So if you guys are waiting for new chapters just know that I'm trying to figure out a normal update schedule but in the meantime feel free to check out my tiktok: wannabemegottabelesbian
And my YouTube: 6AngryRober8
You can find gay ships such as lumity and korrasami as well as simply vids😏🥴. I also am doing a prize thing. When I get to 1000 subs on YouTube I will be going through the comments and picking one name from every video and then will take one of those names from a hat and that person will get to decide what video I post next and what music for it as well as being tagged. Once I get to 3000 subs I will do the same thing except instead of a video our winner will get to have any iPhone of their choice and the winners will also be announced. The video choosing will happen every 1000 and a big prize every 3000 so anybody has a chance to win if they are subscribed. Also a new chapter on every twilight book will come out on Tuesday🤫
