Diagon Alley!

I woke up this morning feeling excited yet nervous. Today I was going to go to Diagon Alley! I've only been there once or twice before because dad doesn’t like me to go there were I am exposed to danger. See he does have a heart! NOT! He doesn't want me there in case I spill my secret and then I won't be able to complete my mission. Speaking of dad we haven't mentioned anything about that memory. Well, dad tries to avoid that subject and I annoy him about it every chance I get. One time Bella came into the room while I was speaking to dad about my relationship with Draco. Anyways, she comes in and I leave saying

'I’ll leave you two love birds to your privacy!’

The look on dad's face was priceless. His eyes were lava red and he was fidgeting a lot. I never would have expected the dark lord to be nervous around a woman. Bella on the other hand went bright red in the face! She tried to look cool and collective but the blush ruined it! It was so funny!

Anyway, I'm on my way to Diagon alley. I had to change my brown straight hair to curly black. My blue eyes were now brown. I looked like a real Lestrange. I intended to. I couldn’t really go to Diagon alley as a Riddle now could I? I would be funny though to go with dad. The people there would be too shocked to do something seeing the dark lord with a teenage girl helping her shopping for school stuff.  I

After doing my make up and put on my black skinny jeans and blood red vest top with my knee length high heeled boots I walked down to the lounge. I reach there and was waiting of cissy to come and collect me. I opened the door and sat down in my thrown that was black and green. It was big, but not as big as dad’s chair. It was right besides my dad’s chair which my dad was currently occupying.

‘Ah Maddie! Excited to go and shop for school supplies?’ His cold voice not giving away any emotion.

‘Yes father! I can’t wait to start’

‘Yes I’m pleased that you’re happy, but I’m hoping you’re not forgetting your mission!’

‘Of course not father! I can’t wait to see his face after I reveal to him who I am and not forgetting Dumbledore’s face before he dies. It’s going to be fun!’

‘Yes, yes it will be!’

There was a light knock at the door.

‘Enter’ My father spoke with a cold, detached voice.

Nacrissa walked in with Draco by her side. Draco smiled at me but then bowed respectfully towards father and then to me. I never liked it when Draco bowed because we are friends and he shouldn’t but I can’t help the feeling of power running through my veins when people did.

‘My Lord, Temptress are you ready to come?’ Nacrissa said with worry in her eyes.

‘Yes Aunt, Goodbye Father’ I bowed towards him and headed to the door. I was suddenly stopped when father called out my name.


‘Yes, Father’

‘Have fun’ His voice had gone softer and it felt like he meant what he said. This couldn’t be true because dad never wants me to have fun just wants me to become a leader for when it’s time.

I left without another word and head to Lucius office where I knew cissy and Draco would be waiting for me. I grabbed a handful of floo power and stepped into the fireplace.

‘DIAGON ALLEY’ I shouted clear enough and it want take me anywhere else.

I stepped out of the fireplace after being sucked and squeeze through a pipe. I got rid of my mess with my handmade wand. My dad made it with his own hands. It’s a powerful wand and the best. Dad says that it could even be more powerful than the elder wand. Anyway, you’re all probably thinking that this is ridiculous because I’m underage the ministry will get me, but I was never registered. No one knows I exist. My dad couldn’t register me because they would have taken me away, that’s mainly why Lucius works at the ministry so he can get me fake birth certificates and fake school records. I guess he isn’t that useless after all.

I heard a crack and another and turned around to see Nacrissa and Draco. We all walked towards the bookstore to get the books that Hogwarts sent me a list of. I forgot to say they accepted me! Those fools. Me and dad had a good laugh about it.

After an hour of shopping we went to the Ice cream parlour.  Draco and Nacrissa were talking to each other about the quidditch team and they were ahead of me. We turned a corner and bumped into someone.

‘I’m so sorry’ a boy’s voice said. I wasn’t going to apologize until I saw who it was.

He was standing there in a red and gold jumper and some black pants. His face was dirty and his hair was messed up. His fringe was moved to one side revealing that horrid scar. That scar proves that he was the one to rid of my father. He was the one that made me live fatherless for a few years and I had to suffer the consequences by having to live with Bellatrix. She is not the nicest of people but her punishments are fair I guess.  I noticed that he started to look uncomfortable with my staring.

