Chapter 1

Lunas Pov

Getting off the plane I instantly hurry to the baggage claim not paying any mind to the many people staring at me in shock and wonder. I collect my bags head to the entrance where I see my dad. "DAD" I yelled running over and jumping into his arms once I get close enough, my ears flap twice and my tail wags as I hug him tightly taking in his warmth and scent.

"how has my little kit been, was there any trouble getting here" he says as he squeezes me tightly before pulling away slightly "no dad there wasn't any trouble as a matter of fact everyone was nice and the lady next to me gave me a orange" he laughs and puts my stuff in the trunk.

"How about you take a nap on the ride home" he said after he saw me yawn and I smile climbing into the back and curl up before my eyes slowly close.

I wake up to him shaking me gently "hey we're here, if you want to go back to sleep you can but in your bed I don't want your back to get stiff the car isn't comfortable." I yawn before I smile, getting out and stretching.

We head inside and go to my room where he sets my bags down and squeezed my shoulder before leaving so I can settle back in. I don't even bother unpacking, I just look around before I laugh and run to Bellas room not even knocking I just barged in the door loudly slamming making Bella jump and look over. She looks at me blankly before she smiles widely " Holy shit kit, its been so long" she said before she shoots up and runs over hugging me tightly.

We talk for hours laughing and talking before dad calls us down for diner. we head down and we eat with dad talking about how Bella has been and how has it been living with my grand parents. After dinner we go back to Bellas room and we watch the lion king and she laughs as I cry when Mufasa dies " you do realize hes just a cartoon lion right" she said as she hugs me making me pull away furious. How dare she says such a think "Mufasa is more that just a lion" I yell as dad comes in only to find me in tears glaring at a laughing Bella " he was a king Bella a king" my voice breaks and she wheezes as my dad joins in already knowing what happened by what I yelled and the tv.

After the movie ends we lay down and she rubs my ear while I'm still sniffling, she starts telling me about Edward and in all honesty I don't think I like him. He sounds mean and controlling, its like he is a golden child who cant do no wrong and he sounds like someone who will throw a tantum if he doesn't get his way. After a while of talking and her rubbing my ears I feel my eyes get heavy and soon it becomes a fight to keep them open. I think Bella took notice as I hear her let out a soft laugh and then the last thing i feel is her pulling up the blanket before I'm consumed by warmth and darkness.
