Ariana's POV:

    So I am supposed to be released today, I have been successful in avoiding Justin. So it was 4 in the afternoon when the two nurses came into my room and dropped off the dufflebag into the bathroom. I sent them to get for me. It was filled with hair dye, scissors, colored contacts, new clothing, shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, a few snacks, my phone and charger, all my money, and a plane ticket to Italy. After I made sure everything I needed was in the bag I gave them the signal and placed myself back onto the hospital bed. The doctor came in and pulled the sheet over my head, since I am- or was, an actor I can act like I am dead and pull it off really well.

  I heard the doctor talk to Justin out in the hall.


   "Yes,"  I heard the doctor sigh. "Ariana is gone, I'm sorry."

   "W-what?" Justin's voice was soft and high pitched at this point. Then I heard sobbing and footsteps heading towards the bed. I felt him place his head in the crook of my neck and start sobbing even more.

  "C-can I see her face?" The doctor probably nodded because I then felt the blanket being taken off my face. Justin kissed my lips and covered my face again. I heard more sobs then his heavy footsteps quickly run out of the room.

  I got up and went to the bathroom,

      ---- After my makeover----

I put in hazel contacts, and once I was satisfied with my look I walked out of the room, careful not to be spotted by Justin. But when I got to the lobby I couldn't help but spot his sad face. I took a deep breath and sat down next to him. 

     "H-Hi,"  I managed to let out a small smile while I looked into his eyes.


     "What's wrong?"

     "My girlfriend just d-died *breaks into a fit of tears* I was g-going to propose in the morning." He pulled out a small violet box out of his pocket and opened it up to show me the ring.

"Oh my gosh, she would've said yes, I'm sure."

" You remind me of her, you two look very similar...Are you-"