‘Oh I’m terribly sorry. Are you okay?’ I asked hoping I sounded pleasant enough.

‘Yeah I’m fine. I’m Harry. Harry Potter.’

‘Yeah I know who you are. I’m Maddie Lestrange’

His eyes narrowed suspiciously and looked a tad bit angry.

‘A Lestrange! As in Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange?’ He said muttering the last part to himself.

‘Yes. My mum and dad. Unfortunately’ I knew that he knew they were death eaters and he would instantly take a dislike to me because of that.

‘What do you mean unfortunately?’ He asked with a tiny bit of hope in his eyes.

‘Oh I despise them. They are horrible. They always punish me and torture me. They are crazy and…There are no words to describe how sick they are. I hate them’

Those last three words hurt me a bit. I couldn’t let it affect me though otherwise he would be able to see through my lies.

‘OI Maddie! Are you coming? Who are you talking to?’

Harry’s face hardened and he turned around to face Draco.

‘Oh it’s you Potter! Maddie why are you talking to scum like him?’

‘No wonder Maddie hates your family Malfoy. You’re all controlling. She can talk to whoever she wants!’

I’ve never seen Draco look so upset and crestfallen like he was just told Christmas was cancelled. He honestly looked upset. I don’t understand why though maybe because Harry called him scum. Draco doesn’t like to be insulted.

‘And how do you know that Maddie hates my family?’

I was shocked at this. He wasn’t upset because of that was he?

‘Oh she just told me! She called your aunt crazy and sick. She also said…’

‘Just shut up Harry. SHUT UP’ I exploded before Harry could finish his sentence.

Draco looked at me and ran off. I looked at Harry and said

‘Sorry for shouting it’s just that it’s hard to live with them already because I’m against them being death eaters and I don’t want to make it any harder.’

‘Oh sorry I didn’t think.’ Harry said looking ashamed.

‘No it’s ok. I’ll see you in Hogwarts hopefully? Bye!’

‘Yeah bye.’

I ran away looking for Draco. I hope he understands why I said this. He knows I must gain Harry’s trust and I hope that he will forgive me.

I looked everywhere and found Nacrissa at a magical Jewellers shop.

‘Cissy have you seen where Draco went?’

‘Yes temptress he went home. He looked upset and claimed he was ill. So I waited for you to finish.’

‘Oh I’m done can we go now?’

‘Yep just grab onto my hand and we’ll apparate there. ‘

She extended her arm out and I grabbed onto her well-manicured hand and then felt the sensation of pipes and my stomach squeezed together. We landed in the Malfoy manor and ran straight to Draco’s room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I banged on the door and tried to get Draco to come out but he wouldn’t. Then there was a voice in my head. Damn must of let my barriers down while I was distracted.

‘Are you a witch?’ My dad’s voice hissed

‘Of course I am. You wouldn’t raise a filthy muggle would you?’

‘Well by the way your acting you might as well be a filthy muggle. Banging on the door like that.’

‘How dare you! Get out of my mind.’

I put my barriers up and kicked my dad out. I heard a crash down satires and knew that I kicked him to hard. Ha I knew I was stronger than him. See I’m not a filthy muggle I can do magic perfectly fine.  Oh yeah Magic. I’ll use my magic to open this damn door. But I left my wand downstairs. I’m Lord Voldemorts daughter. I can do wandless magic for Christ’s sake.

I put my right hand up and put it on the door.

‘ALOHAMARA’ I shouted. A bit too powerful as the door flew off its hinges into Draco’s bedroom.

Draco jamp up from his bed and pulled out his wand.  He lowered it after realizing it was just me.


I knew he was really angry. The shouting was a giveaway but the using of my full name meant he was extremely angry.

‘You wouldn’t open the door so I used my wandless magic to open it because I’m too lazy to get my wand from downstairs.’  He rolled his eyes at this. ‘Anyway didn’t you hear my banging? I wanted to let you know why I said them things to Potter’

‘Yes I did. You obviously didn’t get the message that I didn’t want to see you. Anyway after having time to think I remembered your mission. It totally slipped my mind. Sorry about that.’

‘Oh it’s okay! I’m glad you’re not angry at me otherwise I’d have to get dad on you’

I left the room remembering that I should inform dad about my little meeting in Diagon alley.
