The kiss, jump, blindfold and sheet

The kiss is Jin/Emil choosing his path. Note that there is dark and light in the statue. He recognizes that both have to be present, but ultimately he is choosing life. I'm pretty sure the statue also represents Eva as she is the ultimate path he chooses.

I think the statue/eva/jhope is wearing V/Demian's wings, hence why V's have been ripped off. Damian is no longer Jin's savior or guardian angel, eva is. This kinda has to do with Demian being Jin's deamon as well.

Demian's name is actually "maximus demian", or loosely translated "highest daemon". The highest daemon is the devil, who is also a fallen angel. Therefore, Demian is the ultimate darkness of Emil/Jin.

I think V is covered because Jin doesn't realize who V is, or the influence demian is. This kinda connects to Jin's face being uncovered by hands, then right after that V is uncovered. Jin doesn't realize that Demian is the dark side of him until the veil is lifted.

V jumping can mean a lot of things. It can be the mischief that demian was known to do, it can represent Demian's otherworldliness, or it can be demian disappearing from Jin's life (for a bit in the book). I'm starting to think it has something to do with Jimin and Suga's relationship.

See, Jimin is blindfolded. He cannot see the world around him, but he is struggling to make sense of it. In a way this is like Emil when he is young, as he wants to understand the world around him but needs someone to show him.

For emil, this ends up being a piano teacher, Pistorious, who ends up teaching him psychology and how to interpret dreams (he now sees the world, hence Suga taking off Jimin's blindfold). Emil doesn't like what he sees (Jimin crying). Young emil then rejects his teacher, preferring to develop his own theories about the dark and light side of the world. Demian appears then, in his dreams and in his actual world. After that his life is ruined, goes downhill. I feel like this is why we see V jumping off the ledge right after you see a confrontation between Jimin and Suga. V pulls Emil down with him into darkness.
