were ordered to call me tempress in my father’s presence. Even though dad doesn’t like that name I chose it and he respects my decisions. I looked at the clock and it said that it was half ten.

‘Well father I think that it’s time for us to leave.’

‘Yes Maddie, have fun there but not too much I don’t want to find out that you prefer there than to me. Don’t forget Malum either!’

With that said I held on to Cissy’s hand and apparated to kings cross station. After the pulling sensation calmed down I opened my eyes and to my disgust saw all of these horrid muggles walking around. I saw the look of disgust on Draco’s and Cissy’s face. A small smirk spread across my face and I felt proud to have them around me.

‘Right where is this Hogwarts express then?’

‘Well you run through the pillar between platforms nine and ten. Draco will show you!’

We walked a bit further and Draco got his trolley and ran into a platform. I thought that he was going to topple over and hurt but he just vanished into thin air. I left my trolley with Cissy and ran after Draco. I looked around to see owls, cats, toads and magic. It was amazing.

‘Thank you Cissy. Draco I must leave you and find my own compartment. I hope you understand but it’s for the mission, we shouldn’t hang out together in school, sorry.’

‘It’s alright I suppose’ He sound upset and then he walked away and towards two fat looking goons.

I walked away and let Nacrissa put my luggage away. I walked onto the train and went to the end of the carriage to try and get an empty one. I sat down and looked out of the window to see that the train had started to move. There was a knock at the door. I looked up and asked

‘May I help you?’

The man at the door was the same man at Lucius office. The same man that blocked me from entering his mind when even my father couldn’t. The same man that sits emotionless at the death ate meetings. It was Severus.  He still wore a black robe and his hair was still looking greasy and lifeless. His eyes were the same onyx colours but they held a different emotion than the first time I saw them. Instead of the cold, angry emotion I was greeted with last time, this time I saw confusion in his eyes. I wonder what that could be about.

‘Ah Miss Lestrange isn’t it?’ He sneered

‘Yep, that’s me.’ I smiled at him brightly.

‘I forgot that you were transferring here.’ He said coldly

‘Well I am…so do you mind leaving? I don’t want to be seen with a snarky teacher. How am I meant to make friends otherwise?’ I said and then turned to look out of the window.

 ‘What is Dumbledore thinking? We have enough sluts as it is.’

With that said he walked out of the compartment. That’s the second time he’s called me a slut now. Oh well I won’t let it get to me now. He’s the one that needs to change not me. I am a good person apart from being evil. I’m not a slut. Sure I’ve slept with people here and there but that does not make me a slut!

There was a knock at the door. What the betting it’s Snape coming here to have a go at me or something.

‘What now?’

‘Oops, I’m sorry didn’t mean to disturb you but may we sit here?’

I looked up to see Harry Potter and his minions at the doorway.

‘Oh of course, I’m sorry for my outburst it just that I’ve just had the pleasure of meeting that old git Snape’

They came into the compartment and sat down Harry next to me and the other two across from us.

‘I’m an old git am I now? I think that’s a detention my office tonight at seven.’ A cold voice sneered. After that I had heard footsteps become distant.

‘Oh great.’ I muttered. I turned to look at Harry. ‘Harry Potter isn’t it? We bumped into each other in Diagon Alley?’

‘Oh yes I remember! This is Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.’

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you both’

‘I’m sorry to hear you have detention with Snape. He really is foul.’ Ron said with a disgusted look on his face.

‘Yeah well there’s more to come. It’ll be fun to annoy a professor.’  I said. It will be fun plus annoying Snape will help me become closer to these idiots. It’s obvious that they don’t like Snape.

‘You wouldn’t dare to annoy a teacher. They should be respected!’ The granger girl said. Draco had told me about her being a know-it-all and that she loved school and teachers and always got the highest marks in the class.

‘Oh well I’m sorry if I offended you it’s just that he has already pissed me off I’m just getting my revenge.’

She looked pleased with my apology. It wasn’t really an apology I never apologize unless I want get tortured by my dad.

‘Well, we will be reaching Hogwarts soon so we better change into our robes’ Granger said.

We both walked out of the compartment to get changed.
